Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism

Watch Parade of Crises, Ignore Fascism's Growth

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism;
You Watch Crises as Fascism Extends Its Control

For the first time the general public is watching, through their propagandistic informational medias, the annual Davos meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Whether you are Left, Right or somewhere else; you are being fed a script informing you What to Think. Each presentation is carefully planned to feed you some aspect of their agenda. This cleverly designed gaslighting slowly gaining one’s acceptance of their true agenda; what we used to call,  boiling the frog slowly. However, the actual vital decisions are made privately and implemented through the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and its member Central Banks. As you are pulled from one crisis to another, some actual and some probably contrived, your attention is diverted away from the true expansion of Control. Only now are some people beginning to understand what is occurring. Fascism did not die with the Axis defeat of World War II (WWII) {Hink, F. Forget the Marxists: Here’s the Real Enemy of America. American Thinker.}. It simply morphed to fit the changing times.

Marriage of Digitalization and Block Chain: Control

Marriage of Digitization and Block Chain
Forms Foundation of CBDC Control

The essence of this Davos (2022) is to introduce you to the coming Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). This will begin nationally and over time will finally merge into one international currency. This is the realization of Star Trek’s promise that man will not be motivated by money implying altruistic motivations based on Universal Income model which has already been purposed. Popular media has been gaslighting you for years preparing you for this significant change. You will not notice anything different except: no cash or coin. This will be implemented behind the scenes at the wholesale level as compliant corporations are already onboard with this: Samsung, Toyota, Siemens, Walt Disney and so on. So, how does this affect YOU?

Scam of Offsetting Carbon Emissions: Scientism
Net zero emissions and carbon dioxide CO2 neutral balance to maintain atmosphere neutrality as They determine.

The old canard of climate change scientism based on carbon dioxide (CO2) levels will be tied to products in a process not yet defined; always a worry. Digitization will immediately analyze every purchase determining your carbon allowance; again another process not yet defined, or at least revealed. You can be denied purchases if you exceed your allowance. Purchase can be denied based on what is being purchased or even where it is being purchased if there is a declared radius of allowable travel such as was imposed in several Western countries during Covid-19 lockdowns. Climate change scientism was revealed in the early 1990s to be a canard for global governance and we will see its implementation in our time!

You are already being gaslighted to accept food and product shortages as normal. You expect to see half-stocked shelves or to wait ten months to purchase an auto. Imagine a significant shortage in animal protein such as we experience today in baby formula. Only certain people will be allowed to have access and purchase these nutritious items while majority of people will be redirected to consume bio lab meat substitutes, artificially developed baby milks, etc. It mirrors Isaac Asimov’s I Robot mythology in which people consumed processed yeast that looked and tasted like beef, pork, etc. Again, fiction coming to life with gaslighting. Bill Gates is the largest agriculture land owner in America with significant investments in the labs producing the above products. There has already been fires to a significant number of meat processing plants reducing your access to nutritious protein sources. Accidents? Hmm. But, these are the crises being used to drive to accept Davos’ future plans.Understanding Fascism's Levels of Control

Fascism’s Circles of Control Within Circles
Always Extending Fascism’s Control with Deniability

The above graphic is of my own making and based on Cecil Rhodes’ Roundtable and Inner Circle organization {Cecil Rhodes, the Roundtable Movement and Eugenics. Canadian Patriot. and The First World War, Cecil Rhodes & Anglo-Saxon Power. Consortium News.}. The purple outer circle are the true believers such as one finds on Tik Tok, school teachers, nurses, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and so forth. These adopt Woke philosophy for climate change, save the animals, internationalism, ecology, and simply because they have been conditioned to do so in the last 40 years of so via psychological propaganda along Edward Bernays public relations lines. He is the father of the techniques being used by Davos to influence you!

The bluish inner circle are the celebrities, university professors, informational peddlers and other useful tag-a-longs to barrage you, gaslighting, with the agenda until you believe it is normal. Everyone believes this and those who do not are idiots or conspiracy theorists spinning tales of deceit and lies or misinformation. These define, as they are told, what is acceptable information and what is misinformation. They also point you toward coming future agenda points such as transhumanism. They also encourage you to engage in trivial pursuits to ignore the real changes occurring.

Governments have outlived their usefulness except as regional bureaucracies to Control regions masses as directed. The planned ineffectual of representative governments leads people to accept non-representative direction from non-governmental sources outside of national boundaries; for the good of the World, of course. It is no mistake that President Biden is ineffectual; Control comes from behind the scenes as we shall discover.

