Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God

All Philosophy is Antichrist Religion

Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God;
Foundational of Non-Salvation Belief Systems

Star Wars masterfully blended science and Hermeticism into Postmodern Western culture preparing people to accept Hegel’s Dialecticism in the guise of Critical Theory behind the facade of fictional sci-fi escapism. Obi-wan’s quote in Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, is quintessential Hermeticism as Perspectivism; “What I told you was true, from a certain point of view.” One can almost hear this flowing from Satan to Woman to Man legitimizing knowing apart from God to be as god(s) (Ge 3:5). This statement is true though it flows from a false premise; that one can know whatever one’s point of view. Indeed, question of Lost and Saved, True and False, Reality and Fantasy comes down to one’s starting knowing point. Understanding is not possible until one grasps this fundamental concept.

In my most recent posts I have made the case that Hermeticism is the true one works-base religion underlying all work-based religions through the world and time. The outward forms change but the inner core remains consistently constant. This is the reason that Revelation depicts a one-faith belief system bringing people to accept a one-government Control system. Religion undergirds everything! One might argue that Western philosophy is not religion just as science is not religion; indeed, this is the fiction that has been falsely peddled since the Renaissance, especially during the Enlightenment. Those not properly schooled accept this blather as it makes them Controllable regardless of their educational status.

For example: Kant, father of modern philosophical-political-religious thought rejected his family’s biblical faith received during his youth. Newton, as was common in his time, was a natural philosopher who was guided by his reason; there was no separation between religious and empirical knowing. Only today’s readers make this artificial distinction. This is the result of successful modern education’s focus on science so that you do not even think your belief system is being altered when in fact it was always the target.

The above schematic shows the relationship of belief to knowing. All people are conceived in sin; hence, everyone has a certain point of view that automatically excludes The God, His Son and His Word (Ps 51:5; Ro 1:18-32). If one’s point of view excludes or eliminates the other knowing then you form your knowing on what you believe and experience. Without God and His Truth, which includes knowing about the physical Creation He created; Man is blind (Ge 1:1-5; Col 1:15-20). Herein is the conflict: Christ created Man in His image and Christ created this Creation (Ge 1:26-31). Sinful people form their own knowing which brings them into constant contradictions with Christ’s Recalcitrant Reality. It does not flow according to what people believe but according to God’s Plan. At its most fundamental level Religious-Philosophical-Scientific forms of knowing seek to explain Man and physical creation reliably so Man can Control events according to his plan.

This is represented in the above schematic as the Hermetic and Gnostic circles. The Dialectic Circle, Praxis of Change, represents the degree to which people seek to Control or Change what they experience-belief to predict what will occur. The Saved throughout time realize their ignorance and rest in Christ (1Co 13:12; Mt 11:25-30). They understand that this Creation is temporary and look ahead to an eternal, permanent Creation (2Pe 3:3-13; He 11:8-10; 12:18-29; 13:14). This does not mean that Christians embrace ignorance over knowing this Creation because people have been given the mandate to utilize the Earth as good stewards (Ge 1:26).

Satan is no more knowledgeable about this Creation than Man and maybe less as he is not physical; hence, Satan needs people for their ability to manipulate the physical aspects and for their more expansive, creative minds which reflect greater capacity than the angels, like Satan, who were created to serve people (Is 14:12-17; He 1:14). Satan’s only advantage is that he is spirit and thus invisible to people who have no organ to perceive the spirit realm except their empty imaginations. It stands to reason that if there is only one entity against Christ then there is only one fundamental belief system to achieve his one goal (2Th 2:3-12; Re 13). Hence, all the apparent diversities are simply differences Satan has developed since Noah’s Cataclysm in order to unite the strongest, smartest, most capable people under his one Control so he can prove Christ unrighteous to judge him for his sin (Re 12:7-12; 20:7-10).

Satan has been building his imperfect copy or Simulacrum of Christ’s promised society. Satan sees himself as a god and he has deceived people into believing they can be as gods so they will work toward his one world society. With the development of industrial-digital technology, he is close to implementing his plan at least regionally. The Great Reset copies man’s responsibility to husband the earth except it is based on false premises in order to be used to Control people, returning them to serfdom. Hermetics is the one religion with its socialistic governmental form forcing all peoples into its set. This is the Ouroboros, the encircling Snake that contains all the knowing, all the people and all the beliefs into one system. Unfortunately, it also depicts its own end. The Snake is swallowing itself and will not stop until it is totally consumed! It cannot for sin is covetousness without self-control, fruit of the Spirit for those who are Saved (Col 3:5; Ro 3:23; Ga 5:17-25).

The Enlightenment, Age of Reason, sought to redefine hermeneutics according to hermetic principles such that true faith, true hermeneutics was corrupted and truth of Salvation hidden. At its most fundamental level, People-Satan via Hermeticism seek to redefine the world as they believe according to their violent, degraded sinful mindsets (Jn 8:44; Ro 3:10-18). These are the true flat-earthers who violate the Laws of Excluded Middle and Non-Contradiction. There is no God except God as Creation testifies (Ps 2; Ro 1:19-20; Is 44:6-11; 1Co 8:4-7). In His Bible which teaches one how to understand His words, God calls us to reason together with Him (Is 1:18-20). Satan demands blind, slavish obedience while God gives us responsibility to make informed decisions.

Delusional Trap of Missing the True Delusion of Self as Good

Notice the contradictions that modern hermetical Critical Theory advocates frequently use. They claim Western philosophy is not valid because it was developed by white men who had an agenda. True, but who is usually telling you this? Yes, white people who have an agenda! Critical theorists claim you should hate Western civilization because its republic structures are designed to keep the rich in power while enslaving you. You tells you this? Rich, usually white ,business people who push the lie of fossil fuels, no. proof oil came from fossilized remains millions of years ago; climate change via industrial gases released into the atmosphere, etc. These sound reasonable to you because they come from the same sinful knowing system as yours and are consistent with your government mandated education and reinforced by the propagandic-informational services employed to guide your thinking. Your entertainment continues your reeducation and today nearly every religion also drones the same message.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy: Christ {Gold} as Sin Devours Satan {Silver} Masquerading as Light

The Truth is that Sin’s system, tarnished silver Snake, seeks to devour Christ’s Truth leaving Man without Hope, but will be devoured by that Truth (Ge 3:14-15). Satan was warned that yes, he would bruise God who would come in the form of Man to die for Man’s sin (He 2:14-18). Christ became sin though sinless to destroy, devour totally, the works of the Devil (Ps 22:1-8; Mt 27:6; 2Co 5:21; 1Jo 3:8). But, despite his delusions and the majority of sinners who follow his lies, democracy in action; Satan would not prevail. Every effort is made to eliminate the only book which gives us God’s Mind: the Bible and the skills to read it intelligently. They even say that language cannot be objective though they use language objectively to make their case! Contradiction upon contradiction which people accept.

In closing I want to bring us back to Star Wars as its influence prepared several generations to yearn for this Great Reset’s hermetical changes. Obi-wan and Anakin face off in Revenge of the SithObi-wan makes the statement, “Only a Sith deals in absolutes“! This illustrates the lies that reveal themselves. God deals in absolutes! Satan, sinners, deal only in relatives because everything is relative to their perspective which constantly changes depending on their current goal! It does not matter if one intelligently knows these are fallacious, their very inclusion played over and over soon ingrain them as true in the minds of the listeners. Satan-Sinners follow the tried and true tactic of: 1) Admit nothing; 2) Deny everything; and 3) Make counter-accusations {so one’s opponent appears as the evil}. Satan has made Christ appear evil and sinners seek to make evil appear as good. It is only in the Bible that one can learn the Truth and find salvation in a Creation to come. Can you hear the call to “Come?” (Re 22:17). Come!

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