Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System

Peer Review Stifles Innovation {Appeal to Authority-Majority}

Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System;
Peer Review Uses Logical Fallacies to Maintain Matrix

Public education has been one of the greatest assets to developing the Industrial Revolution Middle Class society that raised mankind out of millennium of grinding poverty. It has also become one of the most potent weapons of the Oligarchy to return societies willingly to the crushing burden of socialism based on ignorance masquerading as science. This is Modern Man’s latest iteration of the Hermetic Dialectic but you would know it better as Scientism. Let us look at two aspects of Science used to drive you into accepting Socialism in the name of Progress.

Science uses research to document its theories and guide progress in an upward spiral of innovation; or at least this is what you have been taught. Peer Review journals are the gold standard for self-checking that only valid information is passed on to other scientists and you, the unsuspecting public steeped in ignorance {at least from their perspective}. But how can peer review allow innovation when by definition the information must accord with generally accepted theories? By its very nature peer review demands compliance along the Gaussian {Bell} Curve by labeling the tails as either quackery or misinformation. This is especially true when competing for funding.

How Psychology Guides General Will Propaganda

Purpose of Peer Review:
Keep Knowing Acceptable

Science is expensive. Governments and large corporations are the primary sources of necessary funds but they will fund only those projects that advance their control either in the marketplace or in government projection of power. They stifle, do not give funding, to those projects that will not advance their cause: Control. During the Covid Plandemic, government, social media outlets, pharmaceutical corporations and healthcare agencies and facilities provided peer review research interpretation. These sources agreed that Covid-19 was not developed in a lab in Communist China using American funding; but it was. These sources only allowed public information to positively reflect that emergency use authorization (EUA) injections were tested, safe and effective; but there was little valid research, VAERS vaccine injury reporting system showed greatest increase in injuries since its inception during the EUA vaccine roll-outs and it quickly became apparent that multiple boosters were needed to deal with the variants created by the injections.

Ivermectin Proved Very Safe

Alternative treatment practices, even when supported by a large body of research, such as Ivermectin, Quercetin, Hydroxychloroquine and aggressive early treatments as essential to limiting morbidity and mortality were attacked as disinformation and practitioners were fired and many had their licenses to practice revoked for not adhering to peer review guidelines. Now that the Plandemic is officially over(ish), data is slowly coming out exonerating the disinformation as being correct information; yet, we still have not heard an apology from governments, social media outlets nor involved corporations for their roles which cost lives worldwide. This is merely an example of how peer review Control can cost lives.

Earth-Solar Climate Interaction

But these methods did not begin with the Covid Plandemic, they began far earlier with Global Governance masquerading as Climate Change since the 1980s. Their unwavering goal has been to institute global guidelines carrying the force of law based on peer review research(ish) to save the planet and thus you, or rather them, from extinction. Let us look at several of their assumptions which are being challenged.

The Sun is the biggest, but not the only, source of energy affecting Earth’s climate. Fluctuating energy is what makes earth climate fluctuate. What do the acceptable scientists say about the Sun? They say it, and all stars, are balls of gas condensed by gravity until spontaneous nuclear fission ignites. Though they cannot point to any actual process by which this may occur other than computer models {Stars. NASA.}. But, gases expanded to fill given space and according to current thinking, mass is required to produce gravitational attraction. How can dust scattered over immense distances provide this gravitational attraction? In fact, the entire theory of star development has yet to point to any actual examples; much like biological evolution failing to provide plausible explanation and examples of life’s beginnings. Yet, others such as Sky Scholar provide alternative theories based on observable measurements that the Sun is a liquid with an actual surface. Does this matter? Purpose of Science is to discover the empirical universe; to base one’s knowledge on illogical in lieu of logic violates its very tenets.

Peer Review scientists led by the United Nations, most governments and financial institutions claim that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the culprit in climate change with Man being the biggest producer of this gas. Yet, CO2 comprises only 0.04% of the atmosphere consistently and where it varies it follows temperature fluctuations showing that energy it the major culprit, if it needs this label. But energy, and thus the Sun, cannot be controlled; if their aim was to actually control climate. Their major goal is to control people regardless of the actual scientific research. Thus, governments seek laws to Control the fictitious carbon footprint. To influence corporations to follow suit, the DEI (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) index has been developed. This is integral to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) integration {An Integrated Approach to ESG. Blackstone.}. Notice the intersection is Social and Environmental. Certain nations and associated corporations will control their carbon emissions or have their finances curtailed; more specifically the Western nations. Other countries such as China, India, and others whose carbon footprints are ignored though greater are given a pass. Thus, it is quickly apparent that the issue is not about carbon footprint, a fallacious unproven concept though supported by peer review science. This is scientism guided by political, social goal of Control.

The idea of the Sun impacting earth’s climate and history has been advanced via Suspicious Observers who postulate the commonality of many stars undergoing periodic micronovas rather than the acceptable astrophysics position of occasional supernovas. These are not Christians but have advanced a reasonable hypothesis that explains more coherently the periodic catastrophes in earth’s history. {They do take an evolutionary view which I do not but this does not discredit their basic theory, only its application to an old age earth.}

Why is any of this important? These various self-interested groups are forming a Delusion, a Lie, to return you to a grinding poverty for their benefit (2Th 2:3-12). Their disinformation does not stand scrutiny under their own system of science; hence, it comes under scientism or its very own religion. Being a religion requires faith and belief; yet it opposes direct observation by saying it cannot be proved or disproved. In other words, it does not matter about the observations but only about there results or goals it advocates. This is the heart of socialism and the key to Critical Theory or Wokeness; the modern ally of socialism. In point of fact this is simply Hermeticism’s Dialectic in new clothes. They want to turn back the clock and return society to medievalism at best or ancient world-wide slavery at worst. Though they decry slavery and racism, they doth protest too much revealing this as their actual goal {Hamlet. Shakespeare.}.

Wisdom Recognizes God

As one of their own scientist actually admitted, science will find that given enough time it might catch up with theology; or more specifically, it will come to acknowledge the Truth of God and His Bible (2Co 10:3-5; Ph 2:9-11). At the present time, Christ allows people to develop their worldview excluding Him even though it results in increasing degradation and violence (Ro 1:18-28; 3:10-18). Their theories of evolution or Uniformitarianism are only willing blindness to Truth as their evolutionary matrix only reveals the continual contradiction of their logic; i.e., affirms their own illogic (2Pe 3:3-7). Christians must endure such logical fallacies as ad hominem attacks {Flat Earthers}, false dilemmas which seek to paint God as the author of evil, etc. But we should not seek to measure ourselves by them for it is not wisdom that they portray but willful ignorance despite their appeals to knowledge, authority and even majority (2Co 10:12). Instead, we should endeavor to show them the Gospel in the hope that some will be saved (Ro 10:9-10). This is Christ’s example and instruction to us (Mt 5:11-12, 43-47).

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