Competing Corporatisms and Governments

Corporatism is the New Feudalism

Corporatism: Road to Socialism, Feudalism, as Hayek Warned;
19th Century terms, Marxism or Capitalism, Hide the Truth

Competing Corporatisms and Governments for power is nothing new since the inception of the Industrial Revolution. The rise of businesses, first companies then corporations, shifted financial control from the ruler to non-governmental, and thus non-controllable, entities. The solution began with corporations failing among themselves to control their markets. In a Free Enterprise environment, corporations are incentivized to break agreements when it gives them a financial-market advantage over their competitors. To stop this trend certain corporations entered into partnership with government. This gave their agreements the force of Law. But, when corporations and their leaders with international interests became extremely rich they were in direct competition with government. This became known as the Progressive Era in America; beginning of national socialism, or as Mussolini described – Fascism. Continue reading “Competing Corporatisms and Governments”