As Above So Below Satan’s Lie

All Philosophy is Antichrist Religion

As Above So Below Satan’s Lie:
Christ’s Gospel Plan-Progressive Change

Hermetics ancient dictum, As Above So Below, encapsulates the Lie, the Delusion of Luciferianism or to put it more simply, Hermeticism (2Th 2:3-12). The above schematic describes how the Above, the spiritual is different in degree but the same in essence meaning the Below, physical, reflects in some inferior degree and follows spiritual changes. Also, under Hermetic doctrine, changes in the physical can influence changes in the spiritual. Together these produce the Ouroboros, Snake grasping its tail in a circle depicting the interdependence of Change. God knowing His godliness depends on Man progressively realizing God’s godliness; hence, when Man has attained the Self-Begotten plane through complete knowing of God then God will also attain complete knowing of Himself which He lost when Man created in the physical plane. If this sounds like Circular Reasoning then welcome to the logical fallacies of Satan’s Delusion.

Ouroboros Lie of Satan

Hermeticism Truth Absolutely Depends on
Hiding Truth of God’s Recalcitrant Reality

Hermeticism’s As Above So Below implies that God is mutable, changeable, and relies on His creation, Man, for completion of His Plan. The Bible destroys both of these assumptions. Balaam, who taught Balak how to defeat the Hebrews, under the power of the Holy Spirit admitted that God is not Man who changes; i..e., He is immutable (Nu 23:18-20; Is 29:15-16; Re 2:14-14)! God, through Christ, will bring His Gospel Plan to fruition despite Satan’s and Man’s efforts to the contrary (Ps 8:3-8; Ep 1:3-14; 1Jo 2:15-17; He 2:5-18; Re 20). Thus, Recalcitrant Reality continually, openly displays the powerlessness of Satan and Man. This is one of the main themes of Revelation (Re 6:12-17). God’s Recalcitrant Reality is objective openly displaying the foolishness of those who hide behind their subjective fantasies (Ps 19:1-11; Ro 1:19-20; 1Co 1:20-25; 2Pe 3:3-13).

However, Ouroboros does depict Truth. There is sin in Man below, in this physical Creation (Ps 51:5; Ro 3:10-18, 23). By their own logic there must also be sin in their spiritual realm. Indeed, the Bible agrees to this wholeheartedly! Satan is a sinner without hope of redemption as are those angels who followed him in rebellion (Is 14:12-16; Ez 28:11-19; He 2:16; Re 12:3-4). Indeed, Satan knows his time for judgment is approaching kindling his wrath, speeding his development of Sinful Man into a society proving that Christ is the author of sin and thus unrighteous and thus unable to judge sinners (Ro 3:3-8).

Christ did create all beings in heaven and earth (Col 1:15-20). But Christ did not force sentient beings to sin; they did this own their own seeking knowing apart from Him (Ge 2:15-17; 3:1-7; 1Ti 2:14; Ja 1:13-16). Their god is covetousness to feed their own lusts and be gods in a creation they did not create nor can they control (Ph 3:18-19; Col 3:5). Therefore, they must live in a subjective reality, creating the illusion of Control over each other and Christ. The Ouroboros illustrates this Delusion of Control. History is the story of Satan and Man developing their societal delusion: Heaven on Earth in this Creation even though Recalcitrant Reality declares the inevitable dissolution of this Creation (Ro 8:19-25; He 1:10-12).

The Ouroboros depicts the closed mind of Sinners, yes, Satan is a sinner also (Jn 8:44). They must all agree to believe in sin’s delusion and reject those who disagree with their version of subjective reality (Ro 1:28-2:11). Hermeticism is the modern(ish) name for sin’s ancient faith opposing Christ since the Fall. You may say, “I do not believe in such nonsense!” Your belief is not required! You are already captured by virtue of being born in sin with an antiChrist mind; rejecting truth of Christ which the heavens daily declare to be real! Besides, Hermeticism has been upgraded, modernized and sanitized to appeal to delicate modern minds. Hegel was the great interpreter melding together ancient Alchemy, Change, with modern Christendom to produce science; man taking Control of the physical world. Isaac Newton was a firm Hermetic believer embracing Hermetic’s As Above So Below in his development of physics! Marx simply applied Hegel’s Hermetical interpretations to the economic realm to create Socialism. Others refined Marx’s faulty reasoning to develop Socialism both from the bottom-up as well as from the top-down in every modern society. Hermeticism permeates every aspect of every society today.

Your belief is immaterial. In fact, it is better if you do not believe and just follow the mantra: Go Along to Get Along! Critical Theory is nothing more than modernized Hegelian Hermeneutical philosophy promoting Socialism. Ecology and Climate Change environmentalism encompasses the ancient paganistic illusion that all nature is one balanced living symbiotic entity. Man must stop subduing the earth and live in harmony like Rousseau’s Noble Savage! Of course, Rousseau was considered the Father of the French Revolution, man’s first attempt at modern socialism which inspired both Hegel and Marx even though it 1) failed; 2) gave rise to despotic Napoleon and 3) resulted in the wholesale murder of tens of thousands of French citizens, not to mention the tens of thousands who died as a result of Napoleon’s wars! Marx inspired Lenin whose Russian revolution resulted in millions of Soviet citizens deaths and also inspired China’s Mao Communist Revolution and another round of millions of Chinese deaths! No, you do not have to believe in Hermeticism but you are living in a hermetic world nonetheless!

