Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?

MAGA KKK vs Union League

Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?
Do You Know Whose Myth You Are Embracing?

America became inflamed under President Trump’s campaign slogan: Make America Great Again (MAGA)! He became the focus of the most polarizing divisive political polemic and governmental ostracization never before seen in America. His own government sought to obfuscate his policies, keep him from legitimate expressions of power inherent in the office of the Presidency and finally still seeks to prove him guilty of something in order to keep him from occupying the Oval Office again. However, let us remove our focus from. the man and concentrate on the slogan. What does it mean? To discuss it with any clarity we must explore its meaning; i.e., satisfying the Law of Identity. Certainly it can mean different things to different groups. But…what did it mean to President Trump and what does it still mean to You? Is it a truism or simply a propagandistic myth to Control you for other purposes?

Which America was great? 18th century America coming off the success of the First Great Awakening and winning independence from Great Britain by infusing a renewed Christianity with Paine’s Hermetic Dialect sophistry? Or, are people taken with the enforced morality of the Second Great Awakening the tortured true Christianity with Finney’s sideshow antics that would mirror the earth 20th century’s charismatic-pentecostal movements and make American’s so rigid that an internecine strife was inevitable; indeed, even demanded. President Lincoln was able to ferment a crisis to save the union by fundamentally dissolving and remaking the union in his own image: Federalization of sovereign separate states by force. It was during this 19th century period that Darwin’s evolutionary eugenics scientism fermented a false view of human history forever known as racism; i.e., separate races of people with one or some more superior than others {On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life}.

Immigrants were ushered into the country as inferior peoples needed to advance the elitism of those favored races already here; as such the Irish, the Catholics southern Europeans and orientals were controlled through various ordinances and laws. Of course, this included the Southern Blacks {their label not mine} whose the Union Reconstruction forces had organized into Union Leagues to terrorize the least favored Southern white race, usually of Scottish descent, so they would cow-tow into line under Republican domination. The Northern industrialists were became rich from this Mercantilism began to use the new medium of film to properly education people as to their proper place in society. Hence, the Birth of a Nation, was not simply a Klu Klux Klan promotional film but a reincarnation of Reconstruction self-preservation placed in a now-modern evolutionary-eugenic context that energized not just President Wilson but the majority of America well into the 1950s! Is this the Great America MAGA inspires us to return to?

MAGA Indian

Or, perhaps it was the Old West vision of ignorant indigenous peoples already present when the Europeans came to establish their religious, economic and cultural liberties. These peoples rejected the influx of others into their communities but were culturally, industrially outmatched; appearing to prove the truth of Darwin’s scientism. In the late 20th century, they appeared to rise again from a superiorly moral position of simply having been here first and thus entitled. New evidence supports the conclusion that these people had only been in North America since approximately 200-600 A.D. following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the vast shift of populations that occurred from the Central Asian Steppes westward and eastwardWas America great living as hunter-gatherers in abject poverty under constant threat of disease, wars, and famines? Though popularized in the new film medium, no one wanted to be the Indians in Cowboys and Indians; everyone wanted to be the winners even if it meant being the villains in black hats.

Ashkenazi Jews Redefining America

However, the late 19th century saw another significant shift of peoples that became focused into a three-prong attack on European-Anglo-American culture: The Ashkenazi Jewish movement {Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies, and the American Dream. Variety.}. This post is not about anti-Jewishness. It is a factual synopsis of how Jews trying to fit into a hostile culture, remade that cultural into their own image before losing it back to those they admired and emulated.

Ashkenazi Jews for Russian-Polish-Eastern European-German descent were people without a home in the midst of hostile foreign cultures. They were subjected to brutal poverty, hostile progroms of death and arbitrary discriminatory laws of Control. By the late 19th century three distinct movements flowed from this region but not out of religious idealism; the Orthodox Jew was an anomaly, to be tolerated but not allowed into the realms of power. A significant portion of Jews adopted Marx’s Socialism, himself a secular non-believing Jew, to remake a political system in their image. Lenin, Trotsky and a significant portion of the Soviet revolution and gulag system were such Jews. As such, their influence extended across the oceans even into America.

