Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action.

Hegel’s Alchemic Religious Trinity:
Thesis-Antithesis-Synethesis; Except it’s not His

German Idealism rejected John Locke’s empiricism; that one can only  know reality via the five senses {German Idealism. The Basics of Philosophy.}. Natural philosophy, which became science, can only deal with empirical facts; that which can be observed, measured and repeatable. Science cannot encompass all knowledge as concepts such as morality, beauty and even God are not directly knowable via empiricism. Immanuel Kant reached back to Plato’s concept of forms to develop a means of testing the knowable. Simply put, Thesis is what is knowable; Antithesis challenges the extent of what is knowable and Synthesis takes what is learned to build a better knowable; change the Thesis. A simplistic example: Thesis-An apple exists. Antithesis-What are the true characteristics of the apple? Synthesis-Empiricism would conduct measurable experiments to determine how to change and thus improve one’s apple {Science}; whereas Kant’s approach would seek to learn the true form of the apple to determine if this apple was similar to the ideal apple. While this stretches credulity when applied to an apple; it makes more sense when applied to social issues which lie beyond empiricism’s ability to provide answers.

Hegel was an alchemist. He believed that forms can be changed or transmuted into other forms and he used Kant’s basic pattern illustrated in the above graphic; I’ll presently explain the reason for the added symbols. Since Plato and Kant believed the absolute or true form was not knowable, or achievable, Hegel developed the concept of Contradictions. He believed that one’s understanding of the Thesis, the observable, had inherent Contradictions or Antithesis. He developed a process of challenging the Thesis with the Antithesis or using the Contradictions to tear down the Thesis so it could be rebuilt into an expanded form. But, Hegel, as most philosophers of this time, was not devoid of religion; they simply rejected Christian religion.

Bad hermeneutics leads to bad doctrine which leads to bad morality which leads to a religion that claims God but is not congruent with God and His Word; Christendom. Medieval period, Dark Ages, were so-called because Greco-Roman learning was lost, actually non-approved knowledge was suppressed by Roman Catholicism (RCC) which claimed to be the source of all truth about God. In fact, RCC simply redefined God and religion to advance their Control over European governments to return to a Roman Empire. Post-Medieval period saw philosophers throwing off RCC dogma by developing anti-Christendom religions. Hegel often substituted religious values for his alchemic trinity: Thesis-God the Father, Foundational ideas; Antithesis-Son, Concrete implementation; Synthesis-Spirit, Utopia, Folk Religion. This was Hegel’s Dialectic Process. Hegel was not a clear writer; others who came after him readjusted his philosophy to suit their agenda.

Johann Gottfried Herder preceded Hegel as a German Romanticist, to develop a German mythic religion of thought, feeling, based on epic poetry. The individual is transformed into an epic hero by identifying with one’s heroic heritage. Hegel incorporated this in his fundamental structure, gestalt. Thus, Hegel viewed the State as the bulwark against the Church Thesis, RCC and Protestantism, as it seeks to achieve Synthesis with one’s volkgeist, Folk heritage or religion, using societal contradictions to tear down faulty or destructive forms. Ludwig Feuerbach built on Hegel’s interpretation of Herder to develop his view that God is an illusion created by man; he was also the father of Germanic Higher Criticism that laid the foundation for the destruction of mainline Protestant denominations in the early 20th century. His was simply a more advance form of Hellenism’s, man is the measure of all; again, nothing new. However, his view that was is called God is simply Nature led to renewal of Pantheism which reached full bloom in the 1960s; and not by accident. Here is where Karl Marx enters the picture.

Marx Interpretes Hegel's Religion

Karl Marx Did Not Invent Socialism;
He Reinterpreted Hegel using Socialism

Karl Marx sought to reinvent Hegel’s philosophy by standing it on its head! Whereas Hegel dealt with abstract ideas which were unappealing to everyday people, Marx sought to motivate the workers to be the agents of their own change. Marx developed a material Hegelianism believing people would be motivated by greed, selfishness and covetousness of money to change society; not so much his writings but certainly biblically his intents. However, Marx did not grasp the true significance of the Industrial Revolution; people wanted a better life freed from the drudgery of brutal labor. The changes of the Industrial Revolution put material comfort and societal elevation within their grasp. When faced with the choice of Marx’s Revolution of Work or Capitalism’s opportunity of upward mobility, people chose the latter. Marx did not understand people nor economics nor even philosophy. By reducing Hegelianism to materialism he robbed socialism of its morality. Others would reset Marxism while still retaining the material forms. Still others would use Hegelianism for their own socialistic ends creating a rift that remains today.

Socialism's Heaven: Slavery Bots

Communism, Socialism’s Utopia, Enforces Slavery
Worker Chained to Eternal Drudgery for the Elites

Herr Hitler developed Herder’s, Hegel’s and Feuerbach’s folk religion into his mythic Aryan Germanic master race volkgeist to develop a national socialism that differed from Italian fascism. Mussolini’s fascism sought to fashion a current national, sovereign Italy from its heroic Roman past but not based on Italian racial superiority. Hitler not only focused on Germanic superiority but used the Jews as the Antithesis to the Thesis or current state of Germanic impurity to Synthesize a superior people. His Hegelian view saw the German state synonymous with himself who was synonymous with the people; all were linked together. Darwin used empiricism, evolution, to justify the racial superiority of the Anglo-Saxon people and American elites piggy-backed into this ideal using Scientism. America’s forced sterilizations and unethical experiments on those deemed racial inferior are but two examples that Herr Hitler copied. But was any of this new? Hegel Socialists used Hitler as the Antithesis to Democratic’s Thesis to Synthesize an expanded Socialism Utopia via racism and Wokeness.

Let us look at Original Sin (Ge 3:1-13). Thesis: God told Man they could eat of all trees except Tree of Knowledge. Violation: dying, spiritual, they will die, physical (Ge 2:15-17). Antithesis: Using negative to question so Woman would question God’s directive coupled with outright lie, “You will not surely die {Physical}.” Synthesis: You will be like God through knowing Good and Evil; a lie of an expanded, rebuilt reality. Sin did not make Man and Woman free, they were already free in God; it made them slaves; slaves to Satan (Jn 8:44; Ro 6:15-22). Lie of Hegelianism is the lie of Satan from the beginning which is the lie of today’s Wokeness.

Face of Today's False Prophet's Religion

Facts Do Not Negate One’s Moral Rightness
False Dilemma of Science vs Religion Paying Off

Hegel’s alchemy, changing of forms based on one’s own desire, is coming to fruition today through a line of philosophers and financiers culminating into the new religion of Wokeness. Wokeness is simply a black volkgeist religion based on Hegelian-Marxist Socialism to achieve Communistic utopianism; worker’s paradise. However, the word worker denotes that one is not free but still working. It is this double-speak that characterizes today’s socialistic religion. Empirical facts cannot dissuade Hegelian religious socialistic morality because they are contradictory. Critical Theory reveals the contradictions justifying the morality of socialism. Hegel viewed the State as essential to synthesize utopia and thus disband itself; communism’s promise is the same even though inherently contradictory. From Kant to Hegel to Marx to today facts cannot change this old morality; it is seen as so much noise to repress as immoral, contradictory Thesis. This is the delusion of Satan and the foundation of the one over-arching religion of the False Prophet that will included all other religions but true, biblical Christianity which will be label as hate speech (2Th 2:3-12).

The next post will show how later adherents reinterpreted Hegel to put socialism back on track without totally discrediting Marx’s contributions. It will show the importance of the volkgeist into mobilizing the blacks into endorsing their own continued slavery.

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