Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains

Politicians Enslavement to CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains;
Universal Income Equals Universal Enslavement

When President Biden nominated Ms Saule Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency he was signaling the Federal Reserve’s intention to absorb America’s financial institutions as the means to Control self-caused inflation. However, the not-so-hidden agenda was to signal to government that the world’s central banks will become the sole determinants of correctness via financial Control! No freedom movement, no liberty agitation can long survive when the access to monies is Controlled. It was probably no accident that while your attention was focused on the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26), the World Economic Forum (WEF) was meeting in Dubai, UAE, coordinating what Mr. Klaus Schwab termed, The Great Narrative. What? Not familiar with these terms or movements? That is exactly what they are counting on to. As magicians they focus your attention on Mr. Schwab and Cop26 but hidden from your view they have planned a coup of unimaginable proportions. And, our greedy politicians are playing right into their hands with your consent!

Great Narrative is Social Engineering (Socialism)

Great Narrative Holds Your Attention;
Socialism’s Real Work Remains Hidden

The heart of every strategy is secrecy whether military, socio, economic or personal! One’s public presentation is for public consumption until one is ready to implement the actual agenda. In politics this deception often takes the form of informing the public what their true agenda is without revealing what the actual goal may be. For example, the Affordable Healthcare Act {ObamaCare} suggested that everyone’s healthcare would be affordable. However, its real intention was to bring all healthcare insurance plans under government Control and protect the friendly insurance companies by mandating high deductibles limiting their liability; especially since the economically disadvantaged would be unable to afford these high deductibles. Result;  everyone was forced to have health insurance but it was an inferior form of coverage benefiting government and insurance companies while garnering propaganda benefits, votes, from those exploited! The narrative, ObamaCare, social engineered healthcare destroying free market healthcare and independent practitioners. This developed a cadre of compliant medical voices for the upcoming Covid-19 pandemic!

Great Narrative Visualized

Klaus Schwab’s WEF is the Public Presenter
He Tells You the Goal; But, not the How

Mr. Schwab has been the public face of globalization with his DAVOS presentations, books and presentations. He has no difficulty in redefining his agenda as opposition develops; however, he always proceeds toward the same goal. He began with the Great Reset and then is was Build Back Better as popular opposition developed to the Great Reset. As probably expected popular opposition attacked the Build Back Better agenda so Mr. Schwab has produced his next talking point: the Great Narrative. What is the its stated goal? “The Great Narrative Initiative [is] a collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can help guide the creation of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future” {World Economic Forum to Launch “Great Narrative” Initiative Following the Great Reset. Activist Post.}. Notice the similarity to the Great Reset: resilient, inclusive and sustainable. Also notice the true goal actually spelled out for all to see: collective future. Why so bold? Because the Western countries educational systems have been programming students to not only accept but demand socialism as the only true humanitarian form of compassionate government {despite the historical record of massive deaths that socialistic governments have inflicted on their citizens}. Every good, and bad, story follows a similar path as suggested in the above graphic. Emergency crises have been abounding and growing in criticality since the first viral scare of 1985 {HIV\AIDS}. Each round became more strident and government action became more embolden. The Covid-19 is a gold mine of ongoing crises with each new variant decried as increasingly more infectious; not so much deadly though! Your attention is focused on the public agenda! But, what is the hidden agenda? What are they not telling you? Are you even asking?

Global Digital Central Banking System(s)

Golden Rule: Whoever Controls Money
Actually Makes the only Rules that Count

Thus, while the public debates over supposed vaccines, masks, reset agendas and loss of liberties the real agenda quietly unfolds in the shadows. This was briefly made public when President Biden, himself a front for behind the scenes handlers, nominated Ms Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency {Hockett, R. What Is ‘The Comptroller Of The Currency’ – And Why Does It Matter? Forbes.}. This position literally Controls the nation’s money via Federally chartered national banks and work with the Federal Reserve’s monetary printing policies. One might say the office is the interface between the Federal Reserve and America’s banking system.  What do we know of Ms Omarova and her policies should she gain this position?  Well, she is a thief; public record for shoplifting, and in her youth she was enamored with Communism {Sticky Fingered Fed Fanatic Omarova – the Wrong Kind of Bank Boss. Best Evidence. YouTube.}. However, she obligingly wrote her beliefs in a paper outlining what the government’s plans should be {Omarova, S. The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy. Vanderbilt Law Review.}. Best Evidence presenter does an excellent presentation highlighting her position from her own words and what it truly means to You!

