Normalization of Opposites of Change

Schematic of Hermetic's Dialectic Both-And Illogic

Normalization of Opposites of Change;
Alchemy: Turning Good into Evil

This post seeks to illustrate the various abstract concepts of the past several hermeticism posts using modern events. One cannot persuade others simply by abstract deduction since most people do not think in such terms and few are able to see how their own actions and thoughts have incorporated Dialectic Hermeticism altering their worldviews. People follow information conduits that support what they already accept as true; i.e., confirmation bias logical fallacy. So let us examine several current events to identify how the Dialectic Both-And illogic changed society’s view on several major trends.

The above schematic will guide our discussion. This represents Hegel’s-Marx’s-Marcuse’s Dialectic methodology that has become the basis for Critical Theory and so-callled Wokeness. The entire process moves clockwise from the top in a continuing spiral until the hermetic goal is obtained: returning to the Oneness. The current next goal is the achievement of the Etheric Plane of existence or the Fourth Industrial Revolution as elucidated by World Economic Forum head, Klaus Schwab.

Just as the Ouroboros is dimly perceived, so also is the overall true agenda dimly perceived, if at all, by the public. This goal would be rejected outright; hence, making has been gently moved, step-by-step, over the centuries. Postmodernism was nothing more than the unveiling of Both-And illogic which was discussed in our post, Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness. Though it is labeled as logic, this is a Reflexive misdirection as it rejects Either-Or Logic as illogical. In its simplest form, Both-And believes one can simultaneously hold opposing views honestly.

Let us list several examples. One can both love your significant other and murder him/her! One both embrace tolerance of those who agree with your views and intolerance toward those who disagree with your views. One can both believe that language cannot be defined by others outside of a narrow experiential mindset and use language to hold everyone responsible for not accepting the finality of one’s statements. Society can both believe in choice and not allow people to have choices that oppose the ultimate goal! One can both believe in the sanctity of life and advocate for the legitimacy of killing the unborn {abortion} and the aged {euthanasia}. One can both believe in equality of the races and demonstrate racism by telling other races how they should believe {You ain’t black if you don’t vote Democrat!}!

A wife can tell her husband she loves him while simultaneously justifying her subordinating her loyalty to him in lieu of her own desires. Politicians can tell the populace that their rights are being protected while enacting laws that diminish those rights behind a plethora of deceptively named laws to keep the masses quiet. Black Lives Matter states that black people are more important than other skin tones, which is racist by definition, while claiming other skin tones are racist for denying their logic {Kefka Trap}. The list goes on and on and…

Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies are simply propaganda tools to give Both-And absurdities the air of legitimacy to facilitate one’s acceptance of them. This gives people the illusion of choice under the guise of democracy while limiting choice through oligarchical manipulation. Voting is not an act of expressing society’s will but a tool for legitimizing hermetic change; alchemy. Republic government is molded by fixed absolute standards. But democracy is simply what the majority of the people believe to be right; or more historically, what the behind-the-scenes oligarchy determine is right for the masses as they prepare for the next layer of dialectic illogic.

The Thesis of biblical rightness opposes the mercurial fuzziness of democratic relative values that shift to fit changing circumstances. Why? Because the ultimate behind-the-scenes guiding goal is to be as god instead of following God (Ge 3:5). God defines Good in accordance to His character (Ja 1:13-18). Anything that does not conform to His character is Sin punishable by Death (Ge 2:17; Ro 1:18-28; 3:10-23; 6:23). Woman was deceived by hermetic outward appearances, but Man was not deceived; he sinned knowingly (1Ti 2:14). At its very core, covetousness of all that is not of God is the basis of sin (Col 3:5).

Seeking to obtain what God has not given means one must attain one’s own goals-desires from not-god; i.e., from a different basis of knowing or gnosis. This different gnosis foundation results in every growing depravation and violence (Ga 5:17-21). This was not God’s goal for Mankind but Man’s. Living under God’s peaceful gnosis brings inner peace joy gentleness, self-control, etc. (Ga 5:22-24). However, this does not bring peace with the World which rejects God and His Either-Or Logic as hateful and evil (Mt 5:2-12; 2; 1Pe 4:12-19).

