Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism

Oligarchy is America Today

Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism;
Hidden Behind the Delusion of 

The Progressive Era introduced two equivocations into Western thought: Capitalism and Democracy. People’s sloppy adherence to the Law of Identity allowed this substitution. The support of politicians, informational services and educational institutions legitimized the switch without informing citizens any switch had occurred. Capitalism became synonymous with Free Markets, when in fact it means the very opposite of Free Markets, and Democracy substituted itself for Republicanism government, not the idiot Republican Party that is nearly as guilty as the Democratic Party in fostering these erroneous labels on an unsuspecting public. Governments and their supporting corporatisms encouraged people to think in these terms while keeping the true meanings of the words hidden. They became the Straw Man arguments that would be easily knocked down at the appropriate time to support their final agenda. Fascism itself has become a Straw Man argument being linked exclusively to Herr Hitler’s German government; this ignores its more causal elements delineated by Mr. Mussolini who defined the term. This is vital because today we are headed into Oligarchical Fascism.

Digital Central Banks with One Currency to Rule Them All
Today’s Leaders are Not Governmental
But are Oligarchical Financiers and Businesses

Karl Marx opined on Capitalism as wonderful but exploitative; i.e., corrosive. Capitalism is the capital needed to start and maintain businesses, especially major industrial corporations; but, this is not Free Market enterprise which is self-regulating. Marx’s Capitalism implied that corporations would Control capital and markets to exploit workers; hmm, he was correct but not as he imagined! Corporations could not Control anything until they joined with government which provided the force required to regulate each industry based on the dictates of so-called industry leaders. It is at this juncture that corporatism, trusts, came into existence proving the truth of Marx’s claims. I believe that Marx, unknown to himself, was defining the difference between governmental socialism by the people and financier fascism or oligarchy.

So, what is Democracy? The word means, rule by the people; but, what does that look like? What values guide the people? America began as a Republic because educated people throughout history feared democracy which was deeded as mob rule; think Antifa and Wokeness with Critical Theory. A republic is a form of limited representation guided by those who have a stake in society: educated and business leaders. Nearly since the acceptance of the Constitution, America’s republicanism was eroded and replaced with democratic forms. This article shows how the two terms are conflated {Republic vs. Democracy: What Is the Difference? Thought Co.}. To be honest, Plato hated democracy and would have also seen little difference between it and republicanism. Plato approved of dictatorships by a philosopher king making monarchy a form of centralized government Control. The central tenet of democracy is equality which should bring to mind the French Revolution and its excesses in death and disruption giving rise to tyranny just as Plato feared; as did Jefferson and other Founding Fathers.

In America, President Lincoln used war to begin the dismantling of republicanism, even to co-opting the term for his political party. The last vestiges of the old republic were swept away in the 1913 Revolution: popular {democratic} election of senators; legalization of personal income taxes and creation of America’s private central bank: Federal Reserve. Coupled with the marriage of corporatism to government Control appeared to elevate government above all other forces; but, this would be a mistake. Governments with access to wealth and weapons create continual chaos, wars! This was unpredictable and bad for the true wielders of Control, The financiers.

Oligarchy is Financial Capitalistic Fascism

1913 Revolution Empowered Oligarchy
Yet, Behind Oligarchy existed the Financiers

The two great conflicts of the 20th century had little to do with philosophically different governments but with Control over governments! Who was going to dominate? Oligarchy arose in Great Britain as Mr. Rhodes Round Table-Inner Circle group. What is an oligarchy? As its name implies, it is rule by the few; i.e., not based on equality. But, which few? The Rhodes oligarchs used government rule to remove German industrial competition {Doherty, G. MacGregor, J. Hidden History. 2013. Mainstream Publishing.}. Herr Hitler was a true believer in his philosophical ideals; however, he was backed by fiscal oligarchs who supported him as long as it gave them an advantage. When they saw Germany’s coming defeat in World War II (WWII), they successfully negotiated, through the Bank of International Settlement (BIS), for their own survival {LaBor, A. Tower of Basel. 2014. Public Affairs.}. The above graphic gives one a sample of how financiers and corporatisms work together outside of government. Today, the World Economic Forum (WEF) brings together oligarchs from around the world to give them their marching orders from financiers. The G-number economic conferences accomplish the same Control over governments. But, there are always a few stragglers who do not get the memo!

