Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy

Rise of Kakistocracy

Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy;
Choosing Poverty over Poorness: Dark over Light

Man’s history whether Great or Small comes down to a single choice in every instance: Light or Dark; Good or Evil; Poor in spirit or Poverty of Good. Every moment of every breath each person constantly decides between Flesh (in Self) or Faith (in Christ). It permeates the very essence of our existence revealing what one actually believes. At its most fundament core there are only two competing faiths or belief systems: God-Christ-Spirit as contained in the Bible and revealed through the normative hermeneutic technique or the Hermetical antiGod-antiChrist-antiSpirit whose modern dialectical practice continues its ancient goal elevating a Kakistocracy to Control or enslave those who disagree with their belief system based on the repudiation of the Laws of Logic; i.e., reliance on logical fallacies. Our three terms spring from the very Ancient to the Modern to the Current as natural, cultural and historical events again prove the Truth of the Bible in the coming self-proclaimed Great Reset of Socialized Globalism.

The Foundation

God, through Isaiah writes, “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD:
though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” (Is 1:18). In our modern parlance this means that God-Christ-Spirit can be understood through the use of Logic as we study the only record made available to us: the Bible. Therefore, one must first define these Laws of Logic (Thought) to be governed by them.

Law of Identity: In its simplest form, each element must be clearly and consistently defined within the level of one’s understanding. Most discussions are sabotaged by failures in Law of Identity.
Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC): Each element can have only one simultaneous essence; i.e., you can be here or you can be there: you can be simultaneously here and there. This is known as Either-Or Logic which is opposed by Both-And Logic whose position is that there are multiple simultaneous existing states; think of sci-fi’s Multiverse concept as Both-And Logic.
Law of Excluded Middle (LEM): As an extension of LNC, each element may be in only one of two states; i.e., the light is on or the light is off: there is no third state. There may be various degrees of on but this is still on.
Law of Logical Inference (LLI): This Law flows from being human, which will be defined shortly. It is the creative, thinking ability to develop conclusions based on empirical measurements guided by non-empirical truths. This is unique to people; it is here where logic becomes illogic. It is here where decisions are made to choose Dark over Light; to obfuscate or darken with logical fallacies. It is here where people choose Death when not guided by the Truth.

Existence is a combination of Non-Empirical, that which cannot be measured or repeatable via the five physical senses, and the Empirical. A. J. Ayer believed all empiricism was the only true test of validity; however, this very statement on its face is non-empirical. Modern people claim to be of Science and thus empiricists even though many elements of life such as Truth and beauty are not empirical and hence not measurable.

God is Non-Empirical (Jn 4:23-24). He cannot be revealed directly through our physical senses; thus, we are dependent on Him revealing Himself to us in a manner consistent with our faculties as He is Our Creator. He has chosen both the written word, the Bible, and the Living Logos, Christ (Ge 1:1-5; Jn 1:1-5). In fact, the Father created the empirical-physical from the non-empirical ex nihilo and the Son, Christ, fashioned this physical Creation (Col 1:15-20; He 11:3). No one has seen the Father at any time; only the Son, who is the very image of the Father, has made Him known (Jn 1:18; 12:45; 14:9 He 1:1-3).

Christ made Man in His Non-Empirical Image separate from Man’s Flesh or empirical body (Ge 1:27; 2:7). No other living entity carries the imprint of Truth within their nature; hence, no other living being possesses a moral nature, a concept of good and evil. Father God is defined as Light and Truth; hence, all Good is defined by His nature (Mk 10:18 ; Ja 1:16-17). Christ, being the only begotten Son of the Father, is also Light (Jn 1:1-5). Man made in the image of the Father by Christ was in the Light until he chose to reject the Light (1Ti 2:14). Man and Woman rejected the knowledge of Truth for self-knowledge or anti-Truth. This was the essence of their choice in eating of the Tree of (Self) Knowledge (Ge 3:1-7). Hermeticism was born; the anti-God faith rebelling against Truth resulting in sin and death.