Christ clearly states that governments, though allowed by Him, exist to feed their own ambition at the expense of those they govern (1Sa 8:9-18). He also showed how in these latter days, since His resurrection and ascension, families would self-divide themselves by their relationship to Him (Mt 10:34-39). As the Hermetic Dialectic Socialistic governments grow ever stronger and more united, they tolerate dissidence less until they become strong enough to isolate then eliminate those who do not agree with their goals: climate change, environmentalism, LGBTQIA+, etc. Family members will turn against each other to secure their next meal. One’s desire for inclusion in the society outweighs standing with Christ. This will become the norm as digital currencies roll out replacing physical currencies. These will be Controlled at the purchase level by corporations sanctioned by government laws dictated by the hidden oligarchy which is increasingly becoming less hidden!

Even now, their digital tendrils are becoming more pervasive in the form of Artificial Intelligence (AI); a ubiquitous term poorly defined {Violating the Law of Identify}. The rollout of AI in popular phone and computer apps is simply propaganda hype to accustom the masses to its acceptance. Think of it as simply another digital spigot to control your access to information with your consent! AI will become the dominating access to any and all information throttling down and choking out those independent media outlets so prevalent on today’s Internet. These will become obsolete within five years just as the print media of a century ago became dominated by a few publishers who controlled information according to governments’ desires for war, peace and hermetic inclusiveness. Thus, while your favorite information sources both warn about AI, they also tout its advantages if properly controlled by a few corporations and enforced by government laws.

They Dialectic cycles continuously promise a coming paradise, a coming end to Control with the universal acceptance of the necessary alchemic, hermetic changes proposed such as electric vehicles to eliminate fossil fuels usage and save the planet though the electric grids cannot supply enough power for everyone to use such vehicles nor have they supplied any proof that petroleum products originated from fossils nor that it is a limited resource! They say, Follow the science,” while they provide no science to back their claims. They simply shout out the same Reflective, Fertile Fallacy Antithesis encouraging you to voluntarily embrace their brave new synthesis in which, “You will own nothing and be happy!”

This process will continue on and on and on…ad infinitum! It is a cycle of hopelessness and helplessness while holding out the carrot of Posthumanism to escape death and thus God’s punishment for sin (He 9:27; Re 20:10-15). Remember those sci-fi movies of crowded apocalyptic overcrowded cities ravaged by hunger, violence and poverty such as: Soylent GreenBlade Runner; and Judge Dredd? That is the truth of what is coming. You are lulled into somnolence by the idyllic vision of Star Trek’s cashless, socialism that claims to give equality to everyone based on abilities; except, even in Star Fleet there are divisions based on rank which by definition is not equality of outcome: another false promise ignored by the hypnotized viewers of this utopia never to be realized as it ignores sin!

No one can change you unless you seek change (Mat 7:7-11). You must want change but not change based on Hermetic’s Both-And Illogic but on Christ’s Either-Or Gospel of salvation based on His finished work for YOU (Ro 5:6-11). You must ask, you must seek and you must knock until He opens the door. He stands at the door knocking first to attract those you can hear; but the goal is not power nor control (Re 3:20). The goal is humility, suffering the shame that the World holds for Christ, and holds for all who are saved. He was crucified outside Jerusalem. Will you die on that same hill to obtain that which is to come in the next Creation (Ph 2:5-8; He 11:8-10; 13:10-15)? A Sunday Christian appears faithful but returns to the World when persecution comes, they have no convictions. Do you believe to the point of dying on that same hill because you expect to be with Him in the Final Resurrection (Re 21:1-4)? That is a true conviction that comes only from the indwelling Christ-Spirit while we rest in Him (Mt 11:28-30; Ga 2:20). Only you can answer that question for yourself for only you will have to give an account to Him for you: Will your life testify against you; those life-works which you so dearly cling to now (Re 20:11-15)? That is the normalized life of those who embrace hermetic’s Both-And illusion of eternal godliness of self. Remember: there can be only one god; what makes you more worthy than others (Ro 2:1-11)

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