Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth

Unified Plan of God Man Can Understand

Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth;
Or, Remaining in the Cave, Living The Delusion

I began these posts to understand, using the Bible, the Truth of Christ, Man and Sin in the World. Several of the posts show a shallow grasp of events while others, I hope, show a more thoughtful, mature view of how Christ works in the World bringing about His Kingdom. Every week events display the Truth of Man clinging to The Delusion, The Lie, despite exposure to God’s Word (2Th 2:3-12; 2Pe 3:3-12). People willingly bury themselves in their carefully, though carelessly, constructed worldviews built on logical fallacies, ancient hermetics and modern dialectics. I have developed an interesting view of the relationships between the non-empirical to the empirical using a chemical process known as Saponification by which soap is made to remove dirt from clothes. I will then show how this model is ignored by discussing oil sources from a science and a scientism viewpoint illustrating the use of three devices to keep one’s self blinded to the Truth. Yet, what has come to be so obvious to myself is oblivious to my family who read the posts and continue without deviation in their worldviews. It is as if God’s words to Isaiah still ring true today, “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed” (Is 6:8-12; Ac 28:25-28). Paul believed the Gentiles would listen; today, no one wants to listen lest it disturb their Delusion of how they want the World to be.

Saponification is the process of developing a fatty acid soap. One end of this chain is hydrophilic, it attaches to water, while the other end is hydrophobic, it attaches to fats which are associated with dirt. You put your dirty clothes in the washing machine, add soap and agitation. The fatty acid pulls the dirt from the clothes and after Several changes of water the dirt rinses away making them clean. This makes an excellent example of the relationship between the non-empirical, spiritual, and empirical, physical aspects of our Creation. Energies act as the fatty acid joining both the non-empirical to the empirical.

By energies I mean the Four Fundamental Forces of Creation: Gravity, Electromagnetic Force, Weak Force and Strong Nuclear Force. I do not discount the energy released from chemical and some physical reactions, friction for example, which people have used with alacrity for millennium; however, familiarity breeds contempt so that what is considered as common place is disdained even though it often remains inexplicable; such as heat. What is heat? What is gravity? What is energy? No one knows! No one can define the essence of energy; that is, energy is defined by what it does; i.e., the ability to do work. Why is this important to our understanding?

To answer this question we must grasp that there are only two essential faiths. There is the Truth of God who is non-empirical, spiritual, immutable and whose essence is the very definition of Good (Mk 10:18; Jn 4:23-24; Ja 1:17-18). Hence, any deviation from God is sin; which is the definition of sin in both the Old and New Testaments. Any other faith is hermeticism or anti-Christ (1Jo 2:18-19, 22; 3:4-8; 4:19). The Ten Words list the fundamental foundation of God’s Goodness with the first four words showing ALL Knowing must flow from a Truthful understanding of God (Ex 20:1-17). This is taught to each generation by the family unit, fifth word, and the remaining five words show the results of rejecting God’s Truth with Covetousness being the foundation of ALL sin expressed through the Flesh by: Lust of the Eye, Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life (Col 3:5; 1Jo 2:15-17).

God is reasonable; He has asked us to come and reason together with Him to learn Truth (Is 1:18). However, since Man and Woman sinned, all have been conceived in sin (Ps 51:5). We are blinded from the Truth because each person rejects both the external and internal witness of God choosing to build his or her own worldview from elements of this empirical Creation while deliberately rejecting what is obvious: God exists (Ro 1:18-28). God allows Man to build the World of his dreams, a world without God whose consequences are increasing violence, lies, degradation and Death (Jo 8:44).

Modern man claims to be of science, measurability and repeatability. However, by its very definition, science begins with assumptions accepted as true without being proven as true; in other words, a faith-based belief system limited to the empirical and thus based on ignorance of the non-empirical. Yet, each person is both non-empirical soul and empirical body; thus, science is limited in what it can discover about the Creation. Scientism is the corruption of science using the Dialectic to force solutions that agree with sinful man’s worldview.

Take the Thesis: God is Good. The Hermetic Dialectic Antithesis: God is the author of Evil since He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent {Theodicy}. Solution: Man must define himself as good to convince himself that he, or she, is undeserving of accountability. The question, “Who can resist His will” is a False Dilemma designed to bring you to the conclusion that God is indeed evil (Ro 9:17-19)? Yet, the Bible clearly states that God cannot be tempted with evil nor does He tempt any person with evil. Each person tempts themself via covetousness leading themself into sin and death (Ro 3:10-18; Ja 1:13-16).

Today’s common solution is to simply believe God does not exist. Man develops his own definition of good and evil willy-nilly to prove himself, herself, as good by showing you as the more evil one deserving of Death (Ro 2:1-9). Evolution is the scientism empiricism, quasi non-empiricism answer to Creation; God is not necessary nor even wanted. However, there are still those pesky energies whose essences cannot be defined but which cannot be ignored as their effects are undeniable and often inexplicable; hence, those pesky theories often have to be updated.