Darkness is not the absence of Light as defined by empirical science. Darkness is the active non-empirical opposing force that rejects and rebels against God’s Truth resulting in Death (Mt 5:22-24). Death is not the cessation of existence! Death is separation. The First Death is the separation of one’s soul from one’s body (Ge 2:16-17; He 9:27). The body returns to its constituent elements but the soul faces eternal accountability for rebelling against God; this is the Second Death (Ge 3:19; Re 20:11-15).

Hermeticism, is the single Darkness raging against God’s Truth-Light seeking to forestall its inevitable accountability in all its various forms (Mt 8:28-29). Satan, fallen angels and all people are linked together in Darkness; for since Adam all have sinned, are born lost and demonstrate their love of Darkness through their sinful thoughts, words and deeds (Ps 51:5; Jn 3:19-20; Ro 3:10-18, 23; 6:23). This forms the triad of Satan, World System and Flesh to offset the Trinity of Father, Son and Spirit (Jn 8:44; 1Co 1:29; 1Jo 2:15-17). All forms of anti-Christ faith are based on covetousness of self, worship of Satan as their angel of light and Fear (2Co 11:14; Col 3:5; 1Jo 4:18).

If Light is of the Father who is infinite, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, as are the Son and Spirit; what is the purpose of the Darkness with are created beings and thus impotent in comparison? The goal of Darkness is to show God the Liar and thus proving His is incapable of righteous judgment (Ro 3:3-8). In other words, to avoid the Second Death. It is summed up into one word: Alchemy or change with the fundamental object to show God’s Good is actually evil and Man’s sin is actually Good.

This brings us to the modern Hegelian Dialecticism methodology. In its most fundamental form Dialecticism takes the Thesis, God’s Truth, posits an antithesis, Man’s Sin as better and proposes a synthesis such that God is shown as evil and Man as good. In current parlance this is known as Critical Theory or Wokeness. The problem is people do not think in these terms. This does not mean these forces are not at work; but people build a cultural, society, religious, political, self-justifying worldview whose single purpose is to make each person the hero of their own story (Ro 1:18-32).

The Reality of Obfuscation

Obfuscation Process

Obfuscation is the replacement of Light with Darkness. Plato’s Cave analogy posits that some people truly want to learn Truth, claw their way out of the Dark Cave into the Light and return to set others free. This has no basis in reality as the Bible clearly details. All people have a dual witness of the Truth of God: The Heavens declare God exists, the external witness, and everyone has a consistent moral framework of right and wrong, the internal witness (Ps 19:1-4; Ro 1:19-23).

However, people deliberately reject God and develop their own concept of reality based on their own empty imaginations bounded by the visible empirical Creation. History is the ongoing deliberate degradation of self rather than the acceptance of God’s reality and His Gospel message of Hope. The more Man philosophized, the more he showed himself illogical and the more violent and degrading society became. God gave them up to develop their own society so they could experience the full impact of sin. However, Man developed logical fallacies in order to convince everyone that their Lie, their Delusion would in fact elevate Mankind into an Ubermench or evolutionary superior being also known in psychology as the Self-Actuated Person. Both concepts mean that a person acts according to their own needs and desires regardless of others; or to put it more simply, development of social/psychopaths justified by evolutionary’s survival of the fittest!

The process begins by denying the Theses that 1) God is Truth; 2) Man is a sinner; and 3) Man cannot control his Flesh (Ge 4:6-7; Ro 3:10-18; 8:7-8). But the works of the Flesh are self-evident: lying, stealing, killing, idolatry, strife, anger, divisions, immoralities, etc. (Ga 5:19-21). People self-group themselves together along their favored sinful behaviors lines in order to convince each other they are in fact good and those who criticize them are evil (Ro 1:32). How does one deny the obvious? The wholesale use of logical fallacies that twist the Truth into the Lie; or, to obfuscate the Truth with Darkness.

