Evolution’s House of Illogical Cards

Scattered Eye is Evil

Evolution’s House of Illogical Cards;
Colors the World People Perceive

In these latest series of posts I have endeavored to show how Christians are closer to using the Laws of Logic consistently than the Lost who claim to be logical themselves while accusing Christians of being illogical, ignorant and violent when their views are threatened. However, what do their writings tell us? I have chosen to briefly look at Evolution to illustrate the point. Evolution underpins everything the Lost scientific world claims to believe. Its tendrils reach from biology into space and even into the micro-world of chemistry. Evolution is their explanation for origins, the prehistoric past and even the means for projecting their views into the future. Let us put Evolution to the test to determine its adherence to logic and science.

What is Evolution ? “Biological evolution is defined as change in the heritable characteristics of a population over succeeding generations. In more technical terms, evolution is defined as change in the gene pool of a population, measurable as changes in allele frequencies in a population.” {What is Evolution? Biologic Principles.}. Evolution is change; which is the very definition of alchemy; change from the Thesis via the Antithesis to The (Approved) Solution. In other words, Evolution is simply the Hermetic Dialectic applied to biology, astrophysics, geology, and even natural history. Interestingly, evolution demands strict adherence to it processes of uniformitarianism; that is, its processes have not changed over the millennium. They require millions of years to produce change making any incremental changes impossible to identity in one’s own time. How do they measure change? DNA genetic changes that produce positive, as they define, qualities. They use hindsight or backward reasoning which always brings you to your desired conclusion.

Evolutionists reason that these changes occur incrementally, slowly, independently of other changes; in other words, there is no guiding intelligence. Random chance is their god of the gaps producing dramatic changes that account of all organisms today. We were indoctrinated into this philosophy since birth which was reinforced throughout our educational process. In fact, it is illegal to teach any other view of life in public education by force of law; an odd position if one is teaching truth which needs no legal penalties to squelch opposition.

Evolutionists account for changes as reshuffling of genetic components that produce new changes. From their philosophy some fish developed into amphibians then into reptiles and well you get the picture; new structures were created with new functions. They paint the picture that small incremental changes can occur that eventual cause systemic changes that become permanent. Thus, there must be new information put into the system. Where does this new information come from? Let us look at The Information System of Life {Quanta Magazine.}.

Christoph Adami, professor with fingers into many disciplines, applies information theory to biology as one of his endeavors. He believes biological evolution should not be seen as chemical events but as informational events with the alphabet being the genetic coding. However, he begs the issue of how new information is introduced into organisms. It cannot originate from within for that is not new; it was already present just waiting to be revealed like variations in traits. Mr Adami dismissively labels Christians as ignorant which falls back to ad hominem attacks; a logical fallacy that attacks the person rather than the argument. It is because Christians dismiss the tenet that life began by chance and change continues to occur by chance.

New information requires an outside source greater than the organism upon which the change is being revealed. Why, you may ask? Because according to Evolution, these changes produce new components, new systems and thus were not contained within the organism before these changes. Evolutionists would have you look at changes on the micro level isolated from the totality of the organism. However, changes occur within a systemic milieu; if they are to have a positive effect then they must enhance the milieu. Is this possible or will random changes actually disrupt the milieu? Is this even possible?

Irreducible Complexity: Overview of Hormonal System

Irreducible Complexity:
How Change Destroys a System

Evolutionists do not have an explanation for the source of new information coming into an organism. They reject intelligence in favor of chance. They also ignore Irreducible Complexity, that changes cannot occur incrementally but must occur systemically to enhance survivability. The above graphic shows the irreducible complexity of your hormonal system. The entire hormonal system is interdependent requiring each organ to be in place simultaneously with all the other organs to include the negative feedback mechanisms of Control to prevent the organism from being out of balance and thus not survivable. The pituitary control gland had to develop simultaneously with the glands it controls as well as the target organs/cells to respond to hormonal controls and so forth. The clotting system has 13 steps. Should any step no be present, clots cannot form and the organism bleeds to death spontaneously. In addition, the additional mechanisms that begin working to dissolve the clots must already be in place lest one die of infarcts! This irreducible complex system requires multiple systems be online simultaneously which defies the Law of Excluded. Middle; that you can have a position between being absent or being functional. 

Answers in Genesis discusses, Design Arguments for God & “Irreducible Complexity”. They look at both information theory and irreducible complexity, both embraced by evolutionists, even though both reveal their arguments as illogic fantasies. They even quote from Charles Darwin showing he knew his theories could break down. “

Charles Darwin himself knew full well that irreducible complexity was a key test for evolution. Even though Darwin did not use the term “irreducible complexity,” he said: If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case.” Charles Darwin was also afraid that if no transitional fossils could be found supporting gradual transition from one kind to another kind then his theory would break down. For evolution to have occurred over millions of years there should be many fossils; however, there are no transitional fossils of any sort. There are change in kinds, varieties of horses, mules and donkeys, but no transitional fossils documenting a bridge between fish and amphibians to reptiles to mammals, etc. NONE.

Single Eye is Wisdom of God

Man’s View of Life and Creation Built on Illogic;
Lies Bring Forth Kakistocracy as Good Rejected

Since Man’s view of life from the empirical perspective is flawed and rejects God; this must necessarily affect Man’s non-empirical thoughts also (Ro 1:18-28). What is Good (Mk 10:18)? Man says it is wrong to kill; but what is his basis? What gives man’s laws the force of moral good? There is no explanation apart from the Bible (Ex 20:1-17). Man appeals to majority, we all agreeing killing is evil; appeals to innateness, people evolved from a common ancestor which believed killing was wrong ergo we all innately agree because – genes and so forth. The Lost have no basis for morality apart from the explanation of the Bible: Made in God’s image (Ge 1:27; 2:7). They steal from the Bible, deny the Bible, claim it as their own and then violate their precepts when convenient to advance their covetous desires (Ja 1:13-16).

This is why evil people always rise to power. Evolution is a system that reduces Man to animal and good to evil to make a world without God. It always results in increased violence, degradation and death (Jn 8L44). Evolution denies God, denies Bible and denies the miraculous; yet, it relies on the miraculous to show God a liar – The miraculous delusion of The Lie over God’s Truth (2Th 2:3-12). Embracing myths over Truth no matter how fantastical the lie must be to appear more reasonable than Truth (2Ti 3:1-4; 4:3-4). This is the hermetic dialectic at work in the world since sin. It permeates every song, every show and every school convincing you that it is the normal and all else is not only not normal but evil. Evolution is the foundation for building the Simulacrum, the illusion of good which is actually evil.

Evolution persists because you keep it alive by Belief Suspension and Belief Persistence. To give up evolution means you have to realize its fallacies and your own. You have to realize a divine Creator exists which created life, and you. If God created life then the truth of sin and death is also true and must be addressed; you need to repent and turn to Christ to see life in eternity future. You suspend your belief in logic and persist in illogical to keep the illusion alive. You don’t think on it much letting it swirling in the background though it disrupts everything keeping evil in control. After all, you are not evil, right (Ps 51:5)? It is the system; except that the system would not exist except for people who put the system into place. Evolution exists, not because it is true, but because people keep it in place as it removes God as an explanation for the World and life. It allows sin without judgment, which is its purpose. Evolution makes you a partner in your own delusion. It makes you the builder in your own house of cards delusion of illogic in lieu of Truth. Reject it and seek Truth. Reject it and find Life.

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