Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect

Balaam-Jezebel Effect(s)

Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect
Destroying the Family-Nation from Within

I have come to understand the Letters to the Churches of Revelation as Christ warning His Body (Church) about how they would be attacked then and down through history. Each letter displays a different facet of this overall coordinated attack designed to eliminate the Church and thus believers from existence. This strategy relies upon internal and external influences swaying believers to give up their belief system to adopt the World’s belief-morality system which is really Satan’s system. This strategy is also being used against non-Christian groups to bring everyone into line with one-belief system. It begins with the family.

Let us begin by understanding how God designed the family structure (Ep 5:22-6:4; He 12:5-8). Man was formed first and woman from Man; hence, Man is the leader of the family unit. Woman is not subordinate in a military sense but the principle advisor and co-founder in the business sense. She is the family’s chief operating officer (COO) to her husband who is the chief executive officer (CEO) (1Ti 2:8-15). The husband looks outward to provision and protect the family while the wife looks inward to securing the home environment and teaching children the religious-moral values of the parents-society. Together they form a solid-cohesive unit foundational to the societal structure (Ge 2:21-24). However, sin has disrupted this idyllic structure with each seeking his/her own good over the family’s good. (Ge 3:8-16).

Satan and Man share the mind of the sinner (Ro 1:18-28). Neither can think outside the box of this Creation. This means neither are original but simply copy and adapt what they perceive from this Creation (Ecc 1:9-11; 1Co 10:13). For Man this means he is limited to this Creation so it is no wonder that today’s primary foundational belief of origins is the violent survival of the fittest since this is what is visible in today’s natural wild setting. Satan’s Creation is a little larger since he is a spirit and was created for Heaven before this physical Creation (Col 1:15-20; He 1:14). Satan always seeks to copy God but in such a manner that perverts the original. Plato had some vague conception of this in his Platonism-NeoPlatonism philosophy; he just left out the vital aspect of salvation by grace in Christ: The Light (Jn 1:1-18).

One’s morality, conception of right and wrong or good and evil is defined, and thus legitimized, by one’s philosophical construct; i.e., one’s religion. Since Man is created in God’s image, he/she innately perceives one’s actions in terms of right and wrong (Ge 1:26-27). When Man and Woman ate of the Tree of Knowledge, they sought a morality apart from God; thus, they became the evil (Ge 2:15-17; 3:1-7; 1Ti 2:14). However one defines morality, that is one’s religion so even so-called atheists have a religion since their moral system defines right and wrong. Just as Satan led Man to desire a moral system apart from God, he continues this attack throughout history. He, not the sharpest tack in the box, has been experimenting, refining and developing human cultures to build the strongest society for himself. He spared no expense in human lives and suffering until he has nearly perfected his approach in our time.

The Balaam Effect

In the Letter to Pergamum, Christ says that he is against those who hold to the teaching of Balaam who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before Israel (Re 2:14). Balaam was a prophet of God who became enamored with prestige and money not unlike today’s megachurch pastors and many politicians. Balak who was afraid of the Hebrews hired Balaam to curse them which he could not do. However, to earn his pay he did teach Balak how to defeat the Hebrews at the family unit level; a Bottom-Up approach. Have Moabite women who possessed a different religious-moral system intermarry with Hebrew men; thus, the children will be raised in the Moabite tradition and within two or three generations would be in effect Moabites (Nu 22:1-8; 24:25-25:3). The long view approach. This approach was so successful against Solomon that it broke the unite monarchy in two (1Ki 11:1-13). King Ahab copied this practice by marrying Jezebel bringing Phoenician religious-moral values into Israel (Northern Kingdom) (1Ki 16:29-33).

Therefore, the Balaam Effect is infiltration of the family through the COO changing the families religious-moral value standard. If this occurs on a broad enough scale a critical mass occurs and societal values change and over a period of time that society morphs into something else or absorbed into other stronger societies.

The Jezebel Effect

King Ahab of Israel married Jezebel, a Phoenician princess, making her his queen. She strongly advocated for Baal, god of storms (rain) and fertility, whose form was a bull (think Israel’s Golden Calf and Dan’s institutionalized calf worship already in place) (Ex 32:1-8; Jdgs 18:27-31). When Israel broke away from the united monarchy, Jeroboam understood what many Americans refuse to understand: Religion determines morality. If he let his people continue in Judaism they would reunite and depose him at some future time. So, he took the already existent Egyptian calf worship and institutionalized it within his government making it the official, and only allowable, religion (1Ki 12:25-33). Since the Israelites already had a cow based religion in place, she simply morphed it from its Egyptian framework to her Baal framework. Baal, and Asherah his consort also representing fertility, worship incorporated animal sacrifices in which a portion was shared with the worshipper symbolizing joining as one with the god/goddess. This was further cemented by temple prostitutes, male and female. The worshipper would join with these priests/priestesses symbolizing Baal returning or preserving the land’s fertility as well as the woman’s fertility thereby making the nation strong.

Whereas the Balaam Effect is an informal Bottom-Up infiltration through the family unit, the Jezebel Effect is a Top-Down state mandated effect complimenting and legitimizing the Balaam Effect (See Above Graphic). If there is only the Balaam Effect then popular revolutions may erupt but cannot prevail against state power. Likewise, the Jezebel Effect by itself requires so much force that it cannot be reliably maintained and must collapse under its own economic demise; think of the collapse of the Soviet Union which maintained its existence via Top-Down force. But, when both of these two come together then lasting change can ensue because the people clamor for and demand the state to provide the structures that legitimize their beliefs.

The 20th century saw the greatest increase in socialistic structures with the consent of the people in America and other Western liberal nations. The Social Gospel attacked the True Gospel to eventually became the Social Justice movement which paved the way for today’s Critical Theory. Each of these hold to the belief that the Industrial Revolution was evil robbing people of their human rights and dignity. The Western nations solution was to create a United Nations (UN) to spread their philosophy throughout the world through the UN and its Declaration of Human Rights. Public (government) education, medicine, information and entertainment structures pound out the message from the Bottom-Up beginning with mothers already trained to this system. The Top-Down structures such as laws and agencies support and, in fact, mandate that only certain topics can be taught in schools such as evolution; all Christian religion is forbidden as oppressive.

After over 200 years of suffering under the combined Balaam-Jezebel Effect, America has become the leading proponent for socialism in the world. Not the failed socialism by force; Jezebel Effect alone; but the socialism instilled in people until they too want government control in every level of their lives. Christian Gospel is not persecuted in America, it is ignored to such an extent that very few are raised even to realize its existence. This is facilitated by the many Christian churches and denominations that have embraced these godless philosophies replacing the true Gospel with these lies. In fact, these are no longer churches but worship guilds which are just another facet of Bottom-Up indoctrination.

Today, the few remaining True Gospel teaching churches have members looking to government rather than to Christ for answers. Government never promotes God which it views as a competitor for people’s minds and hearts. The only theocracy that existed, ancient Israel, chose against God and even sought to murder His Som; that is government’s relationship to the Gospel. Christians must understand with biblical clarity the times that are upon us because of the desire of the people to follow a delusion rather than the truth (2Th 2:3-12; 2Ti 3:1-5; 4:3-4). This is what the Church Letters of Revelation warned would happen; that Christ would be pushed out of His own Church, standing at the door and knocking to be let in.

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