A small but ardent group of Ashkenazi Jews agitated for Zionism in Palestine; a form of socialism that advocated returning Palestine to the Jews as their rightful homeland. During the early 20th century they used fair and foul means to force their voice to be heard until achieving their mandate in 1947: Israel was born as was perpetual war in the Middle East and division between Soviet-Russian and European-Anglo-American nations since. But, as significant as these movements were, they paled into insignificance into the movement that dwarfed these other movements. The movement of Ashkenazi Jews to America!

According to the movie, Hollywoodism, the Jewish movie moguls, working independently of each other, were born within 500 miles but came to live within 15 miles of each other in Hollywood. This was not a man-made Jewish conspiracy to subvert America. It was a group of not-wanted immigrants outcast from the centers of American society and commerce making their own way into orthodoxy by redefining orthodoxy itself. They embraced the film medium in such a manner as to oust the old aristocracy of Edison and other Gentiles; hence, the move from the East to the new lands of the West: Hollywood.

They were the quintessential outsiders who, through sheer talent, excellent propaganda and deft unobtrusiveness sought to blend into the very society that ridiculed and rejected them. They made the movies that made Americanism, American. They did not do this by promoting Jewishness. They did this by blending in and making their values your values. When America went to World War I it was George Cohen, the man who invented Broadway, inspired Gentile Americans to go die fighting Germany {A Look Into the (Very Jewish) History of Broadway. heyalma.}. This movement was carried over into World War II. Irving Berlin, another Jewish songwriter, developed the modern concept of Christmas in music, White Christmas, among other value promoting Americans!

These Jewish film makers, and many stars who adopted Gentile names, promoted what today would be called traditional Christian values such as honor, truth, equality, and individual freedom of expression {ACLU was a Jewish organization}. They deftly lured people from all walks of life and socio-economic conditions to aspire to achieve a higher level of culture; if not for themselves, then for their children.

Al Jolson, Asa Yoelson, in the Jazz Singer epitomizes the change wrought by these Ashkenazi Jews. The main character is Jewish and his father wants him to pursue the traditional role a Jewish cantor, singer of Hebrew Scriptures during worship. The man wants to please his father but he also wants to be successful in America. In the end, his father dies and Al Jolson, supported by his more modern mother, pursues jazz. He does this through blackface. To the modern reader this is reprehensible; however, at the time it symbolized the ability to hide in plain sight by identifying with the plight of negroes also trying to break into American society. It was a tribute and an amalgamation so the two groups joined forces without threats of violence or insurrection {Jews And Blackface: A Complicated History. Jewish Telegraph Agency.}. They would percolate from the bottom-up and assimilate until other personalities wanted a more self-centered socialistic dramatic approach from which society still has not recovered.

Ashkenazi Jews were also instrumental in early radio-television-journalism mediums bringing to life through drama, comedy and even advertising those values which came to be admired around the world as American. But, were they American? What was American?

MAGA Pride

Post Lincoln’s War America sought to remake its image along the lines of successful European nations; especially Prussia, precursor of modern Germany. General Sherman was sent to learn how the Prussian military organized its units and adopted some reforms to the American military model. The movie Indoctrination, details how public education in America was designed to assimilate children into the White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant (WASP) society. It was Dr. John Dewey who began the process of turning the education system from Protestant religious indoctrination to psychological socialism religious indoctrination and greatly augmented by the Frankfurt School who migrated to Columbia University in New York City. By training the teachers over several generations in hermetic dialectic thesis-antithesis critical theory creation, America today awoke to Wokeness! Even the fairy tales often came from German romanticism but with more debauchery and degradation. It was the Jewish influence later capitalized by Gentile entrepreneurs such as Walt Disney that cleaned them up for children’s consumption. Are these American ideals we are to return to? Is this MAGA, from a pre-Hitler Germany that gave Americans their quintessential foods such as beer and hot dogs to a more humane approach to human greatness?

