Controlling the Hermetic Cycle of Alchemy

Hegelian Hermetic Cycle

Controlling the Hermetic Cycle of Alchemy; Or
How to Make Change Work for Your Control

I am sharing my continual dive into how 18th century philosophical-religious musings shaped 21st century socialism without calling it socialism. This particular insight came from watching Jacob Nordangard’s YouTube video, Shaping the Future-The Digital World Brain. Of course, this did not spring forth spontaneously from Rousseau, Descartes or even their earlier predecessors such as DaVinci. These ideas have been the product of one mind before it entered the mind of Man; i.e., Satan. He is the great accuser who taught Man to rebel and accuse Christ of unrighteousness or unfairness to use modern parlance. Previous posts discussed Hegel’s contribution, especially his Dialectic: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis to reach Solutions or New Thesis. We know it today as Critical Theory. While others approach this from a secular perspective believing Truth will always win; I come from a Christian perspective shaped by the lens of Scripture. Hegelian Dialectic Hermeticism will win until it does not due to Christ’s direct intervention via His Recalcitrant Reality. Let us discuss how Nordangard’s Policy Control Cycle fits into Hegel’s Dialectic Ouroboros matrix.

The problem involved in every paradigm is explaining it in practical terms. How does it actually work? We can see numerous diagrams of the Hermetic Dialectic process to understand its logic or both-and illogic; but, how does it play out in actual practice. No one is holding up signs identifying the Thesis or the Antithesis; in fact, they are doing their very best to hide these descriptive terms from the public’s prying eyes. People are easier to herd when they are ignorant. If this were not so then Satan would have no need to deceive, he would just enlist people to his cause by illuminating them with facts. People would not willingly follow if they knew, and accepted as true, that their path of knowing, gnosis, leads to their eternal judgment {Second Death} (Re 20:11-15).

I have overlaid Jacob Nordangard’s Process Cycle with Hegel’s Dialectic Ouroboros Alchemy, Cycle of Change, in the opening graphic. Again, this is an ongoing, never ending process with no end. The Preacher laments that material life is never ending, purposeless and thus empty of meaning (Ec 1:9-11). All that one works toward is given to those who remain when one dies. Hence, the modern Hermetic dream is to combine nanotechnology, digitization and essence of consciousness into a non-biological package that can be continually repaired; the goal is to cheat death and thus avoid The Judgment. But that goal is not yet in sight; most people cannot be motivated by such long-term goals that do not directly benefit them. They can be motivated NOW if they believe that their very environment is threatened by themselves! There is only one earth! There is nowhere to escape if this environment is disrupted! Everyone must work together for success! Therefore, Climate Change is the foundational issue underlying all other change issues for a unified global world!

The Thesis:All peoples are in a closed interdependent contained environment called Earth! What effects one person effects every person! Your living impacts the living standard of everyone and everything on Earth. Man lived in perfect harmony with the Earth as Rousseau’s Noble Savage. This flowed from ancient Gnostic and Hermetic religious-philosophical knowing systems. But, everywhere one looks harmony is disrupted as evidenced by natural disasters, famines and wars. Why?

Recognition: People must understand and accept the present real danger of the current issue. This is accomplished by convenient catastrophes promulgated by  majority of so-called legitimate news-informational agencies. Video, internet, audio and print media push the same talking points around the world in every major language. The trigger event may be tornados, typhoons, droughts producing famines, bursting damns causing floods, volcanos, earthquakes and even radiation from space. The same message is pounded into one’s head from every conceivable medium regardless of language, nationality and even ethnicity.

The Antithesis: Modern Man’s lust for ownership and industrialization has disrupted the natural environment producing whatever current, local issue is available. Peoples devolved into separate ownership ethnic societies seeking Control over others through war and slavery. The Natural Environment was raped by the introduction of powered machines, especially during the last 150 years!

Formulation: There must be a solution! The Earth is a closed system. People can no longer be allowed to do as seems best to them because everyone is endangered. Due to industrialization and the introduction of cheap, easily obtainable and efficient fuels, people and goods can be quickly transported anywhere in the world in a few hours. Ships, planes, trucks and cars can move belong to nearly everyone giving a mobility unheard of even two centuries earlier! Every nation, every ethnicity, every society must see itself as subservient to the entire population. Plans must be formulated.

These plans began on the local level and tribal levels thinking only of the members of one’s own group. However, as tribes and localities united into larger units these plans were insufficient. Government entities had to become stronger via centralization to reimagine new formulations for larger groups of people. This grew into national formulations in the 19th century; at least among the industrialized nations. Those nations not so industrialized had to be parented and taught, think colonization, to understand their place in the global scheme imagined by their more advanced brothers and sisters. Finally, due to the world wars of the 20th century nations began to think in regional terms. But even this was seen as insufficient and a movement began for an international entity to formulate solutions sufficient for all nations everywhere on the globe! However, by the beginning of the 21st century the limits of government, especially national governments, were becoming apparent; they were seen as liabilities rather than as solutions.