There are many formal and informal logical fallacies; but once again, people do not think in these terms. However, there are three common techniques people routinely use to maintain their worldviews despite God’s Recalcitrant Reality proving them false. These are: False Dilemma, Belief Persistence and Belief Suspension.

False Dilemma: Used by politicians, parents and pastors, the question deliberately limits the options to force you to accept the obvious choice or appear unreasonable! It often violates both the LNC and LEM using Both-And Illogic. A common False Dilemma question posits that Science and religion are diametrically opposed to each other so a Christian who chooses Creation over Evolution is anti-knowledge or pro-ignorance while the reasonable person would always be pro-knowledge and thus anti-religious ignorance.
Belief Persistence: This basically means that one is not inclined to change one’s worldview even when confronted by new information. The new information may be incorporated into one’s current worldview but will seldom seriously alter it lest you no longer remain the hero of your own story. Thus, when confronted with contradictory evidence, a person will use logical fallacies to develop rescuing strategies to prevent admitting one is doing what is evil.
Belief Suspension: This requires you to enter an alternative reality in order to become immersed in a movie, television show, play, music, religion, corporate environment and even personal relationships. One knows it is wrong to steal, however, the good guy is applauded for stealing, doing evil, in order to overcome the bad guy, as defined by the story. For our purposes, God is the bad guy while you the sinner, are the good guy! You accept the explained rules of environment for your favorite shows while they teach, propagandize you, how to think. This process is slowly applied to actual life events. For example, America’s drone strikes against civilian targets are tolerated by Americans as a necessary evil in the War on Terror even though Americans admit that striking purely civilian targets are war crimes! They are able to maintain these duplicitous contradictory views because of trained Belief Suspension.

Therefore, one begins with the Thesis that must be rejected because it shows the fallacy of one’s worldview; i.e., that you are a sinner and thus evil at heart (Ro 3:23; 6:23). One criticizes the Thesis based on logical fallacies such as appeal to the majorityappeal to historicity, etc. to develop an Antithesis that disproves the Thesis allowing for a new Synthesis or Solution. This Dialectic Hermetic Alchemy always has the same goal: God is evil and Man is Good. It works because your belief persists to exist in your community and environment so you must be correct. You suspend your belief in absolute truth by adopting the slippery slope of relative truth which morphs as the need arises.

Notice our above graphic that shows the ultimate result of the Obfuscation Process. You believe you are strengthening your position in the world; i.e., becoming a better person. In fact, you are becoming impoverished of good. Poverty is not about money or economic wealth. Poverty is about lack of moral Good as defined by God’s Ten Words (Ex 20:1-17). You want and will have even if you have to take from others leading to wars, conflicts and the Second Death (Ja 4:1-4).

Families are notorious for Belief Persistence and Suspension which is why Jesus said that those who chose family over Him were not worthy of Him (Mt 10:34-38). Even Jesus’ mother Mary had a crisis of belief thinking her Son was becoming mentally unstable (Mk 3:20). Families want each other to remain the same so they do not have to change their worldviews. This is a major means by which people are kept in darkness. But, there is Hope.

The Manifestation of Light

Manifestation Process

Manifest, in the Koine Greek, means to reveal by Light. The Bible begins with Light shining in the Darkness. Not the light of sun, moon or stars but the Light of the Father inherent in the Son. The Son’s express mission is to reveal the Father’s Love through the sacrifice of Himself for sinners so that those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Ro 10:9-10). It is the Spirit who teaches believers the Bible (1Co 2:13). The sinner, natural person, cannot understand the Truth (Thesis); it is foolishness to them (1Co 1:18-25; 2:14). They must choose an Antithesis in order to preserve their worldview; their Delusion (2Th 2:3-12).

