Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism

Oligarchy is America Today

Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism;
Hidden Behind the Delusion of 

The Progressive Era introduced two equivocations into Western thought: Capitalism and Democracy. People’s sloppy adherence to the Law of Identity allowed this substitution. The support of politicians, informational services and educational institutions legitimized the switch without informing citizens any switch had occurred. Capitalism became synonymous with Free Markets, when in fact it means the very opposite of Free Markets, and Democracy substituted itself for Republicanism government, not the idiot Republican Party that is nearly as guilty as the Democratic Party in fostering these erroneous labels on an unsuspecting public. Governments and their supporting corporatisms encouraged people to think in these terms while keeping the true meanings of the words hidden. They became the Straw Man arguments that would be easily knocked down at the appropriate time to support their final agenda. Fascism itself has become a Straw Man argument being linked exclusively to Herr Hitler’s German government; this ignores its more causal elements delineated by Mr. Mussolini who defined the term. This is vital because today we are headed into Oligarchical Fascism.
Continue reading “Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism”

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism

Watch Parade of Crises, Ignore Fascism's Growth

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism;
You Watch Crises as Fascism Extends Its Control

For the first time the general public is watching, through their propagandistic informational medias, the annual Davos meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Whether you are Left, Right or somewhere else; you are being fed a script informing you What to Think. Each presentation is carefully planned to feed you some aspect of their agenda. This cleverly designed gaslighting slowly gaining one’s acceptance of their true agenda; what we used to call,  boiling the frog slowly. However, the actual vital decisions are made privately and implemented through the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and its member Central Banks. As you are pulled from one crisis to another, some actual and some probably contrived, your attention is diverted away from the true expansion of Control. Only now are some people beginning to understand what is occurring. Fascism did not die with the Axis defeat of World War II (WWII) {Hink, F. Forget the Marxists: Here’s the Real Enemy of America. American Thinker.}. It simply morphed to fit the changing times. Continue reading “Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism”

Democracy Masks the General Will of Plato’s Fascist Plutocracy

Plato's Care: Proto-Fascism

Democracy Masks General Will of Plato’s Fascist Plutocracy;
How Satan Keeps People from the Light of Christ’s Salvation

In the Twentieth Century the major focus was, keep the world safe for Democracy, moving millions of people to die for a lie. Bernays proved people are not moved by facts but by sensualities; thus, this factual post may have little impact. False teachers of all ilks use sensuality {lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1Jo 2:15-17; Jude 4)} to persuade people away from discovering Truth by accepting The Lie (Ro 1:18-28; 2Th 2:9-12). People are easily swayed as they ignore the Laws of Logic making them easy prey; by their own consent! Satan’s plan is not new but it is constantly being refined. This little  overview will begin with Plato to show that today’s controversies are timeless. Continue reading “Democracy Masks the General Will of Plato’s Fascist Plutocracy”

Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism

Marx's Socialism Led to Fascism

Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism;
Enigma of Fascism Arises from Marx’s Ignorance

My previous post, Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism, sought to cover Fascism from Adam to today from a government-centric perspective. However, this is also a modernistic bias cooked into our discussion. For most of human history, there were no differences in governmental forms, merely differences in ethnicities evidenced by religi0-moral forms; i.e., state-sponsored gods. This form reached its apex in the Roman Empire but remained seriously lacking in power and scope to Control the world. With the gradual collapse of the Western Roman Empire I believe Satan reset the entire Western culture which is today known as the Dark Ages or Medieval Period. From the Renaissance through the Reformation into the Enlightenment, Age of Reason, differing governmental forms appeared: republic-democracies and secular scientisms as nation-states. These antagonistic forms competed to determine which could discovery and apply technologies as well as advance the most vital aspect of any empire: fiscal control. This post will look at quotes from three different social-government-fiscal philosophers to understand Fascism. Continue reading “Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism”

Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism

Socialism Hierarchy

Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism;
Nothing New Under the Sun: It’s all the Same (Ec 1:9-11)

