Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken

Clear Choice of Advancement

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken;
Economic Freedom vs Equality Slavery

In my last post, Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion, I developed the contradiction that the modern black movement built upon the works of Germanic, white philosophers {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. I promised to, “…show how later adherents reinterpreted Hegel to put socialism back on track without totally discrediting Marx’s contributions….and to show the importance of the volkgeist into mobilizing the blacks into endorsing their own continued slavery.” It is important to discuss the development of black volkgeist before proceeding into Black Lives Matter socialistic roots since it is primarily a black religion espousing socialism than a socialism built on a moralizing religion. To grasp the completeness of historical choice I could do no better than use Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken.

In 19th century post Lincoln’s War America the black community was struggling with how to integrate into American society since gaining its emancipation. We speak of a single community only for simplicity but black society was neither monolithic nor single of purpose. Like every society, its members spanned the spectrum based upon their backgrounds, current situations and cultural challenges. This has been true of every social group since Cain developed urban societal government to force conformity on those who thought differently {Purpose of Governments: Control. Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny.} (Ge 4:1-17). Old Testament Jews struggled with this during their Babylonian Captivity, struggle to maintain their cultural identity while being part of Gentile empires, subsequent Diaspora and today as a nation surrounded by displaced Palestinians and hostile Islamic nations. The situation faced by blacks in 19th century America was exacerbated by Federal interference via Liberty Clubs, carpet baggers and forced political control; which never lasts once the occupier has left, and they always leave. Post Reconstruction America, North and South was hostile to this large influx of very cheap labor into the economy. Federal propaganda clouded the truth in its self-justification of supposedly self-righteous post-war political goals. The Great War, Parts One and Two {World War I and II} spread segregation throughout the nation as the Federal government needed the support of the Democratic Dixiecrats in its various war aims. Later Progressive pious programs such as Minimum Wage and Labor Unions were actually designed to keep blacks out of the labor market under the guise of spreading equality. This myth continues today unfortunately. Thus, like any other minority people, circumstances conspired to keep the black communities under control. But, there were two clear choices for blacks to choose; two roads on which to travel into a new future.

Thesis: Washington’s Austrian Economics;
Antithesis: Du Bois’ Volkgeist; Synthesis: BLM

Booker T. Washington was born a slave, became free and believed in education {Booker T Washington vs W.E.B Du Bois: The Great Debate.}. He was a staunch supporter in what today would be called, Austrian Economics. He believed educated blacks could achieve economic wealth and thus independence to take their place in society. Each person would earn their position rather than wait for it to be given to them by a higher governmental power to which they would be beholden. He secretly funded civil rights cases but believed that one could not achieve equality by force; majority would push back; need I mention the Klu Klux Klan that arose to oppose the violence of the Liberty Clubs in the Reconstruction South? But, while a strong voice, he has become a minority voice and nearly a whisper today even though nearly every prosperous person in America has proven the wisdom of his approach; not just black but every person! His was the Road Not Taken.

WEB Du Bois on Ignorance

First President of NAACP Famous Quote;
Unfortunately, He Does not Define Ignorance

WEB Du Bois took a different road. He was never a slave. He was born in Massachusetts and also believed in education. Du Bois was a singular influence shaped by America’s political Progressivism coupled with Germanic philosophic Idealism of Hegel, Feuerbach and others. In addition, his philosophic worldview led him into the new soft sciences being developed. He opposed Booker T. Washington’s approach and became the developer of what has become the Black Movement we experience today. In many aspects he is a reflection of the changes that occurred, and continue to occur, in all Western societies.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, W.E.B. Du Bois, gives a well-rounded synopsis of his philosophic perspective as does the Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic. Du Bois skillfully redefined the plight of the Negro Problem {his term}. He defined the Negro not as the problem but suffering from a cluster of social problems that prevented blacks from realizing its group ideals given societal conditions. The failure of blacks was not blacks but the failure of American society to incorporate blacks into their social structure; the failure was not individuals but one group pitted against another group. No one denies prejudice played a major role just as it did in the incorporation of Orientals and Irish, Italians and Germans and every other people group that moved out of their native environment to a different social group. Du Bois rejected the scientific concept of race; which was wise. Race is based on outward characteristics but is artificial. There is only human DNA; i.e., one race. People have voluntarily self-separated along outward characteristics and developed religious, ethnic and cultural identities to keep others from power. Evolution, though considered a science is actually a scientism masquerading as science.

However, Du Bois did define various spiritual races based on his own self-selected criteria which made his system as arbitrary as Darwin’s. Here he borrows from Herder’s and Feuerbach’s beliefs that epic ethnic poems defined various people groups based on their cultural mythology which he called volkgeist {folk spirit}. Du Bois adopted this, using modern lingo, into a unique black identity which makes them different from other people groups. Today this is reduced to blackness versus whiteness except most labeled as white do not self-identify as a distinct people group; if any people group. It was this same reasoning that led Herr Hitler to develop his Aryan superior race concept.

Du Bois used the newly minted sociology to support his claims. The late 19th and 20th centuries sought to develop non-physical disciplines on par with the physical sciences except, non-physical disciplines are not empirical; they cannot be sciences. Today we still treat them as sciences but they are scientisms and used to promote political goals rather than empirical facts. Sociology; education, psychology and even nursing fall into this realm. They boast that research can neither prove nor disprove one’s theories making their beliefs into religions accepted by faith. Herein is Du Bois’ legacy. He developed a black volkgeist that excluded anyone else from understanding or participating. Rather than seeking to incorporate blacks into society, his road insured and embraced the continued segregation of blacks from society.

Du Bois increasingly embraced socialism, merging this failed economic philosophy with his black volkgeist. Those who followed in his footsteps: MLK, Jackson, Sharpton and others embraced socialism, black separatism and even advocate for black superiority over all other members of society. Today’s movement does not seek to integrate into society, it demands to reshape society with blacks in power over everyone else. Path destined to promote violence. Bu Bois concept of ignorance ignored his own ignorance of Scripture demanding that America resolve the Negro Problem by enslaving itself.

Black Lives Matter Fist of Force

BLM’s Symbol of Social Religious Power
Expresses Domination Over Everyone Else

BLM was not created to protect, promote or even to advance black lives. Its core doctrine is black volkgeist, religion, that gives moral credence to its socialistic goals. As a pious religion, it cannot be dissuaded by facts; this identifies you an an unbeliever and therefore an enemy for like all works-based religions it is hostile to unbelievers. Other group members may support but never join its ranks and eventually they too will be ostracized.

Washington’s Austrian Economic Road sought integration and was achievable by making irrelevant outward, unchangeable physical characteristics. Du Bois’  Road defined a works-based, exclusive religion to divide based on Luciferianism’s socialism. Yet, even BLM’s logo was created by a white man and taken from an earlier era. Du Bois’ path of equality of outcome continues the slavery of blacks, the destruction of black families and hopelessness leading to drugs and ever increasing violence. They are being used as they sought to use others.

Remember, nothing is new under the sun (Ec 1:9-11). Antifa is not born to combat fascism; it was formed to continued the liberation violence of the late 1960’s. Jewish atheistic influence comes home to roost in our next post.

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