Finally, we come to those who have some access to the truth. These are the BIS and its associated Central Banks which Control governments and mega-corporations. Its front organizations, International Monetary Fund-World Bank, insure Western dominance. The WEF presents its approved sanitized agenda at such forums as the annual Davos meetings. The WEF is not in Control. Like Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the WEF gets its marching orders from the inner circle.

We come to the Roundtable of secretive financiers who follow the Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules“! These may or may not include the Rothschilds and other old banking families. However, there is a school of thought that these families are passé and true financial Control may emanate from corporate families such as those named earlier in this post. These are the true supporters of Fascism sending tentacles into every facet of society. It is from this group that the true international government will emerge headed by Antichrist and False Prophet (Re 13). Yet, while these think they work for their betterment, they are actually enslaved to another: Satan (Jn 8:44).

Out of the Darkness of Biology into the Light of Transhumanism

Leading Man Out of Ignorance of Faith into
Light of Reason and Science: Lie of Fascism

The world’s population is mainly Lost, and willingly so! The elites seek to escape death by substituting replaceable digital-nanotechnological bodies for the frail fleshly bodies. They may share this with their useful idiots. However, they do not intend to share this with majority of people whom they consider worthless; shades of eugenics masquerading as population control to preserve reserves and save the planet for the elites! Psychology and chemical controls are partially effective but significant segments of the people remain uncontrollable. Violence is acceptable, but large scale violence is counter productive as the 20th century proved in USSR, China, Cambodia, etc. So, what can they do? Illusion of Choice!

This entire system is built on The Lie (2Th 2:3-12). But, what exactly is The Lie? As the movie Matrix explained, “the problem is choice”. Plato illustrated both the illusion of choice and the slavery of choice in that one thinks one has achieved liberty only to reenter the Cave, Matrix, for outside one does not have anything {Donovan D. The Problem is Choice (As Explained by The Architect).}. Satan has led people to believe they have choice, free will, and can be as gods (Ge 3:5). However, sin rejects Truth and remakes its reality according to lies (Ro 1:18-28). This can only produce sin; especially degradation-violence and death (Ro 1:29-32). Sinners cannot, will not, chose God’s Gospel as it makes no sense to them (Ro 3:10-18; 1Co 1:18-25). The Bible cannot be intellectually apprehended; it must be taught by God’s Spirit (1Co 2:14).

They maintain their Choice illusion because they surround themselves with those who believe the same. When everyone says the same it must be true, right? No, it is the fallacy of appeal to the majority-authority-etc. They claim to have pure motives but only have an appearance of godliness while pursing arrogant sensuality through their love of money (1Ti 6:10; 2Ti 3:1-5). The public follows them because they ignore the Truth to follow myths hoping to survive, not unlike farm animals who accept the free meals until they reach their predetermined end point (2Ti 4:3-4)!

This argument works if one uses the Straw Man fallacy. The French Revolution rejected Roman Catholicism (RC) religion and substituted Reason instead. However, RC does not believe in the biblical Gospel but in works as approved by the Church; i.e., Pope and usually with payment {Hmm, an early form of fascism!}. These revolutionaries only substituted one form of slavery, Church, for another, goddess of Reason in the form of sensual prostitutes. But, it was not reason; it was the rejection of reason for The Lie (Is 1:18). Their own decisions, guided by their Lost anti-God desires keeps them enslaved even today. They believe themselves free agents but are instead enslaved Satan and Death (Ro 6:6; 2Co 4:4; 1Ti 4:1-2). The only source of Truth is rejected as are those truly saved by The Gospel (2Ti 3:16-17).

Thus, while you watch your favorite reporters revealing the Davos agenda ask yourself, “What is the Truth?” Most people do not care. They want their next meal, their next diversion, and the satiation of their immediate sensualities. Avoid such people who will lead you from the Truth. The moment of Death, separation of soul and body, will reveal your true choice: eternal life in Christ or eternal death with Satan (Lk 16:22-31). The only means of knowing the Truth is contained in the Bible which must be apprehended by Faith (Ro 1:17). Fascism did not begin with Italy or Germany nor did it end with them. It is alive and well waiting for technology to give its the means to fully enslave YOU (Re 13:16-17)!

Discovering the Outliers via CBDCs

CBDC Will Identify the NonBelievers, Christians;
Not Allowing Them to Buy or Sell

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