It is no secret that people have struggled to adequately define Fascism; take for example, George Orwell. An avowed socialist, he struggled to differentiate Germany’s fascism, a form of socialism, from Marxism, also a form of socialism. He found himself disavowing fascism as socialism to cling to his form of socialism (Ro 2:1-8). Today, the term fascism is carelessly bandied about without precise definitions because modern people are careless in their thinking! They assume, tut tut, everyone knows what fascism is because…Hitler! It is this inattention to detail, ignoring the First Law of Logic, Identity, that allows the information pundits, propagandists, to persuade you to accept their modern philosophies such as Critical Theory. Fascism’s true identity was inherent in its original, modern, author: Benito Mussolini. Continue reading “Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism”

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You

U.S. Bill of Rights

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You;
Bills of Rights 
Limit Your So-Called Human Rights

The delegates called together to fix the Articles of Confederation ignored their mandate and illegally committed a bloodless coup d’état which today is known as the Constitution. However despite the propaganda efforts of Madison and Hamilton, Federalist Papers, States would not accept the new government without amendments that would further limit government power over the individual; this became known as The Bill of Rights. The Constitution with the attached Bill of Rights had the appearance of limiting government without limiting individuals. However, Hamilton and his constituency placed three clauses later used to undermine government limitations via the Supreme Court and later the Executive Branch {Dilorenze, T. Hamilton’s Curse. Three Rivers Press. New York. 2008.}. Abraham Lincoln basically suspended these Rights during his Civil War and was still praised as saving the Union! He proved the dictum, “What the government giveth, the government taketh away {Apologies to Job} (Job 1:21; 2:10)!” Continue reading “Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You”

Star Wars Propaganda: Illusion of Good and Evil

Righteous Morality by Force

Star Wars Propaganda: Illusion of Good and Evil;
“Heroes” of the Force Use Force Without Oversight

What started as an action-adventure science-fiction {Western Samurai} film has mushroomed into a propaganda labyrinth of conflicting moralities capturing the minds and imaginations of multiple generations. I doubt if George Lucas, creator, understood the full implications of his creation; however, that does not mean that the influences we will briefly examine in this post are not present. Most people do not self-examine the implications of their beliefs, they simply accept them as correct since they form the core of one’s worldview. This is how propaganda insidiously infects and corrupts to blind against the Truth. Star Wars is but one facet of the Delusion transcending cultures via one all encompassing morality; much like the Force in this mythology (2Th 2:3-12).

The series opens with the Goliath Empire overcoming the small nearly defenseless David Rebellion. The Empire is clothed in dictatorial fascistic garb reminiscent of World War II which is reinforced by the areal-space battle scenes. The Rebellion is the brave small band of resistance that dares to cling to freedom. The brilliance of exceptional propaganda is using powerful imagery so the viewer makes up his/her own mind as to right and wrong! Within a few minutes the audience has sided with the Rebellion against the Empire without understanding any of the issues; thus, based on emotionalism alone, running theme of the franchise, one has suspended logic for feelings. Obi-Wan represents a nearly extinct moralistic enforcement group known as the Jedi. His recruitment of Luke is no accident nor is it based on truthfulness since crucial information is withheld eventually culminating in Father-Son duel. The viewer excuses biblical truth to embrace the Jedi’s moral crusade over tyranny even though the Bible absolutely condemns rebellion in ANY form (1Sa 15:23).

