Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You

U.S. Bill of Rights

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You;
Bills of Rights 
Limit Your So-Called Human Rights

The delegates called together to fix the Articles of Confederation ignored their mandate and illegally committed a bloodless coup d’état which today is known as the Constitution. However despite the propaganda efforts of Madison and Hamilton, Federalist Papers, States would not accept the new government without amendments that would further limit government power over the individual; this became known as The Bill of Rights. The Constitution with the attached Bill of Rights had the appearance of limiting government without limiting individuals. However, Hamilton and his constituency placed three clauses later used to undermine government limitations via the Supreme Court and later the Executive Branch {Dilorenze, T. Hamilton’s Curse. Three Rivers Press. New York. 2008.}. Abraham Lincoln basically suspended these Rights during his Civil War and was still praised as saving the Union! He proved the dictum, “What the government giveth, the government taketh away {Apologies to Job} (Job 1:21; 2:10)!” Continue reading “Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You”