Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy

Rise of Kakistocracy

Hermetic’s Dialectic Rise of the Kakistocracy;
Choosing Poverty over Poorness: Dark over Light

Man’s history whether Great or Small comes down to a single choice in every instance: Light or Dark; Good or Evil; Poor in spirit or Poverty of Good. Every moment of every breath each person constantly decides between Flesh (in Self) or Faith (in Christ). It permeates the very essence of our existence revealing what one actually believes. At its most fundament core there are only two competing faiths or belief systems: God-Christ-Spirit as contained in the Bible and revealed through the normative hermeneutic technique or the Hermetical antiGod-antiChrist-antiSpirit whose modern dialectical practice continues its ancient goal elevating a Kakistocracy to Control or enslave those who disagree with their belief system based on the repudiation of the Laws of Logic; i.e., reliance on logical fallacies. Our three terms spring from the very Ancient to the Modern to the Current as natural, cultural and historical events again prove the Truth of the Bible in the coming self-proclaimed Great Reset of Socialized Globalism.
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