Eugenics Inherent in the Force

At its heart Star Wars is a Eugenics War
Jedi and Sith Battle for Supremacy for Themselves

Who are the Jedi? They are defined as guardians of order and justice in the Galaxy. According to George Lucas, “the Jedi are “warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe”, avoiding the use of violence except as a last resort, with a mission to “use their power to keep the governments of all the planets in line” (Jedi. Wikipedia.}. The source of their moral authority is their ability to use The Force, a gnostic energy that binds all living things together. Their supposed single-mind devotion to truth and duty is their basis for enforcing their understanding of right and wrong over everyone else. Except, the Sith who have their own ideas of right and wrong and do not submit to the Jedi; in fact, these two groups are mortal enemies seeking to exterminate each other. Since both use The Force the viewer gains the understanding that this Force has no morality but simply exists. Those who are able to tap into it can use it for their own ends. The Prequels sought to explain how certain people could sense and hence use the Force by introducing midichlorians. In our parlance we can view these as symbiotic viruses that allow a person to use the Force with training to accomplish whatever goals one believed.

Thus, in the Star Wars propaganda backdrop eugenics is a foundational element. Those with proper eugenics with good values are Jedi while those with proper eugenics but bad values are Sith. Everyone else are the masses. The Jedi enforce their morality on the masses while the Sith, being fewer in number, do the same but through deviousness. Obi-Wan makes an interesting observation when he says, “…only the Sith deal in absolutes.” This is a contradiction to his logic since the statement itself is an absolute! Tellingly, this is also an anti-God statement since the Bible also deals in absolutes. Father is absolute goodness; in fact, He alone is good (Mk 10:18; Ja 1:13; 3Jo 1:11).

No Matter Which Code its always about Force

The Code of Jedi and Sith Appear Different;
Both Harmonize in and Enslaved by The Force

These two competing moral forces achieve dominance over citizens basically through the same mechanism: Force. The Jedi claim to use force as a last resort, they always resort to force to accomplish their mission, not moral goodness. When Quigon made the statement that he did not come to free slaves he inadvertently eschewed morality in exchange for pragmatism. He had his mission which was. not moral goodness but expediency. He had no qualms about endangering a child or separating a child from his mother. This order was answerable to no higher authority and thus free to act as it alone decided even to the endorsement of spying, deception and execution without trial. They alone decided which governments, and governmental actions, were good. Sith worked behind governments until individual governments were combined into one overarching government to directly Control everyone.  The Jedi way seeks to conform the masses into a consenting voting block that embraced its own slavery to their moralistic vision. The Sith blatantly used direct force and The Force which will eventually fail since it comes a position of weakness and becomes weaker; i.e., Soviet Union.

Notice that today’s Critical Theory proponents have adopted and used the good Jedi to advance their Socialistic Control agenda through the acquiescence of people’s consent. J.E.D.I., Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, are the guiding principles of Genetic Counselors; think eugenics {National Society of Genetic Counselors.}. Just as Star Wars Jedi warriors were insidiously good and beyond your understanding, genetic counselors clothe themselves in science, actually scientism, to determine which genes are good. This brings us to an awful truth hidden in propaganda; the actual goal is shown as evil so You, the masses, will not aspire for it. However, it is the actual true goal of the elites who see themselves as the true rulers above the Law based on their understanding of goodness without God (Ro 1:18-28).

Eugenics masquerading as population control, genetic counseling, climate control, energy control and ecology has infiltrated every aspect of every society gaining the consent of every culture. The few outliers are marginalized by the moral superiority of today’s General Will Jedi focus which allows intolerance against them while demanding tolerance for the correct General Will.

Pandemic is the Trigger for Great Reset: Socialism

Hence, Star Wars Jedi Morality Legitimizes
Elites Great Reset Enslavement via Consent

Why are these perilous times? Because Satan has been at work since the beginning to create his Great Society. He has played off one group against another refining his methodologies until he obtains the one which will govern all others. He has awarded his elites throughout history with materialism until they were not needed; then they were discarded like some much flotsam. Star Wars Jedi-Sith propaganda has done much to homogenize the expectations of the world’s cultures. This Great Reset is a major increase of Control. The Sith’s obvious governmental Control were useful but limited, flawed. They served their purpose but were overcome by the better Jedi Control from higher powers that captured the imaginations and consents of the masses. The success of this mythology is apparent by its sudden proliferation in spin-off propaganda stories; most of which legitimize sinful behaviors. The anti-hero as brutal murderer and assassin is admired and promoted. That Christians would also allow themselves to come under this influence says much about current Christian maturity.

