Embracing the Fire of Life

Medicine claims to unify the person
Yet its scientism of healthcare yields death

Man has always sought a solution for the physical manifestation of sin; i.e., illness. The Greek word for moral weakness can also refer to illness and disabilities {ἀσθενής; asthenēs}. Christ debunked the myth that illness, disabilities or even death were the direct result of one’s special sinfulness (Jo 9:1-7). Christ was constantly healing those He encountered demonstrating the link between illness and sin (Mt 9:1-8). It was a mark of His compassion and grace inherent in the coming New Covenant salvation. The development of healthcare grew out of Christians imitating the mercy of Christ toward those sick and injured. During the Enlightenment, man applied logic and scientific methodology to discover the cause and relief of illnesses which culminated in the Golden Age of Medicine in the mid 20th century. However, even in this golden age the forces of ignorance were counterattacking in the form of scientisms {Public Discourse. The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Blinded by Scientism.}; i.e., ignorance. Today, medical errors are the third largest cause of death in America {CNBC}.

Probably no single person is more unavailable in modern culture than the physician. With their long years of training into the complexities of the human body, disease processes and health-giving interventions most people stand in abject awe. When told to take pills, they take pills with almost no questions asked. When told what are the causes and solutions to the leading cause of death, heart disease, people undergo the most significant procedures in the name of health. Yet, from behind the curtain a rising tide of disagreement has been slowly rising in opposition. From various quarters professional, but not necessarily medical, people have questioned procedures, medications and even medical understanding of the disease processes of heart disease, dementia and even some cancers. If they are correct then those medical and nursing professionals in their ivory towers pining on about a holistic approach to healthcare are basically babbling a meaningless philosophy that does their patients more harm than good.

I am in the healthcare industry since 1981. I learned what I was taught and taught that to patients. I was a cog in a system supposedly based on scientific research; we even claim our profession is evidenced-based when in fact it is not; indeed, it is often opinion-based and supported by government institutions on the flimsiest of data. The development of the Food Pyramid with its emphasis on high carbohydrate intake, industrial fats over animal fats and low protein intake has sparked one of the largest obesity epidemics that is sweeping the world. Yet, several books in the last few years have debunked the nutritional research on which the pyramid was based and shown that various agri-industrial groups had more input in designing the Pyramid than actual nutritional scientists. Most modern research is funded or conducted by food industrial groups to advance their food products over their competitors. This should come as no surprise since the Pure Food and Drug department was used by Mr. Heinz to stifle competition from other ketchup manufacturers.

The Holy Grail of Healthcare
Single Source to Cure Most Illnesses

Now, what if the diet that has been pushed onto people via the Food Pyramid is actually the source of many chronic illnesses? What if the solution were basically a change in nutrition, an alteration of the Food Pyramid which promoted high quality proteins sources, animal and plant based saturated fats over seed oils that were originally designed as industrial lubricants, and significantly decreased both simply sugars and carbohydrates, complex sugars? Those who made such changes have experienced significant changes in their health. For instance, medicine treats Type Two diabetes with insulin; yet, insulin resistance is the reason people become Type Two diabetics, usually. Throwing more insulin on the problem is like throwing gasoline on a fire! The key is to cut back the need for insulin by greatly reducing sugars and carbohydrates. Medicine says Type Two diabetes is a life-long disease with serious consequences in one’s overall health status. Yet, by following these dietary changes coupled with intermittent fasting, people have had their Type Two diabetes decrease if not entirely eliminated. These results did not require special pills, techniques, seminars or anything other high cost methods. Fasting, last I investigated, was free and intermittent fasting is easily achievable by nearly anyone with a desire to feel better and be healthier. Dementia is now considered by some researchers as a diabetes of the brain, Type Three diabetes. The simple solution is to greatly reduce sugars and carbohydrates while increasing oils so the body produces ketones for fuel. The brain thrives on ketones and those who have dementia and started on ketone-based regimen have shown improvement. There are those who teach that heart stents, except during an actual heart attack, does not prevent heart attacks; yet, the patient is now on an anticoagulation regimen forever with its risks of bleeding and strokes. There are physicians now that teach that women do not really benefit from mammograms and colonoscopies do not really prevent colon cancer for the vast majority of patients. My examples could go on and on and on.

Trading One’s Soul for Supposed Health
Is Like Embracing Fire for Life

Most people sell their souls for health. They worship at their local clinics and hospitals treating their healthcare givers as priests and priestesses. Science is the holy grail of knowledge supplanting true faith in Christ for many people; it is their religion. But, it is an empty faith. Everyone dies. There is no life. There is no living forever. There is no search for truth; just the endless parade of pills and beliefs not support even by the science people claim to believe. Rather than go to the shrine, first search out truth and embrace the true Healer of mind, body and soul. Study the Scriptures in a church that teaches not feel goodism but bible truth which you can verify by your own study. Those Christians who do not read or study the Bible for themselves are the same people who blindly follow health regimens springing from questionable science and research. Why would trust your health to such practices? Why would you trust your soul to such an empty end? There is no living forever, the body was never designed for eternity. But one can live in good health with just a few simple practices up to the end.

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