In the Bible, God is spirit and the source of ALL (Ge 1:1-2). God the Father created ex nihilo, everything from nothing. Christ came froth from the Father to fashion Creation, Heaven and Earth, according to the Father’s will (Ge 1:3-5; Jn 5:19-20; Col 1:15-20). The Spirit binds the Body of Christ together pointing everyone back to the Son who points everyone back to the Father (Jn 16:7-15; 1Co 12:12-13). Notice, the non-empirical preceded the empirical which is declared later in the Bible; all that is seen comes from that which cannot be seen (He 11:3). This mirrors the development of Man; non-empirical soul was created and breathed into the empirical body (Ge 2:7). Christ is the bridge between the Father and Man; the non-empirical spiritual and the empirical physical universe (1Ti 2:3-6). No one can come to salvation except through Him (Jn 14:6).

The energies may be controlled by the angels whose sole mission in life is to serve those who are to be saved; i.e., they are ministering spirits (He 1:14). They ascend and descend between Heaven and Earth doing Christ’s will in both the non-empirical and empirical realm (Ge 28:10-13; Ac 12:6-10). We cannot see angels; hence, we cannot speak with specificity as to when angels are at work or demons, fallen angels, are at work but what we do know is that God’s world does not operate on random chance (Hab 2:3-4). God will accomplish what He has ordained despite Satan’s and Man’s efforts to alter the outcome; this is the theme of Revelation; indeed, of the entire Bible!

Oil: Fossil Belief Persistence or Renewable Resource Supported by Science

Modern Man Terms Oil a Fossil Fuel
Without any Evidence Fossils Involved

Oil, liquid petroleum energy that has made modern society possible lifting vast majorities of people out of millennium of grinding poverty, slavery and degradation. Yet, Modern Scientific Man has declared oil to be limited resource based on the ?fact? that is was created from the bodies of dinosaurs buried millions of years ago. Since there have been no further deposits this must be a limited resource and should be rationed to those who have great need; which in general means the elites and not the masses. This theory came from the observation that coal deposits had fossilized plant forms, must have come from the same time period and by their assumed correlation this must be true of oil. Yet, they ignore that their so-called truth is nothing but a hypothesis built on logical fallacies such as associating correlation with causation. They ignore that the inner earth’s molten core-mantle may recycle and recombine elements into molecules pushing them back toward the crust. Hence, oil may be an ongoing renewable resource observing the Conservation of Matter-Energy Law!

However, to research and investigate this aspect would upset their Belief Persistence in Evolution which is the current lynchpin in denial of God and Christ as both Creators and Authors of Salvation through repentance and faith in Christ’s sacrifice (Ro 5:6-11; 10:9-10; 2Co 5:21). They therefore Suspend their Belief in science in order to achieve the Solution demanded by their hermetic dialectic worldview; this is scientism. They define Evolution as random chance that moves upward; which of course violates the very definition of random chance which is entropy. Statistic is little more than a mathematical attempt to make random chance appear rational. Evolution is applied to biology, physics, chemistry, geology and even religion. However, it requires Belief Suspension and the force of Law to indoctrinate entire societies as to its truths as Creationism is illegal in most public education programs.

People who believe in biblical miracles are ridiculed via ad hominem attacks; scoffers label us as flat earthers associating us with anti-education even though that is a straw man argument not worthy of merit. They must continually develop their music, books, movies, television programs and social media sites to allow only those themes that support the approved informational narrative. Any deviation from the official narrative is labeled as disinformation, misinformation and justifies suppression if not outright legal action including incarcerations.

However, these are the ones who unwittingly practice Saponification. They have one foot in Hell by virtue of being born Lost, without Hope; as are all peoples. They have rejected their own consciences which tells them when they have violated God’s Goodness; i.e., guilt. Increasingly, they rely on drugs to dull their minds to assuage the guilt while searing their inner knowledge literally making themselves into sociopaths capable of the most heinous crimes as everyday occurrences (1Ti 4:1-3; 2Ti 3:1-4). They insure they only allow themselves to hear the current supporting myths (2Ti 4:3-4). They claim godliness but deny biblical godliness while advocating ungodliness as their standard of good (Ro 1:19). They do not want to know the way Truth but gather together to support each other’s lies convincing themselves they are doing right though their gossip and slanders reveal their sinfulness for all to see (Ro 1:29-32; Ga 5:19-21). They claim to want peace, love, patience, goodness and self-control but they reject the Spirit by which such qualities are obtained (Ga 5:22-24).

People ignore the obvious and as the times become more violent they embrace The Deception, The Lie, that they are doing good. If they were doing good, they would be saved; but since they refuse Christ’s grace they are betwixt and between this life and Hell like the Rich Man (Lk 16:22-31). He too thought he was good until he died and encountered absolute reality and realized he was indeed the evil one condemned to Hell from which there was no escape. Why would you cover your mind and eyes with Belief Persistence in Lies, Belief Suspension of Truth and resort to all manner of Logical Fallacies to lie yourself into Hell? God says, “All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people” (Is 654:2). Why would you be reject the mercy and lovingkindness of Christ who gave Himself for you while you were still lost in order for you to have Peace with God (Ro 5:6-11)? Why? Look Behind the Simulacrum and Discover the Truth.

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