Normalization of Opposites of Change

Schematic of Hermetic's Dialectic Both-And Illogic

Normalization of Opposites of Change;
Alchemy: Turning Good into Evil

This post seeks to illustrate the various abstract concepts of the past several hermeticism posts using modern events. One cannot persuade others simply by abstract deduction since most people do not think in such terms and few are able to see how their own actions and thoughts have incorporated Dialectic Hermeticism altering their worldviews. People follow information conduits that support what they already accept as true; i.e., confirmation bias logical fallacy. So let us examine several current events to identify how the Dialectic Both-And illogic changed society’s view on several major trends. Continue reading “Normalization of Opposites of Change”

Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel

Cultural Marxism is Itself Racist Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel;
Critical Race Subset of Critical Theory Marxism

Though Critical Theory (CT) appears to have come out of nowhere in the past decade or so, it has been fermenting in the shadows since the early 20th century with the failure of Economic Marxism {Karl Marx’s original postulate}. It was growing in the shadows watered by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Herbert Marcuse and several others but its real father was Hegel. However, even further in the shadows were those who slowly financed and nurtured this distorted abomination through several front organizations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations and World Economic Forum. Today it is known as Wokeness to disguise its true origins, Marxism, and its true goal: Revolution; Slavery of You! Continue reading “Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel”

Star Wars Propaganda: Illusion of Good and Evil

Righteous Morality by Force

Star Wars Propaganda: Illusion of Good and Evil;
“Heroes” of the Force Use Force Without Oversight

What started as an action-adventure science-fiction {Western Samurai} film has mushroomed into a propaganda labyrinth of conflicting moralities capturing the minds and imaginations of multiple generations. I doubt if George Lucas, creator, understood the full implications of his creation; however, that does not mean that the influences we will briefly examine in this post are not present. Most people do not self-examine the implications of their beliefs, they simply accept them as correct since they form the core of one’s worldview. This is how propaganda insidiously infects and corrupts to blind against the Truth. Star Wars is but one facet of the Delusion transcending cultures via one all encompassing morality; much like the Force in this mythology (2Th 2:3-12).

The series opens with the Goliath Empire overcoming the small nearly defenseless David Rebellion. The Empire is clothed in dictatorial fascistic garb reminiscent of World War II which is reinforced by the areal-space battle scenes. The Rebellion is the brave small band of resistance that dares to cling to freedom. The brilliance of exceptional propaganda is using powerful imagery so the viewer makes up his/her own mind as to right and wrong! Within a few minutes the audience has sided with the Rebellion against the Empire without understanding any of the issues; thus, based on emotionalism alone, running theme of the franchise, one has suspended logic for feelings. Obi-Wan represents a nearly extinct moralistic enforcement group known as the Jedi. His recruitment of Luke is no accident nor is it based on truthfulness since crucial information is withheld eventually culminating in Father-Son duel. The viewer excuses biblical truth to embrace the Jedi’s moral crusade over tyranny even though the Bible absolutely condemns rebellion in ANY form (1Sa 15:23).

Eugenics Inherent in the Force

At its heart Star Wars is a Eugenics War
Jedi and Sith Battle for Supremacy for Themselves

Who are the Jedi? They are defined as guardians of order and justice in the Galaxy. According to George Lucas, “the Jedi are “warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe”, avoiding the use of violence except as a last resort, with a mission to “use their power to keep the governments of all the planets in line” (Jedi. Wikipedia.}. The source of their moral authority is their ability to use The Force, a gnostic energy that binds all living things together. Their supposed single-mind devotion to truth and duty is their basis for enforcing their understanding of right and wrong over everyone else. Except, the Sith who have their own ideas of right and wrong and do not submit to the Jedi; in fact, these two groups are mortal enemies seeking to exterminate each other. Since both use The Force the viewer gains the understanding that this Force has no morality but simply exists. Those who are able to tap into it can use it for their own ends. The Prequels sought to explain how certain people could sense and hence use the Force by introducing midichlorians. In our parlance we can view these as symbiotic viruses that allow a person to use the Force with training to accomplish whatever goals one believed.

Thus, in the Star Wars propaganda backdrop eugenics is a foundational element. Those with proper eugenics with good values are Jedi while those with proper eugenics but bad values are Sith. Everyone else are the masses. The Jedi enforce their morality on the masses while the Sith, being fewer in number, do the same but through deviousness. Obi-Wan makes an interesting observation when he says, “…only the Sith deal in absolutes.” This is a contradiction to his logic since the statement itself is an absolute! Tellingly, this is also an anti-God statement since the Bible also deals in absolutes. Father is absolute goodness; in fact, He alone is good (Mk 10:18; Ja 1:13; 3Jo 1:11).

No Matter Which Code its always about Force

The Code of Jedi and Sith Appear Different;
Both Harmonize in and Enslaved by The Force

These two competing moral forces achieve dominance over citizens basically through the same mechanism: Force. The Jedi claim to use force as a last resort, they always resort to force to accomplish their mission, not moral goodness. When Quigon made the statement that he did not come to free slaves he inadvertently eschewed morality in exchange for pragmatism. He had his mission which was. not moral goodness but expediency. He had no qualms about endangering a child or separating a child from his mother. This order was answerable to no higher authority and thus free to act as it alone decided even to the endorsement of spying, deception and execution without trial. They alone decided which governments, and governmental actions, were good. Sith worked behind governments until individual governments were combined into one overarching government to directly Control everyone.  The Jedi way seeks to conform the masses into a consenting voting block that embraced its own slavery to their moralistic vision. The Sith blatantly used direct force and The Force which will eventually fail since it comes a position of weakness and becomes weaker; i.e., Soviet Union.

