DARVO: The Old-New Method of Moving the Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis

DARVO Catchy Slogan

DARVO: Old-New Method of Moving
Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis

America, land of fair play and standing up against oppression and bullying(ish); or so the myth goes in nearly every propagandic movie, television show and even music. The current popular, Rich Men North of Richmond, song is about citizenry being the victim(s) of political oppression. It is part of Hegel’s reliance on Pathos over Logos or even Ethos to move people toward his hermetic dialectic statism. This new, I use the term reservedly, acronym, DARVO, is simply a catchy way to lodge the methodology in your brain even while it is being used against you. What is DARVO? Continue reading “DARVO: The Old-New Method of Moving the Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis”