Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”