Notice that today’s Critical Theory proponents have adopted and used the good Jedi to advance their Socialistic Control agenda through the acquiescence of people’s consent. J.E.D.I., Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, are the guiding principles of Genetic Counselors; think eugenics {National Society of Genetic Counselors.}. Just as Star Wars Jedi warriors were insidiously good and beyond your understanding, genetic counselors clothe themselves in science, actually scientism, to determine which genes are good. This brings us to an awful truth hidden in propaganda; the actual goal is shown as evil so You, the masses, will not aspire for it. However, it is the actual true goal of the elites who see themselves as the true rulers above the Law based on their understanding of goodness without God (Ro 1:18-28).

Eugenics masquerading as population control, genetic counseling, climate control, energy control and ecology has infiltrated every aspect of every society gaining the consent of every culture. The few outliers are marginalized by the moral superiority of today’s General Will Jedi focus which allows intolerance against them while demanding tolerance for the correct General Will.

Pandemic is the Trigger for Great Reset: Socialism

Hence, Star Wars Jedi Morality Legitimizes
Elites Great Reset Enslavement via Consent

Why are these perilous times? Because Satan has been at work since the beginning to create his Great Society. He has played off one group against another refining his methodologies until he obtains the one which will govern all others. He has awarded his elites throughout history with materialism until they were not needed; then they were discarded like some much flotsam. Star Wars Jedi-Sith propaganda has done much to homogenize the expectations of the world’s cultures. This Great Reset is a major increase of Control. The Sith’s obvious governmental Control were useful but limited, flawed. They served their purpose but were overcome by the better Jedi Control from higher powers that captured the imaginations and consents of the masses. The success of this mythology is apparent by its sudden proliferation in spin-off propaganda stories; most of which legitimize sinful behaviors. The anti-hero as brutal murderer and assassin is admired and promoted. That Christians would also allow themselves to come under this influence says much about current Christian maturity.

America’s Prohibition movement used government force to eliminate an evil. Did good come of this action? Did the people embrace goodness? No! Government force only beget criminal force resulting in wholesale violence as people sought to obtain alcohol by any means possible. People would not be denied! The direct result was the establishment of an overarching federal enforcement body, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The government gained power while people’s moral values were further corrupted; sin legitimized. None of this is of God. Christ told us this world would become increasingly more evil (Mt 24:6-7, 9-12).

Entertainment and harmless diversions are simply reflections of what one already believes. For propaganda to be effective it has to be believable and to be believable means you accept its basic premises as valid. It reinforces what is in your heart and mend which Controls what you say and do; as Christ remarked (Mt 12:33-37). Out of the Christian heart and mouth should flow from the Truth of the Scriptures (Jn 7:37-39). What do you watch? It reflects what you believe regardless of what you say you believe.

The Social Contract Myth

Locke's Social Contract Republicanism

The Social Contract Myth Underpins Modern Age
Becoming Foundation for Democracy and Socialism

The concept of The Social Contract has become the de facto justification for allegiance to government in the Modern Age, post Dark Ages through today. It coincided with the rise of the nation-state and grew out of the Enlightenment Age’s need to justify why citizens should accept this new form of government on the brink of the Industrial Age which would bring serfs prosperity, education and a greater participation in government. In other words, the Social Contract was simply Satan’s ploy to short-circuit the benefits of the Industrial Age and return people to slavery; or serfdom if one prefers a more polite word. Continue reading “The Social Contract Myth”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism

Portland Education System Displaying Socialism
As Anti-White Racism Showing Their Ignorance

This video shows excerpts from the British Lotus Eaters Podcast showing a meeting of a group of Portland {Oregon} school officials-teachers. This British podcast group provides analysis and commentary on current events in the world with their primary focus on events affecting Britain, America and Europe. These woked folks include all the proper virtue signaling expected for racial socialists except for knowledge of history and some old fashion common sense. In their eagerness to appear cutting edge in social correctness they reveal their intention to eliminate everyone who disagrees with their vision for the future. However, if you watch this video to the end you will discover the true nihilistic, irrational basis for their woked philosophy. Continue reading “White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism”

Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance

Graphic shows the presuppositions of
All movements based on Critical Theory

In my last post (Social Justice: The New ReligionI showed that Social Justice, and Critical Theory from which it is based, is hardly a new philosophy but a very ancient spurious  paradigm sprung from the lost person’s sin nature which rejects God and any truth associated with God. It has gained traction in many previous societies under the guise of paganism, gnosticism and even Christendom religions that wandered from the biblical Gospel into worldly philosophies. The Bible predicted such incoherent musing as gaining traction because people rejected God and His truths and actively decided to follow myths according to their own passions (2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:3-4). Continue reading “Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance”