Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism

Socialism Hierarchy

Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism;
Nothing New Under the Sun: It’s all the Same (Ec 1:9-11)

It is no secret that people have struggled to adequately define Fascism; take for example, George Orwell. An avowed socialist, he struggled to differentiate Germany’s fascism, a form of socialism, from Marxism, also a form of socialism. He found himself disavowing fascism as socialism to cling to his form of socialism (Ro 2:1-8). Today, the term fascism is carelessly bandied about without precise definitions because modern people are careless in their thinking! They assume, tut tut, everyone knows what fascism is because…Hitler! It is this inattention to detail, ignoring the First Law of Logic, Identity, that allows the information pundits, propagandists, to persuade you to accept their modern philosophies such as Critical Theory. Fascism’s true identity was inherent in its original, modern, author: Benito Mussolini.

One must understand Italy’s struggle to define itself as a newly unified nation-state amongst older and more powerful nation-states such as Great Britain, France and Russia. He not only looked to another recently unified nation-state, Germany, but also to Italy’s illustrious past; i.e., Romans. In addition, just as France threw off the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) during its French Revolution, essentially becoming atheistic, Mussolini sought to do the same for Italy since the RCC, headquartered in Rome, had a near death grip on Italy’s rise to independence and strength. Mussolini was a dedicated socialist but socialism in his day was subservient to Lenin; i.e., Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Hence, Mussolini essentially redefined socialism from an international movement into a national movement to make Italy unique, a force to be reckoned with in her own right. He made up the term fascism from the Roman fasces, bundle of sticks tied about an axe. This was the quintessential symbol of government power; punishment or execution to enemies of the state.

Almost immediately, USSR socialists, communists, hated fascism as a competitor. Mussolini left the Italian socialist movement to form a new socialism for Italy around his fascism doctrine. Germany’s Hitler, also forming a new nationalistic socialism in Germany latched onto fascism to legitimize his movement since Mussolini was considered an intellectual between the wars (WWI-WWII). Whereas Mussolini elevated Italy due to its glorious past, Hitler elevated Germany, which had no real glorious past, based on mythological ties to Aryans, noble ones, and modern distrust and hatred of Jewish financiers which were seen as agents of Germany’s WWI defeat. It was this overt Jewish racism subsequently proved by USSR’s discovery of mass gas chambers made public after WWII. Thus, it is the frequent charges of racism that prompt the pejorative of fascist by the Left against the Right today.

But, as I noted in my introduction, no one adequately defines the terms violating the Law of Identity. Socialism is on the march becoming the de facto government among all nations regardless of their claims of democracy. The question before us is, “Is this something different? Or, is it simply repackaged government from ancient times?” The Christian, based on the verses in the above graphic, should adhere to the latter. So, let us use the above graphic to see if we can prove this point by the fourth law of logic: Logical Inference.

Government must have a leader to be the final arbiter of policies otherwise the nation suffers from death by committee; something familiar to any bureaucrat or church member. The leader must govern from a moral source defining right and wrong because government is nothing more than the arbiter of morality; i.e., punishing wrong. Roman emperors understood this; thus, the fasces symbolized this. Modern governments do also which is why the U.S. Senate is adorned with two fasces symbolizing government’s power to punish what it defines as evil or wrong or immoral. But, government also needs bureaucracy to extend its Control throughout its territory; especially to collect taxes since the government produces no income itself (it only takes from those who produce wealth). This requires internal-external police-military powers else the government would have no teeth. In the ancient world there was minimal middle class, if any, but there was a need for production of required goods and especially agricultural and husbandry. These needs were supplied by the marginal classes and when available, by captured peoples or slave labor.

Ancient Egypt Socialism Hierarchy

Egypt’s Very Ancient Kingdom Model
Resembles Today’s Socialism Model

Egypt was one of what I call, the Very Ancient Kingdoms. The leader was both government and religious leader while these were later separated into two different persons in the Ancient and Medieval Kingdoms. All governments had an overt religious base around which to rally the people to the government which would assist them to enter the good side of the afterlife; if obedient to government-religious directions. This was continued through the Medieval period but abandoned during the Enlightenment period as people transitioned to the Age of Reason (Ro 1:18-28). But, did people actually give up a moral basis for their belief of right and wrong? No! They rejected religions, beliefs in supernatural beings or forces to embrace religion of self- worship or secular humanism; Man is the Measure of all Things. Notice, we have two links back to Greco-Roman governments-religions; one via fascism’s socialism and this one via democratic government-religions. In fact, Western government, ostensibly based on Judeo-Christian religion is primarily based on Darwin’s evolutionary scientism which is codified as the only true explanation of man and physical creation. But, this also grew out of Greco-Roman natural philosophies. Yet, Greco-Romanism did not develop in a vacuum but borrowed from those empires that preceded it.

Nimrod-Semiramis' Religious Government

Nimrod’s One-World Rule Divided;
Satan-Man Seeking to Reestablish Since

The logical Christian view would be to stop at Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the statute of the four kingdoms: Babylon; Persian; Greco; and Roman extending into a modern though flawed recreation of Roman Control (Da 2:31-45). However, I believe that Satan-Man simply trying to rebuild the one world government of Nimrod which God divided to prevent enslavement of Man and prevention of Messiah’s death for our salvation (Ge 10:8-12; 11:1-9). However, if we are bound by the fact that there is nothing new on earth then we must look to an earlier attempt to establish a one world rule over all peoples. This I believe is the ancient meaning of Janus; he looked back to the Antediluvian world then forward to the Postdiluvian world to guide his reincarnation of what God had destroyed via Noah’s Cataclysm (Ge 6:1-8). In fact, I believe that this dream of one leader over everyone began not with Cain but with his father, Adam. Eve was deceived but Adam was not; he had a dream. Since he was given dominion over the world, he sought to have Control apart from God and Satan offered him the fulfillment of that dream through knowledge apart from God but subservient to himself (Ge 1:28-31; 3:1-7; 4:1-17; Ro 6:16; 1Ti 2:14; 2Ti 2:24-26; 1Jo 3:8-10).

Socialism, a modern term from Marx who sought to secularize and empiricize both Hegel and Rousseau’s General Will through an early form of secular evolution {Darwinism}, is nothing more than Satan’s lie since the beginning whose end goal is Death  (Jn 8:44). But, Marx was a divergent path as its end goal was no government; hence, no Control. This is far from Satan’s end goal which is complete Control. Since Satan is spirit and has almost no means of direct Control, he works through intermediaries and the final medially in this age is simply labeled, Antichrist who is assisted by the False Prophet (Re 13). Notice the continued separation of leader and religion but working toward the same goal; this is the essence of fascism’s socialism!

Every aspect of society is harnessed to achieve this single goal over all peoples. Though it began as a national movement, it is subtly migrating toward a single world government whose elites, financiers and corporatisms, will align behind a single leader who is legitimize by a religious leader whose philosophical machinations will legitimize both the leader and this government. Thus, while they claim to hate fascism, they embody its characteristics behind the scenes to gain control over everyone. This is how Satan works; through lies. The current manifestation of this philosophy is Critical Theory with its attendant Critical Race Theory, Transgenderism and Transhumanism sub theories. Everyone who opposes this agenda is primarily labeled as racist for they reject the General Will of inclusiveness in sin!

In conclusion, fascism appears new and difficult to define but in fact it is very ancient socialism and easy to understand from the lessons of Scripture (1Co 10:11-14). It will engulf this world because they are being allowed to create a society without God though its consequences are increased violence and degradation, which they blame on Christ and Christians as the true racists! But, God will strengthen Christians to endure this even if it means our deaths (Ac 7:54-60). Better to die here and be with Christ than live here and be separated from Him for eternity (Mt 6:24; 7:21-29; Col 2:1-10; He 9:27-28; Re 20:11-15).

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