America’s Prohibition movement used government force to eliminate an evil. Did good come of this action? Did the people embrace goodness? No! Government force only beget criminal force resulting in wholesale violence as people sought to obtain alcohol by any means possible. People would not be denied! The direct result was the establishment of an overarching federal enforcement body, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The government gained power while people’s moral values were further corrupted; sin legitimized. None of this is of God. Christ told us this world would become increasingly more evil (Mt 24:6-7, 9-12).

Entertainment and harmless diversions are simply reflections of what one already believes. For propaganda to be effective it has to be believable and to be believable means you accept its basic premises as valid. It reinforces what is in your heart and mend which Controls what you say and do; as Christ remarked (Mt 12:33-37). Out of the Christian heart and mouth should flow from the Truth of the Scriptures (Jn 7:37-39). What do you watch? It reflects what you believe regardless of what you say you believe.

Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today

Don Quixote Inquisition Defense

Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today;
Swaying YOU to Choose Socialism and Slavery

Another day, another new term and another bridge to die on so it seems; except, there is nothing new under the sun (Ec 1:9-12). Our new word, old concept, for today is entryism {What does entryism mean? The New Statesman (UK ed.) 10 Aug 2016.}. Its modern iteration is traced back to Mr. Trotsky who folded his Communist League into the Socialist Party to take Control of the latter (1934); i.e., “any group that enters a larger organisation with the intention of subverting its policies and objectives.” How does this mesh with the fictional work, Don Quixote? Miguel de Cervantes, author, wrote of a man ready to face the Inquisition to defend his work of a delusional man who could not face reality; a man who appeared to see the best in others while not understanding the reality of his position until it so intruded so forcibly into his consciousness that he died rather than face himself. Most people today, to the delight of Satan who remains a shadow in the background, choose to live within their given delusion than understand Truth (2Th 2:3-12; Re 12:9). What is Truth (Jn 18:37-38)? Pilate asked Christ because he could not grasp God’s truth of life. He chose death when he condemned Christ to death to please the False Jews, and save himself (Jn 19:12-16). Let us view entryism in history: biblical and secular as if there were a difference. Continue reading “Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today”

Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?

Universal Income Missing Key Element

Universal Income IS Government Control!
Which Government? Do YOU Care?

Years ago I was a wee lad in government controlled public education as were the majority of children. However, I was different. My father was a military man and transferred to a colloquial county in a somewhat Southern state. I had already been to Germany and started grade school in DOD schools in Japan. My experiences were vastly different from those of my class mates who had barely ventured out of the county. I was different and I stuttered; thus, I was classified as mentally retarded, term used in those days. I was ostracized by the students and the administration; singled out for public ridicule and physical abuse for nothing more than being different. I had no support even from my parents who were also colloquial in their own way. It was a terrible experience I hoped never to relive; except, today I am reliving it again on a massive scale. Government Control demands everyone be the same and seeks to root out those who are different with the express intention of making them the same or negating their affect on society {Removing them}. For me it is, Deja vu! Continue reading “Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?”

Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}

Early Antifa: French Revolution Mob

Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa};
Mob Rule Guided by General Will of the State

In my previous post, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, I briefly discuss the true legacy of Rousseau and the triad on which he built his bloody legacy.. He, more than Locke, represented the actual legacy of The Enlightenment; though both legacies ended in revolutions and neither were of God as some teach. The French Revolution would not have continued had it not been for Mob power directed by the General Will rooting out all those considered antithetical to Revolutionary values: Liberty; Equality and Fraternity {French Revolution: A study of Mob Rule and its elite #Antifa #MarxistRevolution. The Herald Report.}. Since the Revolution did not end, neither did the use of the Mob. The face of the Mob changed from Phrygian capped peasants to black garmented Antifa enforcers promoting the General Will at every level. Welcome to our reality. Continue reading “Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}”