Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness

Overt Propaganda Message: Be Happy in Poverty

Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness Propaganda
Preparing America for Today’s Future

Listening to YouTube’s conservative pundits pontificate over Disney’s wokeness propaganda while opining over the tradition, read conservative, values of yesteryear made me wonder if they really understood Hollywood’s true role since its inception? D.W. Griffith’s, Birth of a Nation (1915), singlehandedly revived the Neo-Klu Klux Klan from the Whitehouse to the everyone’s house until the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s into the 1960s Western cultural revival. Hollywood has always been a propaganda mill to educate the masses in right-think. Let us briefly examine the 1939 classic, Wizard of Oz to understand how Hollywood is the propaganda tool of choice for influencing America and the World. Continue reading “Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness”

CBDC: Inclusion of Control

Unity-Inclusion joined not by Religion but by Currency

CBDC: Inclusion of Control {Fascism}
Unity a Rubric for Control of YOU

CBDC {Central Bank Digital Currency} is slowly coming into the public’s consciousness, be design, as a replace for current legal tender. Central Banks play to your ignorance of their industry encouraging you to assume certain concepts that have no legal basis. You believe having silver or gold will protect you but these commodities are not legal tender. They will be of little value except for local bartering which is exactly what the Central Banks want to eliminate via CBDC. What you think you know will hurt you. Continue reading “CBDC: Inclusion of Control”

Fallacy of the Top-Down Despot

Popular Historic Despots Supported by their Societies

Fallacy of the Top-Down Despot;
Despots Supported from Bottom-Up

American propaganda throughout the 20th century propagates the myth that despots, tyrants, control their societies from the top-down through secret police, terror tactics and control of the social-medical-educational institutions. Certainly, George Orwell popularized this view in his seminal work, Animal Farm. Not only is this impractical on a large scale but it flies in the face of history, even recent history. These people came to power because their societies generally accepted them; they reflected societies values. They also came to power in the 20th-21st century because of hidden forces shaping societies to self-select such people as rulers. Remember the Golden Rule: One who has the gold, makes the rules. Follow the Money and the Me (who gains) to learn who wields Control. Continue reading “Fallacy of the Top-Down Despot”

Spiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!

World Promotes Self-Control FailureSpiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!
Path Satan-World-Flesh Want You to Flounder Upon!

There is probably no single biblical concept so misrepresented resulting in failure leading to ruined lives than Self-Control! What is Self-Control? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this as, “restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires”. The New Testament uses the word ἐγκράτεια, egkrateia which classically means, one who has the power over oneself to moderate one’s desires. Over several thousand years the meaning has changed little. However, how does the Bible usage define Self-Control? We will look at several passages that discuss Self-Control without using the word in addition to the significant passage that uses this word as a fruit of the Spirit (Ga 5:22-23). We will begin from the position inherent with these two definitions for they lay the basis for your failure to Control Self.  Continue reading “Spiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!”

Force Behind the Tool Behind Impotent “Lord” Voldemort?

How is Truly in Control?

What is the Force Behind the Tool Behind
Impotent “Lord” Voldemort? True Control!

Propaganda has long been presented as entertainment to slip past one’s defenses and plant its insidious message of compliance. This was a true of Greek tragedies as it is of today’s movies, television, music and video games. My last post, Tolkien’s True Villain: Gold Ring of Debt, showed how Tolkien unwittingly captured the socialistic essences of his times and its awful truth. No matter how many peripheral battles one wins; one loses the war, freedom, unless the true source of socialism is destroy; i.e., the behind the scenes financiers. I want to continue that thought through a more modern work designed to educate and entertain children, prepare them for the coming future. Continue reading “Force Behind the Tool Behind Impotent “Lord” Voldemort?”

