Embracing the Fire of Life

Medicine claims to unify the person
Yet its scientism of healthcare yields death

Man has always sought a solution for the physical manifestation of sin; i.e., illness. The Greek word for moral weakness can also refer to illness and disabilities {ἀσθενής; asthenēs}. Christ debunked the myth that illness, disabilities or even death were the direct result of one’s special sinfulness (Jo 9:1-7). Christ was constantly healing those He encountered demonstrating the link between illness and sin (Mt 9:1-8). It was a mark of His compassion and grace inherent in the coming New Covenant salvation. The development of healthcare grew out of Christians imitating the mercy of Christ toward those sick and injured. During the Enlightenment, man applied logic and scientific methodology to discover the cause and relief of illnesses which culminated in the Golden Age of Medicine in the mid 20th century. However, even in this golden age the forces of ignorance were counterattacking in the form of scientisms {Public Discourse. The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Blinded by Scientism.}; i.e., ignorance. Today, medical errors are the third largest cause of death in America {CNBC}. Continue reading “Embracing the Fire of Life”

Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance

Graphic shows the presuppositions of
All movements based on Critical Theory

In my last post (Social Justice: The New ReligionI showed that Social Justice, and Critical Theory from which it is based, is hardly a new philosophy but a very ancient spurious  paradigm sprung from the lost person’s sin nature which rejects God and any truth associated with God. It has gained traction in many previous societies under the guise of paganism, gnosticism and even Christendom religions that wandered from the biblical Gospel into worldly philosophies. The Bible predicted such incoherent musing as gaining traction because people rejected God and His truths and actively decided to follow myths according to their own passions (2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:3-4). Continue reading “Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance”