Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness

Star Wars Hermeticism Destroys Logic

Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness
In One Star Wars Moment: Did You Catch It?

I want to continue the thought that I ended my post, Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God, in which I discussed a portion of this Star Wars prequel germinal  dialogue, “Only a Sith deals in absolutes,” {Revenge of the Sith}. I want us to understand that this moment its when Logic was given a death blow and replaced by ancient dialectic hermetical inclusiveness to thunderous applause. This is the moment when intentionally or unintentionally, George Lucas changed how people perceived their world. After this movie, the viewing public of all ages were pounded by this theme in other movies, television, entertainment venues of various genres including music. News-information-propaganda mediums legitimized this change without ever mentioning the change was occurring. It seemed right so many people unreservedly accepted it as fact and altered their worldviews to match. Within twenty years societies began preparing  for a major top-down revamping known as The Great Reset to match this bottom-up change. Let us examine this simple dialogue to understand what fundamentally changed in your thinking.
Star Wars fictionally galaxy is divided into hermetic light and dark forces. The Jedi faction aligns with the Light; hence, they are the so-called Good. The Sith aligns itself with the Dark; thus, they are considered evil. This accords with basic human understanding both historically and religiously. From the onset this Light and Dark Force interaction is accepted as it corresponds to ancient-to-medieval-to-modern concepts. In Hegelian Dialectic terms the Light is the Thesis and the Dark is the Antithesis; each controls the excesses of the other to produce a third option, a Synthesis or improvement. In Star Wars, it was to bring balance to the Force; but, this is never explained nor is it observed in subsequent movies. The Rebellion wins, forms a new Thesis, but the First Order, a new Antithesis, arises to oppose them and the struggle continues for balance?! The Hermetical Dialectic circular process never ends, never achieves resolution. It simply produces a new Thesis which invokes an Antithesis and through their ongoing conflict will produce a Synthesis ad infinitum.

It is essential that one understand the Dialectic Process which has been encoded into Critical Theory to form the basis for changing your society from its Reformation roots. This continual process has been the basis of Oriental philosophy for millennium as exemplified in Yin-Yang and I Ching, Book of Changes. The New Age philosophies of the 1960s brought this into American consciousness, again through the entertainment mediums such as All in the FamilyBarney Miller, and other sitcoms. However, this process also changed a fundamental mode of Western thought in order for this process to occur to usher in today’s LGBTQIA+ among other forms of hermetical changes.

The movie’s tragic villain, Anakin Skywalker, has turned to the Dark Side, a Sith apprentice though he was a Jedi apprentice under the tutelage of Obi-wan. In the dialogue preceding their combat, the differences are highlighted though you may not be aware of what is actually being discussed because what is occurring is not the death of democracy but the death of Either-Or or Aristotelian Logic. Aristotle simple described the principles; he did not originate them as we see them at the very beginning of Creation in the Bible. Law of Identity: In the beginning God… (Ge 1:1). Law of Excluded Middle: Darkness was present, Light introduced but separated as Night and Day (Ge 1:3-5). Law of Non-Contradiction: There is no third option; if one disobeys God then one faces death; hence, one cannot be both good and evil or righteous and unrighteous simultaneously before God (Ro 3:10-23). It was the application of these principles along with Logical Inference coupled with the empirical Scientific Method that developed the Industrial Revolution and raised mankind out of grinding enslaved poverty. It brought about the accepted of the republic form of government. A government that itself was to be held accountable by absolute right and wrong by its very citizens.

Anakin makes the statement, {paraphrased}, …if you are not with me then you are against me…! His mentor, the good guy, makes the assertion that only a Sith speaks in absolutes; i.e., uses Either-Or or Western Logic. Because this statement comes from the Light it is blindly accepted as correct by the audience. Obi-wan counters with the logically fallacious statement that he stands with the Republic, for Democracy {paraphrased}. By conflating a republic with a democracy, government wherein the majority decided for themselves right and wrong, the Jedi embrace Both-And Inclusiveness. In other words, you the audience suddenly find yourselves allied with the Evil One but cheering for the Good One during the ensuring duel. To your relief Obi-wan wins(ish) by mutilating Anakin and mercilessly leaving him to die by slowing burning. This is thwarted and from. his ashes arises the Sith Darth Vader to continue the hermetic dialectic conflict. You accept Both-And Inclusiveness as the proper worldview and begin abandoning Either-Or as wrong and even evil.

Now, if you think I am being hyperbole or reductio ad absurdum let me give you a few modern examples of this change in perspective. Dialectic thinking helps you stay open-minded even while holding opposing views of the same truth; notice the violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction {15 Examples of Dialectic Thinking & How it Can Broaden Your Mind. outofstress.}? Or, let go of Either-Or thinking which is extreme, rigid and divisive.

Psychology views Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) as a more nuanced understanding to deal with change. It implies that Either-Or is rigid seeking to label one-side as Good and its opposite as Evil when both are necessary to achieve Change, Alchemy, even if they appear opposing {Both/And: Tolerating Ambiguity Using Dialectical Thinking. Looking Glass Counseling.}. When dealing with uncertainty there is a third option via Synthesis.

Much to your surprise Western philosophy from Plato and Aristotle centered on the Dialectic which was perfected by Hegel, the Hermetic religious philosopher {What Is Dialectics? What Is The Triad Thesis? ScienceABC.}. Thus, the modern Dialectic is now considered an essential conflict resolution process even though by its own definition conflict can never be resolved as each Synthesis becomes the New Thesis resurrecting its own Antithesis just as Star Wars demonstrated in its latest episodes!

Marx adapted Hegel’s Hermetical Dialectic to Economics and produced Socialism with Communism as its idealistic goal. Now, less you be confused, Marx was a much a religious hermetic as Hegel but a closet one {Marx, the Alchemist; Order of Sophaianic Marxists. e-flux Journal.}. Socialism was Marx’s pathway to Anthropos, the Man-God or Gemeinwesen. While Marx began the process, Antonio Gramsci, The Frankfurt School, The Fabian Society and others refined the process in both the Eastern and the Western societies to prepare our modern world for their Great Reset.

This transition from biblical Either-Or Logic to Both-And Inclusiveness culminates in today’s Critical Theory Wokeness without revealing to you their ancient religious underpinnings {Hegel, Wokeness,, and the Dialectical Faith of Leftism. New Discourses Podcast Ep. 37.}. Yet, you have been conditioned for over a century to accept the Hermetic Dialectic and your children have been steeped in this religion through public education training.

Psychology, the very scientism which defines who is mentally healthy and who is a danger to self and society, is nothing more than the public faith of this ancient religion intertwined in every aspect of Western society including our healthcare and justice systems! If you are not for them, if you are not for the Great Reset then you are against them and must either be re-educated or removed as you prevent everyone from obtaining the next level of evolution!

Notice how the Hermetic Dialectic conveniently holds both opposing viewpoints? When it suits their purposes, they hold to absolutes while accessing your absolutes of being intolerant. Because your Either-Or Logic rejects their logical fallacious reasoning, you must be eliminated just as Cain murdered Abel simply because God was pleased with Abel’s faithfulness over Cain’s system of self-works See Ge 4!

Bible says all have sinned, none seeks after God (Ro 3:10-23). All who die in their sin enter His eternal Judgment with their own Both-And Inclusive works testifying against them (Re 20:11-15). It has always been a religious battle because it involves God and those who would be gods; i.e., define right and wrong. Government is always the hand-maiden of religion as it makes laws defining right and wrong and associated punishments. It is always about faith. Even science bows to hermeticism. Isaac Newton translated hermetic documents and believed the forces he discovered such as gravity, were not from material or natural process but from spiritual forces! It is always about what one believes.

Recently, we have witnessed the demonization of political opponents, informational opponents and even science opponents who cling to Either-Or Logic rather than fully embrace Both-And Inclusiveness. However, those not grounded in the Bible, who have been saved in Christ will not stand in the coming fray. They stand on shifting sand and not on the Rock who is Christ. Those who stand in Christ will have their faith severely tested. The digital Central Bank Digital Currencies will be used to Control everyone. Those who hold the proper view will be able to purchase food and shelter. Those who do not bow to this ancient faith will suddenly find themselves without means to obtain food, shelter, healthcare; i.e., they will enter a banishment that can only end in recanting one’s faith or death. As it always had throughout history, it comes down to, “What do you really believe?” For in believing the absolutes of the Bible you will be classified with the Dark Side and be left mutilated and tortured to death in righteous indignation by those who call themselves disciples of the Light. You will be demonized as Christ was; can you bear His shame and remain faithful? Only if one is truly saved (He 13:9-15).

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