“As Above, So Below” Ignores God

Digital Ourboros

“As Above, So Below” Ignores God;
Denying God’s Truth Proves Bible’s True

The line, As Above, So Below, is a simplified version of the opening text from the Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice glorified. Sir Isaac Newton, considered the Father of Astrophysics, was a serious student of Hermeticism and translated this document, among many others. Those modern people who claim to be ruled by science must admit that scientists are ruled by their religious beliefs, like Sir Isaac Newton who disbelieved in the Trinity believing that Roman Catholicism had long ago been corrupted by Gnosticism which viewed the physical as inferior or negative. Hermeticism views the physical in a positive manner with God, as it defines, the source of all energies rather than another property of matter under certain conditions. This views acknowledges the mysterious property of energy which modern scientists tend to ignore while waxing eloquently about energies based on their properties and ignoring its actual essence. Science springs from Hermeticism because its early practitioners, such as Newton, believed it while forming their theories of how the world worked; i.e., natural philosophy. It is always about religion!

Hermeticism is named for Hermes, messenger to the Greek gods and known in Latin as Mercury to the Romans. He is also linked back to the ancient Egyptians through their god Thoth, holder and guardian of history and writing. In this sense Hermeticism is thrice deified across all major cultures affecting all modern societies. Writing in the ancient world was so complex that only certain people in a society would be trained in its arts; this was true for kings as well as most of societies elites. Ancient societies understood the importance of controlling information via the scribes as evidenced by the assignment of a god to this art form.

It was the Hebrews who brought the Aleph-Beth or alphabet into general use through Joseph of the Bible {Patterns of Evidence series}. The Phoenicians gained this knowledge through their association with King David’s and Solomon’s building projects, adopted it for their own and spread its usage during their migrations and trade practices giving the appearance of their developing the alphabet. The Aleph-Beth was religious in origin being developed so every Hebrew would be able to read and write about God; very essence of equity of knowledge! Thus, at its heart all knowledge is religious knowing able to inspire Man to know his World and Creator. It was through Satan that the grasping for knowledge apart from God induced Man to sin. The Ouroboros, snaking grasping its tail, symbolizes Satan encircling the knowable world including Man in this sphere of knowing. Special people receive special knowing or gnosis which today are called Scientists but in the ancient world were viewed as Hermeticists; one and the same.

The core essence of Sir Isaac Newton’s, Emerald Tablet, translation is the motto: As Above, So Below. What does it mean? It means the Macrocosm and Microcosm are interdependent, influencing each other similar to the Balaam-Jezebel Effect eluded to in Revelation’s Letters to the Churches and associated with the deep things of Satan {Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect.} (Re 2:14, 20-24). It also alludes to Platonism which viewed the heavenly copy as the perfect form while the earthly form was an inferior copy; again, showing interdependence of religious-secular knowledge. Thus, what occurs in the Spiritual realm, beyond Man, beyond empiricism, influences what occurs in the Physical realm among people. But, it also means that what occurs here also brings about change in heaven to god!

According to Hermeticism, God needs Man to complete Himself! God sort of got amnesia when Man was created by the pesky Demiurge or Christ (Col 1:15-20). As Man discovers himself and rises through the planes of existence, God also remembers more about Himself as reflected in Man’s increased knowing {Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition.}. This elevates Man above being sinners in need of God’s salvation to being essential to God’s understanding of Himself as God! This makes Satan the agent of positive change or Alchemy rather than the enemy of God and Man. In fact, logically it makes Satan the powerful catalyst necessary to God’s and Man’s interdependently increased knowledge of Self; talk about turning the Bible on its head! Thus, knowledge, channeled through Satan, becomes the means of Self-Actualization or, to put it more plainly; for people to be as gods realizing Satan’s original promise to Woman (Ge 3:5).

In practical terms, As Above, So Below, means that as parents influence children, the children become the agents for parental change. Hence, the Control of Education, foundation of modern knowing, is essential to change future society but also to change current society through changing the parents of the children! The wife changed by the children also changes the children and together they change the husband/father who changes society from above via laws and institutions. This provides the illusion of equity making children equal parents in knowing.

Applied to modern society through entertainment mediums, the poor are equally necessary to change society for the better as are the capitalists running the engines of business that provides the goods and services needed by each society. The business milieu developed around the business head attracts workers who agree with this environment and contribute to its continuance or demand its change. It was through this latter mechanism that Marx envisioned a coming hermetic utopia which he called Communism. But Marx’s view was flawed; yet, Socialism flourished under the guidance of his disciples to promote a different king of utopian future. Socialism, Man with Gnosis, guides those without Gnosis until all have the One Gnosis to transcend together to the next level; a Great Reset.

The Dialectic is the removal of distinctions that prevent one from Gnosis or transcending to the next level. Hence, racism is not about race but about accepting the gnosis that those who oppose Critical Theory, the Dialectic, are impeding change. Gender/Transgender equality is not about sex but about the removal of barriers that impede equity, limit gnosis, and prevent the alchemic transition not just of themselves but of everyone and must be eliminated.

Thus, Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset of society is not simply enforced economic socialism on the World but the revelation of hermetic religion as the basis of and thus uniter all world religions into the one belief via many practices so all may transcend together: Strength or Unity Through Diversity becomes the practical result of the Ouroboros of Knowing-Gnosis. Going Along to Get Along joins the transition as an ally while inciting on absolute Truth of Right and Wrong based on Christ impedes the illusion of Alchemy and must be eliminated making Intolerance of Tolerance a positive force rather than naked oppression.

Today’s Ouroboros is a digital encirclement of informational Control. It was not possible until the industrial and technological means became available to provide a means of uniting all peoples everywhere via the Internet through the proliferation of affordable devices so that even the remotest villager receives the same orthodox information as the loftiest executive of corporate management. It is through Internet Information Control that, As Above, So Below, becomes the mechanism of informational equity so everyone thinks the same.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy: Christ {Gold} as Sin Devours Satan {Silver} Masquerading as Light

Satan’s Dragon Reveals Truth by
Wounding Christ Who Destroys Him

If this all sounds surreal, it is. It is based on fantasy according to the Bible, the only book of Absolute Truth from God which contradicts hermetic and works-based faiths. The Hermetic Lie works because people agree to reject God (Ro 1:18-28). They form their view of truth, of the world and of the energy and spiritual nature behind the physical based on their mythologies that are limited to this empirical and thus finite Creation (2Th 2:3-12; 2Ti 3:1-7; 4:3-4). But, the Snake, the old Dragon, Satan, is far from good being the major player in bringing the degradation and violence of his rebellion to Man (Ge 3:1-13; Is 14:12-17; Ez 28:12-19; Re 12:9-12). He became the Father of all sinners (Jn 8:44).

Christ did the unexpected by Satan or Man; He became sin and died for us as the Snake on the stauros as first hinted at as the solution for Man’s sin (Ge 3:14-15; Ps 22:1-8). This was alluded to when Aaron’s staff, received from Moses, turned into a snake and ate the staff-snakes of Pharaoh’s priests (Ex 4:1-5; 7:8-12). Christ, who was equal to the Father did not hesitate to become a slave to the Father and die on the stauros for sin to save those who would believe in Him to the Father’s glory (Ro 5:9-11; 1Co 15:20-28; 2Co 5:21; Ph 2:5-11).

In effect, Satan’s Ouroboros is a picture of Satan limiting knowledge while promising knowledge only to keep you from true knowledge of Christ’s salvation. He is eating his own tail, contributing to his own destruction from which he cannot escape (Re 20:7-10). The true Ouroboros is Christ the gold snake dying selflessly for our sin devours Satan while Satan’s wounding of Christ facilitates Christ’s sacrifice for sin as depicted above; i.e., Satan’s sinful actions based on his finite ignorance made Christ’s sacrifice possible.

This is the true essence of, As Above, So Below. As the infinite Father above determined before this Creation so it has become a reality below even though opposed by Satan and his followers which we were until Christ saved us from our sinful ways (Ep 1:3-14). Satan would sacrifice every last person to save himself, and fail; this stands in sharp contrast to Christ who came from above so that we below could have life when all we deserved was death (Ro 3:23; Re 20:11-15).

If you seek for knowing then all you will find is ignorance and death. The world below will be hellish, degrading and violent because of rampant sin in a world without knowledge of Christ. If you seek Christ above you will come to a new Creation without darkness, without ignorance, filled with the continual knowledge of God through the Son and the Spirit (Re 21:1-8). It its always about the knowing; what do you truly want to know?

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