National Forms of Oligarchy

America is Now an Oligarchy just Like:
Russia; China, and other Despotic Nations

Large industrial corporations could not Control their competitors through voluntary cartels. One or more corporations would find the temptation for profit to great and break ranks. Hence, the marriage to government forced corporative compliance as well as limited who could join the club. Those who refused to play by the rules were deemed to be trusts, monopolies, and punished! We are seeing this play out in relationship to governments today.

Financiers oligarchs used the internal animosity inherent in Marx’s presentation between social fascism’s capitalism and social communism to destroy the former; however, this did not protect the latter. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was brought into existence in case Germany won World War I (WWWI). The USSR became the major weapon against Herr Hitler’s Germany in WWII and in developing the Holocaust phenomenon after this war. But, the USSR was to be Controlled by American oligarchy during the Cold War as it was not compliant with the financier’s fascism. When the USSR dissolved into various republics, Ukraine became a major thorn on Russia’s border.

Western Ukraine, always antagonistic to Russia, embraced fascism and accepted Western oligarchical support while eastern Ukraine embraced Russian socialism ideals. American oligarchs in 2014, supported fascist coup in Ukraine against a duly elected government and invited it to become a member of NATO. This was a setup. If Russia remained complacent it would be surrounded by destabilizing Western oligarchs hostile to its rising economic power much like Germany in the 20th century. If Russia attacked Ukraine it would find itself ostracized by the financier oligarchs while it defended its border integrity. I believe the goal was always to make Russian oligarchy subservient to Western oligarchy. I am sure China is taking notes as it has not taken advantage of  this conflict to advance its Taiwan agenda; yet.

Discovering the Outliers via CBDCs

Identifying Dissidents via Digital CBDC by
Forcing Governments to Join the Club

We are merely seeing a multi-faceted approach unfolding to bring dissident governments into line while laying in place the digital network necessary to Control individuals at every level. At this stage think of Russia as fighting a proxy war for YOU against financier fascism! I see oligarchy as nothing more than a form of modern financier fascism or Oligarchical Fascism.

I join these two terms but others would have you. believe these two terms are subtitling different similar to the difference, as they define, between republics and democracies. Oligarchy is confined to rule by the few wealthy while fascism is a totalitarian government controlling corporations {What is the difference between oligarchy and fascism? WikiDiff.}. I find this differentiation to be forced, artificial and unconvincing. Instead, fascism is the Control of Hidden Financiers, BIS and national central banks, through visible oligarchs through front organizations such as WEF, IMF etc. and international corporations slowly bringing governments under their Control until every individual is enmeshed in their system.

Throughout the 20th century, fundamental Christians were conditioned to see the USSR as Gog or Magog; i.e., the enemy of Christ! Thus, they eagerly joined the Neo-Conservative movement thinking they were doing God’s will. Instead, they were being duped into supporting rebellion against socialistic governments in violation of the Bible (1Sa 15:23; Ro 13:1-7). President Regan used them to legitimize his moral mandate and then ignored them ever afterwards. Christians must clearly understand events, their significance and always promote the Gospel to individuals knowing that all governments are of Satan (Mt 4:8-10). Otherwise, we become the tools of False Teachers leading many astray. Who wants to be in the same camp of such False Teachers as Charles Finney and Billy Graham who sought the praise of men rather than God (Mt 6:1)? We will give an account before Christ so let us remain true to Scripture so we will not be ashamed in that Day (2Co 5:10; 2Ti 2:15-16).

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