Darwin’s evolution was simply a repackaging of medieval’s spontaneous generation but with the introduction of races and race superiority; or to put it more bluntly, everyone is human but some are more human than others! This, along with its hermetic cousin socialism, defined the modern era. The 20th century’s wars were Social Darwinism in action with one group favoring their heritage over all others at the point of ethnic destruction; unconditional surrender. No society was exempt from this hermetic beliefism though some called it fascism and others called it democracy, another socialistic term.

Even your entertainment is hermetic. Star Wars screams blatant hermeticism while Star Trek is more subtle in its scientific hermeticism. Zombies are non-hermetic beings who must be destroyed so the hermetic faithful can continue on their upward evolutionary pathway of spiritual development; another tenet of both evolution and sci-fi. The next step, the Great Reset is simply the elites deciding they are ready to ascend to the next plane of hermetic existence; the Ethereal Plane but under the guise of Transhumanism or nanotech implants. Everything you think is modern is ancient proving the Bible’s Truth.

Solomon lamented the empty futility of As Above So Below because it produced no hope (Ec 1:1-11)! Its sole purpose is to blind you to the hope of Christ’s salvation so you embrace Satan’s socialism and your own Second Death (Lk 16:22-31; Re 20:11-15). In this sense Hermetic’s motto is very true: As Satan enters the Eternal Fire of Judgment, so will everyone who dies without Christ’s salvation (Re 20:10). The god of this age, Satan, has blinded them to the truth so they remain in their rebellion against Christ (2Co 4:1-6). Christ, who knew no sin, became sin to pay our penalty so those who believe may have hope (2Co 5:21).

We have hope even though we do not yet see our complete salvation; this is the very definition of hope (Ro 8:23-25). The Lost claim to have hope but as Christ has let them build the society of their imaginations, they achieve only increasing degradation and violence (Ro 1:18-28). They exemplify the logical fallacy of confirmational bias by rejecting and eliminating everyone who does not share their beliefs. Their heaven on earth can only be obtain if everyone agrees to believe the same! Those who are different must be eliminated or reeducated as they harm the group; the very essence of hate as they define. You must stay within the circle defined by the Snake less you see your true condition and become saved in Christ (Titus 1:1-4).

Will you remain in sin’s delusion until confronted by absolute reality when you leave your body; i.e., death? Satan holds out the delusion of transhumanism as a way to cheat death and thus judgment. The lie is that one’s conscience lies in the brain; a belief without objective proof because it is beyond empiricism. The conscience resides in the soul which connects with the body via the brain but not destroyed when the body dies (Mt 16:26; He 4:12). As Above So Below is true in that all who stand in sin’s judgment will enter eternal fire. It is a lie that there is an escape from judgment apart from Christ. Christ is the only way to life (Jn 14:6). Will you come (Re 22:17)?

2 thoughts on “As Above So Below Satan’s Lie

    1. Hermetic/Gnostic philosophy seeks to overcome the empirical barrier of our five senses by making up the dictum: As Above, So Below and then using logical fallacies to “prove” it true. This dictum is common even in ancient and modern literature. Shakespeare used it in his story, The Tempest. Story opens with terrible storm “mirroring” the spiritual turmoil that unfolds during the play. However, this dictum is not falsifiable; cannot be proven true and hence is not supportable except by faith making it a religious doctrine of the hermetic/gnostic belief system.

      People cannot obtain non-empirical knowledge because we do not possess non-empirical senses. We cannot prove nor disprove non-empirical hypotheses for this reason. Just because one can “think” does not make it exist which disproves Descartes maxim, “I think, therefore, I am!” I can “think” or imagine many things but this does not make them true or even exist. Hence, many resort to various logical fallacies: Conflation; Equivocation; Reification; False Dilemmas; etc.

      Why do people “buy” into this obviously flawed logic? Because it allows them to develop a worldview that excludes God and Jesus (Ro 1:18-28). This is the natural mindset of all sinners, everyone who has been born. We would rather live a lie then accept the Truth that we need a savior; even one who paid the penalty for our sin rather than demand that we pay it {which we cannot}.

      Accepting this dictum also allows them to substitute their imaginations for truths. They imagine that what they perceive as occurring in this empirical physical creation is also occurring in the spiritual realm; hence, As above, so Below and vice versa. This was the basis for Greco-Roman gods and goddesses who acted like humans since they based their vision of their supposed deities on watching each other in sinful action.

      In the final analysis, there are only two realms of knowing: God’s and anything else. God’s knowing is contained in the Bible visible for anyone who takes the time to read and study it. This was the basis for the original sin. Would Man and Woman remain satisfied with understanding the world through God’s knowing or would they seek to discover knowing apart from God? They chose the latter which did not bring the promised freedom but the slavery of the flesh which results in degradation, violence and death.

      Choice, if it exists, at its most fundamental level is not about right and wrong; it is about which “knowing” one will follow. Born in sin, as are all people, we pick our knowing. Salvation is being made alive to God’s knowing when one is remade as a new Creation based on Christ’s sacrifice (2Co 5:17).

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