The Synthesis: We cannot return to the Noble Savage stage; there are too many people who would resist. The genie was out of the bottle and could not be put back in; a new direction would need to be developed that would incorporate elements of the idyllic Noble Savage era plus modern digital nanotechnological era. Only the current, and planned future technological developments, would give the planners the ability to insure everyone did their part to rectify the errors of the past generations. There needs to be a Great Reset, a new Fourth Industrial Revolution. Try not to be confused that the rhetoric sounds suspiciously like a voice from the past announcing a new 1,000 year Third Reich uniting together all peoples of one particular nationality. That voice was silenced primarily because it would not unite everyone and those not so included rose up in a terribly destructive global war. This was to be avoided!

Implementation: Early on in the 17th century a group of people discovered how to Control governments and this method was slowly implemented until all civilized, industrialized nations had a private fiscal system in place; America was the last to join this club: Federal Reserve System. After World War I, the Central Banks were united by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) which today functions as the de facto head of the world’s banking system. Without funds governments cannot function; they became slaves to the fiscal leaders. The multinational corporations so vital to modern societies also cannot function without access to fiscal capital; hence, they also became indebted the world financial system. But, this system operates best behind the scenes determining which formulations would be implemented. There needed to be an international bureaucracy above sovereign nations that could oversee the implementation of agreed upon formulations.

Just as early American sovereign states gave up some autonomy to form the centralized Constitutional federal government, the world’s civilized nations agreed to join together to form a United Nations (UN) for world peace (1945). Slowly this organization has advanced its tentacles into agriculture, trade, health, and finally Climate Change (IPCC-International Panel on Climate Change). This body has slowly been developing treaties and agreements securing the commitment of member nations to surrender elements of their sovereignty to the UN for the good of the world {International Climate Change Law}. The UN is the over-arching organization slowly being given the authority to implement agreed upon changes required in many fields in order to secure everyone’s agreement and participation in Climate Change to save the Earth and its people!

The Solution: One Word-Control! In a nutshell the ideal form of international Control is Socialism overseen by the elites for the masses until the bureaucracy is no longer needed and the global population enters Communion: Utopia in which all governments dissolve and people naturally government themselves according to inherent Noble Savage principles as they did in the past; or at least according to Rousseau, the Father of the first socialist revolution: French Revolution! It was this revolution that inspired Hegel to modernize Hermeticism to include the Dialectic which inspired Marx, Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Club of Rome and modern day elitists such as the various Rockefeller foundations, Carnegie Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, and the various Rhodes spin-off advisory groups such as the Committee for Foreign Relations in America.

This pattern works on every level for every issue, local and foreign. It is always about Control; that is their Solution. Every local issue supports a more national agenda which eventually supports the international agenda of globalization. Your Drag Queen Story Hour debate is designed to delegitimize the family so the State becomes the parent which bows to the authority of the final collective State of Nations which will seek to merge into a single State administered via these cyclic principles. In their view, the Ouroboros view, the Communist utopia will never be reached because according to the Gaussian Curve, there will always be outliers who must be dealt with; hence, the State will always be necessary. However, you will not be necessary if you are of no value in advancing the cause of humanity by doing your part!

This is Satan’s system which he began in Genesis by causing Woman to question Christ, “Ye, hath God said… (Ge 3:5)! Man leapt at the opportunity of self-governing apart from God (1Ti 2:14). Man has ever since tried to imagine a subjective reality without God and any need of His salvation (Ro 1:18-28). It has always led to increasing degradation and violence. The Hegelian Hermetic Cycle is not a means to uncover truth but the very essence of how to hide God’s Truth. They promise freedom but give only slavery and death (Jn 8:44; 2Pe 2:19). They promise utopia but lie about the obvious truths uncovered by their own scientific method; this world is not a steady-state system but a catastrophic-ridden system that will eventual self-destruct according to God’s will (He 1:10-12; 2Pe 3:3-10).

Christians are to be seeking a city to come, a new creation to come (2Pe 3:11-13). We are to be teaching others about the hope that is in Christ so they may also enter that New Creation of righteousness. We are to be aware of these wiles of the Devil so we will not be tossed about by every changing wind of doctrine and lies like the World (Ep 4:11-16). This is why we learn about his methods so we do not become part of the problem; we become the means to warn others about these deceptive methods so they too may miss the traps! We do not seek to Control this cycle; we seek to not be deceived by the deceptive lie(s) and thus find ourselves ensnared in the world system!

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