Basically, Ms Omarova believes in a two prong approach to using finances to Control America. The first arm of her attack would bring every single bank account into the Federal Reserve system! This would give the Federal Reserve the one aspect of Control is still lacks: Control over everyone via Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). I believe this could be palatable to the general public much as ObamaCare was sold: under the guise of Universal Wages. Imagine, every person would receive a set amount based on equality and fairness, as determined by the Federal Reserve, in times of plenty! However, Ms Omarova’s hidden agenda also stipulates that the Federal Reserve could take from every single bank account the funds necessary to offset inflations, recessions, depressions, oh my; in a equitable and democratic manner so each pays only their fair share.

The second arm of her attack would have the Federal Reserve then Control money to advance the causes deemed essential by…well, that has yet to be definitively revealed. Contenders are the WEF, UN and some behind the scenes consortium of financiers. We do know that the Central Bank to national central banks, including the Federal Reserve, is the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) by their own admission. The actual purpose of this arm is to bring national and international corporations under their Control! What are these agenda positions? Carbon emissions Control; Climate change Control; Population {Eugenics} Control and well, visit the Georgia Guidelines to understand their goals.

This is their strategy brazenly revealed because they do not believe an effective defense can be mounted. They Control the finances that Control individuals, governments and corporations. This will be implemented nationally to work out the bugs and to bring decentralized crypto-currencies under Control. These will coalesce into regional systems, again to work out the bugs of expanded Control. The final goal will be to consolidate ALL CBDC under one international digital currency directly Controlled by the BIS; and the Controlling force behind the scenes which would then be unmasked as any opposition would be Moot.

Controlling finances means Controlling, approving and disapproving, every single transaction according to a changing, individually uncontrollable agenda of every person, business and government. I believe the crypto-currency phenomenon is simply allowing free market forces to refine and perfect the mechanism to make this possible. When it has served its purpose it too will be Centralized or eliminated. The Digital Age’s public promises of liberty and intellectual expansion hid its secret agenda of absolute Control which is only now being revealed.

How Satan Controls

Love of Money Root of All Evil
Plunging People into Ruin & Destruction

Well did Paul write about the love of money (1Ti 6:9-10). People are content to be continually beguiled by government in exchange for money because of the foundation of all sin: Covetousness (He 13:5). The Lost do not look to Christ for they have rejected Him in all aspects of their lives (Ro 1:18-28). All they have left is materialism which denies the invisible, Satanic power which perpetuates their delusions (2Th 2:3-12). Money is not evil; covetousness for that which you have not earned is evil (Mt 20:1-16). Bible clearly teaches that those who can, but do not work, should not be supported; however, Satanic manipulated values of equality and fairness demand that people be fed from YOUR labor for not working (2Th 3:10-12). By also giving them the Vote those in power insure their continued hold on power with the false promise of prosperity; just go to any government housing project and see how government has increased poverty, crime and degradation with its violation of Scripture’s plain teaching! Americans even ignore their own history of the Pilgrims and John Smith who came to the biblically correct conclusion that socialism only begets laziness, poverty, crime and death! Thus, the freed peoples have rejected Christ, His Truth and their own history to embrace those who eagerly strain to enslave them and all for a morsel of bread. How like Judas Modern Man has become except he has betrayed himself in the name of Eros Love, but not biblical Love that hopes, believes, endures and never ends because: Christ, our example (Lk 22:47-48; Ro 15:1-7; 1Co 13:4-8).

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