Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism

Oligarchy is America Today

Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism;
Hidden Behind the Delusion of 

The Progressive Era introduced two equivocations into Western thought: Capitalism and Democracy. People’s sloppy adherence to the Law of Identity allowed this substitution. The support of politicians, informational services and educational institutions legitimized the switch without informing citizens any switch had occurred. Capitalism became synonymous with Free Markets, when in fact it means the very opposite of Free Markets, and Democracy substituted itself for Republicanism government, not the idiot Republican Party that is nearly as guilty as the Democratic Party in fostering these erroneous labels on an unsuspecting public. Governments and their supporting corporatisms encouraged people to think in these terms while keeping the true meanings of the words hidden. They became the Straw Man arguments that would be easily knocked down at the appropriate time to support their final agenda. Fascism itself has become a Straw Man argument being linked exclusively to Herr Hitler’s German government; this ignores its more causal elements delineated by Mr. Mussolini who defined the term. This is vital because today we are headed into Oligarchical Fascism.
Continue reading “Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism”

History: Preparing You for Their Future

History as Propaganda

Government Eugenics Propaganda;
Repackaged as Family Genetic Testing

In our study of Control and Power in the Bible involving both God and Satan; we must include one of the oldest uses of propaganda, information control; i.e., History: Preparing You for Their Future. By Their Future I mean the Elitists for Satan and his demons. The Elitists who are merely physical puppet stand-ins believing they are in control when in fact they are simply trading their services for scrapes from Satan’s coming rule via his primary slave; Antichrist (Re 13:1-10). Remember, whatever you worship is the source of your moral values; it is either God or Satan (De 32:17; 1Co 10:20). There is no third option; one either walks in the Light or is captive to the Dark: shades of gray are merely degrees of Darkness (Jn 1:1-18). Continue reading “History: Preparing You for Their Future”

Hidden Face of Corporatism

Who's Really Behind the Mask

Corporatism Hides Behind
Useless Political Terminology

This current presidential election process; indeed, President Trump’s four-year term polarized citizens into various camps using political terms that actually have no meaning today. People died, demonstrated and alienated each other over political positions that are essentially meaningless today. Ergo, the war was lost before the battle err began; just to keep you occupied until the real goal could be revealed – when you were too powerless to reject. Continue reading “Hidden Face of Corporatism”

Competing Corporatisms and Governments

Corporatism is the New Feudalism

Corporatism: Road to Socialism, Feudalism, as Hayek Warned;
19th Century terms, Marxism or Capitalism, Hide the Truth

Competing Corporatisms and Governments for power is nothing new since the inception of the Industrial Revolution. The rise of businesses, first companies then corporations, shifted financial control from the ruler to non-governmental, and thus non-controllable, entities. The solution began with corporations failing among themselves to control their markets. In a Free Enterprise environment, corporations are incentivized to break agreements when it gives them a financial-market advantage over their competitors. To stop this trend certain corporations entered into partnership with government. This gave their agreements the force of Law. But, when corporations and their leaders with international interests became extremely rich they were in direct competition with government. This became known as the Progressive Era in America; beginning of national socialism, or as Mussolini described – Fascism. Continue reading “Competing Corporatisms and Governments”