However, the Saved person is a new creation in Christ (2Co 5:17). They are indwelt by the Spirit and adopted sons of God (Ga 4:1-7). Therefore, Jesus begins maturing you in His image via what I have come to call the Hagiazo Process. He challenges your worldview replacing its fallacies with His Truths with the goal of developing in you godly humility which mirrors His own (Ph 2:5-11). This poorness in spirit is detailed in the Beatitudes (Mt 5:2-12). This makes us different from the World and because we exist in the world beside the sinners who reject Truth; they hate us and seek to destroy us simply for existing (2Co 2:14-17; 1Pe 4:1-4, 12-19).

The Rise of the Kakistocracy

Kakistocracy is simply government by the worst people. However, this is an oversimplification. In biblical terms it simply means the ascendency of sinners in Control of this world; or to put it in Christ’s words, “…lawlessness will be increased…” (Mt 24:3-14). Now, this is not a new phenomenon. Sinners have always sought the ascendency over all others. This is the history of man since Adam and Eve sinned.

Eve named Cain, given of God, believing he was the promised Messiah to free them from sin (Ge 3:14-15; 4:1). However, there was also a brother named Abel, worthless one (Ge 4:2). Abel shepherded the sheep while Cain wrested a living from the land (Ge 3:17-19). Cain was strong, determined and provided for the family’s provisions. Abel watched the sheep guiding them to pasture, water and generally guiding the animals according to their nature. In course of time, Cain and Abel came before God demonstrating their character (Ge 4:3-5). God favored Abel’s offering because he was poor in spirit as exemplified by his name. He followed God’s Truth in humility. Cain lived by his strength but it only developed a poverty of good in him. When he was rejected by God; he could not control his own flesh; no one can which is why he and you and I fail (Ro 7:7-14). Only Jesus in the Flesh could Control the Flesh to be the sinless sacrifice for sin (2Co 5:21; He 2:14-18).

God told Cain that sin desired to Control him but that he had to Control sin if he was to do Good. Cain failed. Cain refused to humble himself and repent to God; instead, he murdered his rival impoverished himself of any good (Ge 4:6-12). Cain became the father of government forming the first urban cities which require laws to try and Control people so society can survival without total breakdown (Ge 4:17). It reached such an impasse that God instituted Noah’s Cataclysm to reboot the world lest all Truth be squashed preventing any salvation (Ge 6:5-8). This is the rise of the Kakistocracy over Good. It continues today.


Christ said His Kingdom is not of this World (Jn 18:33-38). Like Abel, He was considered the Worthless One and set up for murder so their Kakistocracy could continue. Pilate, the Roman governor, was complicit even though he knew Jesus was guilty of nothing! The discussion came down to the most important element defining the difference between Light and Darkness: Truth! Jesus came to bear witness to the Truth; even to die to secure the Truth of Salvation for others who were undeserving of it: Us (Ro 5:6-11). Yet, the Lost clung to the Belief Persistence and Belief Suspension even to holding onto the False Dilemma question, “What is Truth?”

The Lost remain trapped in their sin; Kakistocracy continues its ascendency empowered by its delusions of Control. Unfortunately, many immature Christians choose to embrace the Kakistocracy thinking they can use them to establish a godly country in this world. They become conduits for False Teachers to enter and destroy churches (Jude). This places the World again in the position that precipitated Noah’s Cataclysm; only this time it will be called the Great Tribulation. As the time approaches there will be fewer and fewer people who hold to sound doctrine. They chase after people who will teach them fables and lies so they can practice a form of religion that denies the Truth of Christ (2Ti 3:1-5; 4:3-4). It is only by staying in the normative hermeneutic study of the Bible guided by the indwelling Spirit that one can remain in the Truth (2Ti 3:16-17). Remember, there is no private, special interpretation of Scripture (2Pe 1:20-21). Flee from those who would seduce you to their Dark Side.

Therefore, like Abraham and Jesus, let us go outside the camp to the place of sacrifice bearing His shame until He brings us to the New Jerusalem of the New Creation in which He is the shining Light over us for eternity and there will be no Darkness (He 11:8-11; 13:6-14; Re 21:1-7, 22-27). Hence, the Spirit and the Bride bid all who embrace Truth to Come…Will you come to Him (Re 22:17)?

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