MAGA Diversity

Murky MAGA Message Used to Divide
So the Elites Can Again Control YOU

However, the Ashkenazi Jews were doomed to failure. Their excesses corrupted their integrity turning Hollywood into a bastion of sexual perversion and corruption epitomized in degradation and conviction of Harvey Weinstein. They did not make the casting couch but they certainly used it for their ends {‘Casting Couch’: The Origins of a Pernicious Hollywood Cliché. The Atlantic.}. Hitler did not begin eugenics nor did he originate Jewish progroms but by committing suicide he gave the last word to those Ashkenazi Jews who sought, along with Anglo-American financiers, to eliminate Germany from being any serious threat to the coming New World Order. He could have taken the road less traveled and turned the other cheek but himself chose to pursue the more degrading violent path which eventually consumed him. He sought to Make Germany Great Again and often President Trump is compared to him for the same trope.

Again, when you say, “Make America Great Again,” what do you mean? To what greatness do you refer? Do you mean the great themes of the Germanic romantic fairy tales that hide the filth of violent degradation behind pretty facades of music and color? Do you refer to the degradation and violence of Reconstruction Southern America perpetuated by the North on the South at the hands of Mercantilists and black fronted Union Leagues that forced the populace to defend themselves informally? Do you. refer to the romantic revival of the KKK in a caricature of its former self in order to legitimize and advance the superiority of the Favored Race over so-called inferior races? Do you embrace the Jewish notions of patriotism and family that demanded one blend in so that one could get ahead? I want to leave you with two final thoughts.

The character Superman was developed by two Jewish. Here was an actual alien trying to blend into another’s society. His only disguise was a change of demeanor and a pair of glasses; in other words, he was hiding in plain sight! When you looked at him he was demure and nondescript; a nobody. But, when he needed to defend his values, which he made YOUR values, he became the unstoppable man of steel! All gentile superheroes or simply heroes, need to hide their identities and some, like Batman, have no powers; they must work hard behind the scenes to make a difference.

The Ashkenazi Jewish blending in strategy has run its course. George Bernard Shaw, British playwright and member of the Fabian Society, wrote the play, Pygmalion, or how to turn a no one into someone who remains no one because she remains who see is on the inside. Hence, with the Jews. They were the outsiders and though they sought to blend in, they remained outside. Though a few of their number understood the need for fiscal independence, the only major known Jewish financiers are the Rothschilds. The America these people created has passed form the scene because it was never real! It was a facade that drew a cover over the sinful world’s love affair with degradation and violence which again has come to the forefront with a vengeance.

There is only one answer to greatness: it is humility in Christ (Mt 5:2-12). The Bible begins with a Creation that rejects its Creator, progresses to the necessity of the death of its Creator to redeem it and finally an accountability for those who reject that sacrifice before facing a New Creation. In other words, it is a progression! There is no returning! There is no remaking! There is only the walking in the footsteps of Christ who declared that His Kingdom is not of this world (Jn 19:33-38). The Ashkenazi Jews in their various iterations sought to Control their destinies in this world whether as Communists, Socialists or even democratic entrepreneurs; they failed as did their Gentile enemies and as will the current crop globalist controllers because their goals, their influence, their dreams are limited to this world, a speck in the Universe: They have NO Vision (Pr 29:18).

The tragedy is that Christians who should know better, have taken up the lost cause of establishing a kingdom on which cannot be of Christ who has already told us His Kingdom is not of this world! We are to spread the truth of he Gospel knowing that the World will hate and attack us because it hates the Truth (Jn 7:7; 8:44; 15:18-19; 1Jo 3:13-16). We do this not in fatalistic fanaticism; but in the reality that our hope lies in a City to Come whose founder and maker is God (He 11:8-10; 12:22-24; 13:8-15). Immerse yourself in the Bible, the only source of Truth to combat the propaganda that sings the siren song of sweetness until one crashes on the rocks of despair. Can you hear the myths calling to you even now or do you have Christ’s Truth in your heart?

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