Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}

Early Antifa: French Revolution Mob

Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa};
Mob Rule Guided by General Will of the State

In my previous post, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, I briefly discuss the true legacy of Rousseau and the triad on which he built his bloody legacy.. He, more than Locke, represented the actual legacy of The Enlightenment; though both legacies ended in revolutions and neither were of God as some teach. The French Revolution would not have continued had it not been for Mob power directed by the General Will rooting out all those considered antithetical to Revolutionary values: Liberty; Equality and Fraternity {French Revolution: A study of Mob Rule and its elite #Antifa #MarxistRevolution. The Herald Report.}. Since the Revolution did not end, neither did the use of the Mob. The face of the Mob changed from Phrygian capped peasants to black garmented Antifa enforcers promoting the General Will at every level. Welcome to our reality.

Democracy is a Socialistic Form

First Law of Logic: Identity of Terms
Democracy Rejected throughout History

America was developed as a republic. It was not envisioned as a democracy; in fact, as the above graphic illustrates, the founders sought to put in place safeguards to prevent it from devolving into a democracy which they defined as Mob Rule which Plato defined as the last step before Tyranny! So why does everyone refer to America, and Western governments in general, as democracies? Because since the French Revolution socialism has infiltrated every institution substituting democratic for republic indoctrinating every child into socialism for over a century. Lincoln set the tone for this in his First Inaugural Address in which he used Rousseau’s General Will of the citizens of the never-ending State as his justification for Force against American citizens. Lincoln did institute controlled mobs called Union Leagues to intimidate northern opposition during the war {Union league terrorism: Reconstruction series: Part 2. USMedia.}. After his war these Unions moved into Reconstruction South using terrorism to advance their goals.

The Progressive Era, began by Republicans but honed to a fine art by Democrats, refined America into a national socialistic state. Today this legacy continues as our political organs are joining to put in place the structure for international socialism. Their use of the Mob continues but under a different name and history: Antifa!

Antifa's Roots: Socialism

Formed by German Communists to Combat
Hitler’s National Socialism: 
Power Struggle

Antifa was probably the most important reason for Hitler’s Fascism {Antifa: A Relic of German Communism. WW2 Truth.}. Communists in Germany’s post World War I (WWI) meltdown used force to advance its cause. This should not be a surprise since the French Revolution demonstrated just how effective the Mob was at advancing revolutionary ideals and goals via violence and death. Hitler came to power as a reaction against Communism. Hence, there were two forms of socialism struggling for power using violence. To justify themselves the Communist took on the label of Antifaschistische Aktion {Antifa} and though they lost in Germany they did not fade away.

After World War II they came back infiltrating factories and later finding safe havens amongst the youth in the metal/punk music scene {The real history of Antifa. Center for Security Policy.}. They operated under the guise of the Red Army Faction and the Red Brigade in the 1980s advancing their socialistic cause via terrorism. Elements of these violent mobs migrated to America and joined with black socialistic freedom groups such as the Weather Underground, Black Panthers and John Brown Anti-Klan Committee (JBAKC). Since Dr. King Jr. had socialistic leanings this revolutionary philosophy was furthered by those favoring Mob Rule; i.e., Democracy! How did we come to this point?

Legacies of the French Revolution

Socialized Public Education 20th Century
Idealized Enlightenment & French Revolution

The French Revolution could never have succeeded without Rousseau’s self-serving legitimization of the absolute State based on the undefined, and unspecified, General Will of the People even though the people had no say in defining the General Will. The baser elements of France’s corrupted society freely joined to remove, kill, everyone who appeared antithetical to the Revolution. Public guillotines were busy eliminating all elements of society representing opposing or even restraint. The 20th Century saw the greatest implementation of socialism and with it the wholesale slaughter of citizens by the millions in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia to name a few. Marcuse’s Liberation {Socialism} philosophy legitimized violence for socialism around the globe resulting in countless thousands, if not millions, of deaths in revolutions that impoverished their societies and cultures. The major powers played these petty groups against each other for their own political goals further advancing the carnage by supplying weapons, money and even drugs. This is the true legacy of the Enlightenment.

Antifa Claims Legitimacy Because Fascism;
Who are the Fascists? Whoever They Say!

World War II (WWII) popularized several labels that violate the First Law of Logic, Identity, because they remain poorly defined; if at all. Nazi is a Bavarian term for ignorant, like American red neck. It was a pejorative term of derision much as Jap was used against Japanese forces. Mussolini popularized the term fascism when he switched from communism to Italian national socialism. Yet, the term was applied to Hitler’s national socialistic party though he never used the term. The Allies used the term to define their enemies in their propaganda justifications to their citizens. Racism became a boogey man term after World War II and the American Black freedom movements of Dr. King Jr. and others. However, whatever the original meanings of these terms today they are used to justify violence against those deemed in opposition to the General Will of Socialism.

Fascism is any group or idea that opposes socialism and its advancement in societies and the world. During President Trump’s administration, Antifa groups came out of obscurity to battle, riot, in America’s streets against governmental forces under the guise of fascism. This was little different from post WWI Germany except they worked with the Democratic party’s consent supported by the propagandistic informational media to teach Americans the elements of the General Will of the coming absolute State.

Racism grew out of scientism’s biological evolutionary philosophy as Darwin defined man as four distinct races to explain why his race was superior. Under the guidance of Frankfurt School and their Critical Theory approach this has morphed into structural racism; i.e., the recognition that Man is only one race. However, this term is used against any group that opposes international socialism’s advancement. White supremacy and brown groups are all pejorative terms used by black socialistic groups {Black Lives Matter (BLM)} to advance socialism. And, just as in the French Revolution, as in nearly every revolution since, the impoverished elements of society are induced via promises of gain to root out those elements opposed to socialism’s advancement.

Financiers Vision

True Goal of Socialism in Not Advancement;
Socialism is ReEnslavement to an Elite Cadre

Socialism is the true end point of Greco-Roman Enlightenment philosophy in the making for nearly 2,500 years! Sin degrades into debauchery and violence because it rejects God’s truth (Ro 1:18-28). Satan via Socialism promises to redefine evil as good and good as evil to gain compliance. Fear is his greatest weapon but not just fear of force for noncompliance. Every sinner, even Satan, lives in great fear of judgment (1Jo 4:18). Scientism of psychology and substance addictions are used to hide from this Fear. But, there is any means of hiding this Fear; the use of Force to root out those who refuse the General Will and cling to Christ and His Word (1Pe 4:3-6). As the Great Reset with its Control of all people via digital currency becomes the reality along with planned scarcity of food, medicines and services; expect rationing. As the crises are prolonged, expect Christians to be rooted out by Mob Rule so that only what supplies are made available are given to those who support the General Will (1Pe 4:12-19). Christ promised this world will grow worse until the Son of Perdition is revealed (Mt 24:3-22; 2Th 2:3-12). What we observe today with Covid measures is only a small sample of what we can expect under Satan’s growing socialism. But do not trust to Lockean philosophy as is also used of Satan to persuade you to embrace a government rather than trust in Christ (Ps 2).

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