Tolkien’s True Villain: Gold Ring of Debt

Gold Ring of Control Oath

Tolkien’s True Villain: Gold Ring of Control;
Tolkien’s Allegory for His Time and Ours: Socialism

In my last post, Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel, I promised to discuss the force(s) financing Race Marxism (RM). Now, I could go through historic boring details well known to some, pooh-poohed by many and largely unknown to most with little concern for the future as long as they receive their government stipend, their forget-me diversions or dabble in their delusionary illusions. However, JRR Tolkien developed a myth tale during the time the very forces under discussion were stretching out their hands of Control over Western societies. Though he was neither a philosopher, an economist nor a political scientismist; I believe he captured the essence of these changes in his epic tale, Lord of the Rings (LOTR). This will be our starting point for this post. Continue reading “Tolkien’s True Villain: Gold Ring of Debt”

Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel

Cultural Marxism is Itself Racist Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel;
Critical Race Subset of Critical Theory Marxism

Though Critical Theory (CT) appears to have come out of nowhere in the past decade or so, it has been fermenting in the shadows since the early 20th century with the failure of Economic Marxism {Karl Marx’s original postulate}. It was growing in the shadows watered by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Herbert Marcuse and several others but its real father was Hegel. However, even further in the shadows were those who slowly financed and nurtured this distorted abomination through several front organizations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations and World Economic Forum. Today it is known as Wokeness to disguise its true origins, Marxism, and its true goal: Revolution; Slavery of You! Continue reading “Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel”

Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!

What is the Cantillon Effect?

Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!
Another Force Present: Cantillon Effect

Though Adam Smith gets the lion’s share of the credit for defining modern economics, he takes a back seat to Richard Cantillon who laid the framework which made Adam Smith’s theory possible {Richard Cantillon: The Founding Father of Modern Economics. Mises Daily Articles. Mises Institute.}. His only surviving treatise, Essai sur la nature du commerce en général, {Essay on the Nature of Trade in General} predated Adam Smith’s, Wealth of Nations, by forty years. One of his most intriguing concepts has come to be known as the Cantillon Effect which is the subject of this short post. Not only is it unknown to most non-economists, it is obscure even to most economists; Austrian, Keynesian, Chicago School or otherwise! But first, we must obey Logic’s Law of Identity and define some banking terms and operations; it will not be long or boring but it will be surprising! Continue reading “Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!”

America’s Confusion of Liberty or Equality

Liberty vs Equality since our Beginnings

America’s Confusion of Liberty or Equality:
Rejection of the Excluded Middle?

The hubris of all societies is their absolute belief they alone possess absolute, inherent, common sense Truth! When this is coupled with religious faith, which all governments are based on religious beliefs governing their definitions of right (good) and wrong (evil), wars against differing beliefs are inevitable. Modern Americans guided in their beliefs by public educators whose sole focus is to teach what government deems to be true in essence prize ignorance above knowledge and slogans above intellectual comprehension. If the reverse were true propaganda would be much less effective. Today’s struggle of liberty versus equality appears new with the latest generation siding with equality, socialism, against the older generation confusingly siding with less equality and even less liberty. John Randolph of Roanoke (Virginia) whose quote is furnished above was not such a man. He spoke with clarity, eloquence and truthfulness. Perhaps if we were more educated in our own history we would be less susceptible to its rewriting by politicians and financiers shepherding us along to their Great Reset. Continue reading “America’s Confusion of Liberty or Equality”

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart

How Satan Hardens Your Sin Nature

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion:
Hardened Heart in Continuous Rebellion Against God

Satan does not draft you or trick you or even have you agree to enter his kingdom; you were conceived in iniquity and already under a sentence of eternal death (Ps 51:5; Ep 2:1-3). Satan’s major effort is the continual Delusion of mankind keeping people from learning of the Gospel of eternal life in Christ (Ep 2:4-10). I will discuss the modern techniques and use modern examples discussing Satan’s processes. The goals of these attacks are to ensconce you in your innate sin nature so you inherently reject God and His Gospel; to sway the immature saved in Christ who do not learn from the Bible and to prepare Mankind to demand and receive his coming rule; i.e., agitate for Satan’s Delusion as something good when it actually will deliver Death, Disease, Famine and Distress.   Continue reading “How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart”