FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World

Many heads of the Great Reset Hydra

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World;
Cut Off One Head, Two More Appear-But Which One?

I bet dollars to donuts many of you have not heard about the FTX cryptocurrency scandal; and why should you? Most people either have not heard of cryptocurrency or have any inkling of what it is or of what value is it? Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is for the fringe conspiracy-freedom element or the ultra rich who have money to burn. Who cares if they get taken; they probably deserve it being so rich and all. And off you go about your daily business of watching your favorite propaganda show, keeping up with your favorite social media app or even watching the government approved news show. All of these are designed to keep you complacent while the Great Reset occurs around you. This innocuous scandal surrounds you with its spy-like plots guiding you into the great eugenics future of Effective Altruism (EA). Continue reading “FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World”

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism

Watch Parade of Crises, Ignore Fascism's Growth

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism;
You Watch Crises as Fascism Extends Its Control

For the first time the general public is watching, through their propagandistic informational medias, the annual Davos meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Whether you are Left, Right or somewhere else; you are being fed a script informing you What to Think. Each presentation is carefully planned to feed you some aspect of their agenda. This cleverly designed gaslighting slowly gaining one’s acceptance of their true agenda; what we used to call,  boiling the frog slowly. However, the actual vital decisions are made privately and implemented through the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and its member Central Banks. As you are pulled from one crisis to another, some actual and some probably contrived, your attention is diverted away from the true expansion of Control. Only now are some people beginning to understand what is occurring. Fascism did not die with the Axis defeat of World War II (WWII) {Hink, F. Forget the Marxists: Here’s the Real Enemy of America. American Thinker.}. It simply morphed to fit the changing times. Continue reading “Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism”

One World System Already Present

One World System Already Present;
While You Watch for Government Slavery

This post is a continuation of my previous post, One Faith to Rule All Religions…But One. I have little expertise to write about financial control; however, I have biblical training to compare Scripture to historical and current events. For this material I direct your attention to: Tower of Basel and 97% Owned: How is Money Created. The common thought amongst Christians was that a coming one world government would be just that: a government. However, this was a misperception on my part much like a magician will have you focus your attention on the obvious while he performs his deception elsewhere; presto, magic and the impossible happens! While people were watching for THE government to appear, Satan has been hard at work establishing his one world system right on the world stage since the early 20th century! As always, what is said is not always what is meant as Satan is the master manipulator of words and meanings; much like lawyers (Lk 11:45-52). Continue reading “One World System Already Present”

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains

Politicians Enslavement to CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains;
Universal Income Equals Universal Enslavement

When President Biden nominated Ms Saule Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency he was signaling the Federal Reserve’s intention to absorb America’s financial institutions as the means to Control self-caused inflation. However, the not-so-hidden agenda was to signal to government that the world’s central banks will become the sole determinants of correctness via financial Control! No freedom movement, no liberty agitation can long survive when the access to monies is Controlled. It was probably no accident that while your attention was focused on the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26), the World Economic Forum (WEF) was meeting in Dubai, UAE, coordinating what Mr. Klaus Schwab termed, The Great Narrative. What? Not familiar with these terms or movements? That is exactly what they are counting on to. As magicians they focus your attention on Mr. Schwab and Cop26 but hidden from your view they have planned a coup of unimaginable proportions. And, our greedy politicians are playing right into their hands with your consent! Continue reading “Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains”

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization

Social Contract Redefined in Great Reset

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization!
Pandemic Relief Linked to Globalized Financial Goals?

Conspiracy Theory is a pejorative to delegitimize opposition without having to logically defend one’s position; hence, it becomes a logical fallacy that shows the weakness of one’s true position. This is the purpose of secretive plans; to prevent detection until such time as detection no longer matters; or, to put it more succinctly, “Resistance is futile!” Our last post, The Social Contract Myth, discussed the foundational mythology to keep the masses distracted while Control was slowly consolidated through various mechanisms. Hence, conspiracy theories abounded. I would not be surprised if the powers that be were not also encouraging these to keep you distracted from the ultimate goal. Now however, these powers that be are writing the articles revealing, in stages, their immediate goals for you. The Conspiracy Theory turned Reality in your time! Continue reading “When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization”

China and the Great Reset

China Key to U.S. Economic Ruin

China and the Great Reset will be an Economic Battleground
U.S.’s Trillions of Dollars of Debt will come due with Cryptocurrency

China and the Great Reset is not some fantasy pipe dream but an integral link in the plan to control America via economic means. Mr. Hayek warned of this in his work, Road to Serfdom, written in 1944. Western nations were warned that crony capitalism {today’s terminology} and uncontrolled spending would result in slavery via socialism. This is the lesson Mr. Hayek learned from Mr. Hitler’s Germany and which the Western nations devoutly ignored. The Great Reset will not be a military coup; it will be first and foremost an economic coup that will quietly replace literal currency with digital cryptocurrency. Once the means of economic transactions are controlled, the nation is controlled. That is expected to begin in 2021 regardless of who wins the presidency. Continue reading “China and the Great Reset”