America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord

CIA Dir Casey Admits CIA Lies

America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord;
Not First Time America has denied Acts of War

American history is replete with disinformation, lies by morally informed consciences, at least since President Lincoln whose Gettysburg Address rewrote history stating that the people founded the Constitution when clearly it was the sovereign States that agreed to bring the federal government into existence in a limited capacity. Lincoln changed that relationship at the point of bayonet, rifle, canon and blood, lots and lots of blood. He celebrated the blood lost at Gettysburg in a moralizing speech that left everyone stunned at his brazen hypocrisy. Future generations would come to worship this change in American government as it was the lynchpin that made America what is has become today. As one-time Central Intelligence Agency Director, Wm Casey, once observed in the above graphic; the role of American intelligence is not to warn Americans of danger but to dupe Americans into believing their government’s lies! Continue reading “America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord”

Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice

Every Decision Reveals What One Worships

Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice
Choice is Not Choice But it Does Define You

When is choice not a choice but an inevitable conclusion based on Controlled propagandistic Information? Every time it is not based on Scripture (Pr 2). Every choice is a moral crisis between good and evil; right and wrong revealing what you actually believe and worship. There are no small and large decisions; just consequences that flow from the plethora of choices often made without thought of the consequences. This haphazard approach defines the Masses from the Elites; the Sheep from the Wolves who plan every move. The Dialectic is how they manipulate your choices so you choose self-enslavement: “You will own nothing and be happy!”

Continue reading “Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice”

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real:
Demanding the Lie over the Truth (2Th 2:3-12)

This post builds immediately on two previous posts {Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect. How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security}. Whereas these posts looked at specific techniques used to undermine true faith in Christ, this post analyzes the overall plan of deception at work since Garden of Eden and Original Sin (Ge 3:1-8). Simulacrum simply means a copy of the original; however, Satan’s copy distorts God’s original Truth-Reality because sin (Ro 3:10-18). This is the Principle of Contrasting Dualities throughout the Bible highlighting the differences between Faith in Christ and Faith apart from Christ. I derived my current understanding from Sovereign Nations Mere Simulacrity Conference and Dr. Lindsay’s presentation, The Negation of the Real. Continue reading “Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real”

How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security

Balaam-Jezebel Effect(s)

How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves
Securing Security Apart from Faith in Christ

This post builds on, Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect, which function within to change societies to a direction apart from reliance on Christ. The Balaam Effect is a Bottom-Up strategy to change society’s fundamental unit of social continuity, the family. The Jezebel Effect is a Top-Down governmental restructuring providing support for those changes already occurring at the basic level to legitimize them. Together they change society; but, for what point or purpose? The above graphic leads on to believe it is simply about Control; especially over YOU. However, this begs to subtle but very real true agenda of which Control is simply a one step. Continue reading “How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security”

Goal: Gain and Maintain Security

Maslow's Delusion Enslaved to Death

Goal: Gain and Maintain Security;
Balance Soul Security and Body Security

This post concludes the three part series {Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future and Why Marriages Fail: Understanding the Bonds}. As a Christian post the Bible is considered absolute Truth (He 4:12). I chose Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy because of its clarity; however, it is one of many paths non-Christians use in their scientisms to explain why people are insecure and how to gain security. Our goal is biblically defined: Whoever gets sense loves his own soul…will discover good (Pr 19:8). However, before discover Maslow’s conundrum, I first need to briefly discuss Soul and Body Security. Continue reading “Goal: Gain and Maintain Security”

Why Marriages Fail: Understanding the Bonds

Bonds of Attachment Reinforcing Interdependence

Understanding the Bonds that Make or Break Marriages
or Why Marriages Fail

My last post, Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future, had two major shortcomings. One, I did not explain the bonds joining Man and Woman into an interdependent, unique entity; i.e., one flesh. Two, I did not clarify the motivations/goals driving men and women in their striving toward Soul-Flesh Security. This is a biblical perspective and based on the Bible. If you reject the Bible then you will reject this perspective. However, for all the modern psychological babbling produced in the last two hundred years we see marriages both declining in occurrence and relationships increasing in violence. With Americans touting themselves as progressive, we need to ask ourselves why we incarcerate more citizens than other nations and those incarcerated are predominately from single {usually maternal}-parent backgrounds? Why are marriages failing wholesale and our children choosing to live in relationships outside of marriage with its attendant increase in domestic violence and degrading immorality if our psychological pretensions are better than the Bible? Let us look at the bonds of biblical marriage in greater detail. Continue reading “Why Marriages Fail: Understanding the Bonds”

Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future

How God Designed Marital Relationship

Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future:
Developing People Longing for Slavery

In a time long, long ago, in a land far, far away peoples struggled for dominance. Major empires were decimated and small kingdoms sought to fill the power vacuum with their meager forces. A new people with a new hope promised to bring Light into the chaos. But, swirling Dark forces plotted against them. The light could not be removed by direct combat. However, they could be defeated from within. Dark forces developed the Balaam Effect. An insidious infiltration of Darkness into the very fabric of Light society, even into its very bedrooms. We still live with the Balaam Effect today as it continues to ruin families and thus nations. This is their story: the Balaam Effect. Continue reading “Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future”

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World

Many heads of the Great Reset Hydra

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World;
Cut Off One Head, Two More Appear-But Which One?

I bet dollars to donuts many of you have not heard about the FTX cryptocurrency scandal; and why should you? Most people either have not heard of cryptocurrency or have any inkling of what it is or of what value is it? Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is for the fringe conspiracy-freedom element or the ultra rich who have money to burn. Who cares if they get taken; they probably deserve it being so rich and all. And off you go about your daily business of watching your favorite propaganda show, keeping up with your favorite social media app or even watching the government approved news show. All of these are designed to keep you complacent while the Great Reset occurs around you. This innocuous scandal surrounds you with its spy-like plots guiding you into the great eugenics future of Effective Altruism (EA). Continue reading “FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World”

Superheroes: Übermensch Elites

Übermensch Promotes their own Morality

Superheroes: Übermensch Elites;
Living Their Own Morality

I wish to begin this discussion with a l-o-n-g quote from Friedrich Nietzsche: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?” {Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes. Goodreads.}. Writing at the dawn of the Progressive Era, I believe Nietzsche saw the rise of the Oligarchs, ruling elites, uncontrolled by biblical constraints. This filtered down to the masses in the form of super beings created to save them from these hidden oligarchs. Instead, these super beings were controlled by the oligarchs to save, read Control, the masses. Continue reading “Superheroes: Übermensch Elites”

Unjust Steward: Condemnation of the Simple

World's System Thrives on Backroom Deals: Always

Unjust Steward: Condemnation of the Simple;
or How the World Truly Works

I struggled to understand why Christ appeared to commend the obviously crooked steward in this story while chastening believers supposedly for not using unrighteous mammon {elements of wealth and control} of this world (Lk 16:1-13). One of my foundational pillars of exegetical hermeneutics is when I do not understand the Bible I need to rethink my perspective rather than ignorantly interpret Scripture as I want to believe {eisegesis}. However, to explain the actual interpretation requires me to return us back to the Wizard of Oz to understand the purpose of the Yellow Brick Road and American public educational purposes {Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness.}. Continue reading “Unjust Steward: Condemnation of the Simple”