
Torn Between Two Minds: Wilderness Process of Separation

Wilderness Journey is this Creation: Separation In or Anti Christ

Torn Between Two Minds:
Wilderness Process of Separation

At the waters of Massah and Meribah the people asked if God had brought them out into the Wilderness to kill them (Ex 17:3; Nu 20:4)? This became a consistent accusation during their Wilderness Process (Ex 14:10-12; Nu 21:4-5). Were they correct? Did God bring them into the Wilderness to kill them for all but two died in that Wilderness (Nu 26:65)? Does God bring you through your Wilderness Process of Life to kill you? Well, the answer is: Yes and No; for them and for us.
Continue reading “Torn Between Two Minds: Wilderness Process of Separation”

Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World

Wilderness Separation: Whose Light is Guiding?

Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World;
But, Is Egypt Type of the World System?

Nothing is more quintessential Jewish and Biblical than the Hebrew people marching out of Egypt after God humiliates Pharaoh through the Ten Plagues. Their glorious exodus from slavery to freedom is resurrected in modern times via the motif of black versus white racism that refuses to seek peace in Christ today. Indeed, it is the center piece of Critical Theory Wokeness ushering in The Great Reset, New World Order. But, what if evangelical Christians were not the only ones to get this metonmy incorrect? What if deception were the point to keep all of us from understanding the Wilderness’s Truth: It is about Separation. Continue reading “Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World”

Socialism’s True Face: Fascism

Hegel's Dialectical Trinity of State Socialism

Socialism True Face: Fascism;
Hermeticism Demands a Control god

My previous post, DARVO: The Old-New Method of Moving the Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis, I examined the essential need of the Oppressor to assume the Victim role to gain support of the Masses. This is part of Socialism’s Infiltration strategy replacing the Force strategy used by Lenin and Mao with disastrous consequences. Wars tear down leaving one weaker rather than stronger which is counter productive when trying to enslave a world. Now I want us to step back a bit to understand that Socialism is simply another layer to the con game of Fascism in which everyone but the very upper tier of Elites become the true victims. Continue reading “Socialism’s True Face: Fascism”

DARVO: The Old-New Method of Moving the Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis

DARVO Catchy Slogan

DARVO: Old-New Method of Moving
Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis

America, land of fair play and standing up against oppression and bullying(ish); or so the myth goes in nearly every propagandic movie, television show and even music. The current popular, Rich Men North of Richmond, song is about citizenry being the victim(s) of political oppression. It is part of Hegel’s reliance on Pathos over Logos or even Ethos to move people toward his hermetic dialectic statism. This new, I use the term reservedly, acronym, DARVO, is simply a catchy way to lodge the methodology in your brain even while it is being used against you. What is DARVO? Continue reading “DARVO: The Old-New Method of Moving the Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis”

Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System

Peer Review Stifles Innovation {Appeal to Authority-Majority}

Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System;
Peer Review Uses Logical Fallacies to Maintain Matrix

Public education has been one of the greatest assets to developing the Industrial Revolution Middle Class society that raised mankind out of millennium of grinding poverty. It has also become one of the most potent weapons of the Oligarchy to return societies willingly to the crushing burden of socialism based on ignorance masquerading as science. This is Modern Man’s latest iteration of the Hermetic Dialectic but you would know it better as Scientism. Let us look at two aspects of Science used to drive you into accepting Socialism in the name of Progress. Continue reading “Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System”

Evolution’s House of Illogical Cards

Scattered Eye is Evil

Evolution’s House of Illogical Cards;
Colors the World People Perceive

In these latest series of posts I have endeavored to show how Christians are closer to using the Laws of Logic consistently than the Lost who claim to be logical themselves while accusing Christians of being illogical, ignorant and violent when their views are threatened. However, what do their writings tell us? I have chosen to briefly look at Evolution to illustrate the point. Evolution underpins everything the Lost scientific world claims to believe. Its tendrils reach from biology into space and even into the micro-world of chemistry. Evolution is their explanation for origins, the prehistoric past and even the means for projecting their views into the future. Let us put Evolution to the test to determine its adherence to logic and science. Continue reading “Evolution’s House of Illogical Cards”

Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth

Unified Plan of God Man Can Understand

Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth;
Or, Remaining in the Cave, Living The Delusion

I began these posts to understand, using the Bible, the Truth of Christ, Man and Sin in the World. Several of the posts show a shallow grasp of events while others, I hope, show a more thoughtful, mature view of how Christ works in the World bringing about His Kingdom. Every week events display the Truth of Man clinging to The Delusion, The Lie, despite exposure to God’s Word (2Th 2:3-12; 2Pe 3:3-12). People willingly bury themselves in their carefully, though carelessly, constructed worldviews built on logical fallacies, ancient hermetics and modern dialectics. I have developed an interesting view of the relationships between the non-empirical to the empirical using a chemical process known as Saponification by which soap is made to remove dirt from clothes. I will then show how this model is ignored by discussing oil sources from a science and a scientism viewpoint illustrating the use of three devices to keep one’s self blinded to the Truth. Yet, what has come to be so obvious to myself is oblivious to my family who read the posts and continue without deviation in their worldviews. It is as if God’s words to Isaiah still ring true today, “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed” (Is 6:8-12; Ac 28:25-28). Paul believed the Gentiles would listen; today, no one wants to listen lest it disturb their Delusion of how they want the World to be. Continue reading “Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth”

Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy

Rise of Kakistocracy

Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy;
Choosing Poverty over Poorness: Dark over Light

Man’s history whether Great or Small comes down to a single choice in every instance: Light or Dark; Good or Evil; Poor in spirit or Poverty of Good. Every moment of every breath each person constantly decides between Flesh (in Self) or Faith (in Christ). It permeates the very essence of our existence revealing what one actually believes. At its most fundament core there are only two competing faiths or belief systems: God-Christ-Spirit as contained in the Bible and revealed through the normative hermeneutic technique or the Hermetical antiGod-antiChrist-antiSpirit whose modern dialectical practice continues its ancient goal elevating a Kakistocracy to Control or enslave those who disagree with their belief system based on the repudiation of the Laws of Logic; i.e., reliance on logical fallacies. Our three terms spring from the very Ancient to the Modern to the Current as natural, cultural and historical events again prove the Truth of the Bible in the coming self-proclaimed Great Reset of Socialized Globalism.
Continue reading “Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy”

Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?

MAGA KKK vs Union League

Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?
Do You Know Whose Myth You Are Embracing?

America became inflamed under President Trump’s campaign slogan: Make America Great Again (MAGA)! He became the focus of the most polarizing divisive political polemic and governmental ostracization never before seen in America. His own government sought to obfuscate his policies, keep him from legitimate expressions of power inherent in the office of the Presidency and finally still seeks to prove him guilty of something in order to keep him from occupying the Oval Office again. However, let us remove our focus from. the man and concentrate on the slogan. What does it mean? To discuss it with any clarity we must explore its meaning; i.e., satisfying the Law of Identity. Certainly it can mean different things to different groups. But…what did it mean to President Trump and what does it still mean to You? Is it a truism or simply a propagandistic myth to Control you for other purposes? Continue reading “Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?”

Deceitfulness of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Deceitfulness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or
Promised Pathway to Posthumanism

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? The concept is not new but an old stock in trade sci-fi trope since at least the 1920’s in film {Metropolis. 1927.). Isaac Asimov, perhaps the best known sci-fi robot writer even had an all encompassing AC (Computer) replacing God which is the ultimate form of AI; “And AC said, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” And there was light…” {Robot Dreams. 1986.}. The media-informational-academic-governmental outlets have pushed AI into the forefront of Western thought. Will it Control mankind? Can it be Controlled? Is it good or will it be evil? Is it even a thing? The hype has reached such a crescendo as to appear as propaganda rather than serious discord designed to provoke reasonable consideration. What really lies behind the hype or is it simply filler designed to fill empty time with meaningless rhetoric keeping you glued to the channel for advertising dollars?  Continue reading “Deceitfulness of Artificial Intelligence (AI)”