Force Behind the Tool Behind Impotent “Lord” Voldemort?

How is Truly in Control?

What is the Force Behind the Tool Behind
Impotent “Lord” Voldemort? True Control!

Propaganda has long been presented as entertainment to slip past one’s defenses and plant its insidious message of compliance. This was a true of Greek tragedies as it is of today’s movies, television, music and video games. My last post, Tolkien’s True Villain: Gold Ring of Debt, showed how Tolkien unwittingly captured the socialistic essences of his times and its awful truth. No matter how many peripheral battles one wins; one loses the war, freedom, unless the true source of socialism is destroy; i.e., the behind the scenes financiers. I want to continue that thought through a more modern work designed to educate and entertain children, prepare them for the coming future.

This does not imply any complicity on the author’s part, J. K. Rowling, nor do I assign to her any propagandistic motives. She wrote from her worldview and experiences to forge an entertaining expansive tale that took on a life of its own; especially in movie form. Let us look at Harry Potter’s world through the crucible of Race Marxism and its behind the scenes forces at work to Control you.

For unexplained reasons this world is limited to the Medieval period forward and Magic is a thing. Its rules are never explained allowing it to be the MacGuffin that can do whatever the plot requires. Sometimes it works through verbal spells, sometimes through the use of wands and at other times it just does! There are those who can access this Force and have for generations, the Pure Bloods. There are those who have latent ability and are brought into the wizarding world; these are known as Muggles or Dirty Blood. This is the overt racism of this world. Factions of the Pure Bloods want to discriminate against giving the Muggles access to magic; in fact, they want to establish dominion over all the world: hence enters the Race Socialism.

The main protagonist is Lord Voldemort, an anagram of his Muggle name, Tom Riddle. Tom was an orphan boy bullied because he was different, a common occurrence in government public schools. He was befriended by Professor Dumbledore and entered school to learn magic. Like all bullies, he began in weakness and stayed in weakness which he hid by bullying others. At some point a prophecy was made that foretold his end and he took steps to prevent that by killing the parents of the boy known as Harry Potter. Harry survived the attack, love is the answer but the how remains enigmatic. However, this evil arch villain magic man becomes even more impotent than before becoming a shadowy form of his former self.

In his prime, Voldemort formed a gang of similarly weak bullies who called themselves Deatheaters and their symbol was tattooed on their arms and could be projected into the sky; see above graphic. The skull represented People and the Snake may have represented Death as it came out of the skull’s mouth. Odd imagery as the skull is not eating the snake but the snake proceeds out of the mouth showing it has Control; not the skull. Again, demonstrating the weakness of Voldemort and this supposedly frightening group that can kill and torture at will. Needless to say, Voldemort again takes form, reforms his band and leads another insurrection against one little school in one small country to take over the World?! Impotent.

Death Personified and Impotent

Deathly Hallows: Story about Elder Wand,
Invisibility Cloak and Resurrection Stone! What?

Two-thirds of the way into the series the Deathly Hallow items are introduced and determined to be real. Possession of all three makes one the Master of Death; thus, Death is personified and weakened so it can be thwarted. However, Dumbledore possesses all three items. He has spent his entire life seeking this Control making him no better than Voldemort whom he has been battling with his own gang, Dumbledore’s Army! When Voldemort takes physical form again, this army is resurrected and manned by teens. In addition, Dumbledore gives Harry the Invisibility Cloak and Resurrection Stone while keeping the Elder Wand for himself. Thus, he sends children up against hardened bullies without real fire power only to die and have the wand fall into Voldemort’s possession; not a great plan!

As you discover from this very brief narrative the viewer must buy into this world and its premises devoid of coherent logic and strategies. Like any good magician, your eye is fixed on the War but miss the true force at work behind the scene manipulating the characters for its own purposes: The Magic!

The true servants, slaves, of this magic force are the wands whose qualities remain nebulous but appear to have a mind of their own inconsistent with the desires of its human owners. The human practitioners appear to have no Control over the Magic but are at the whims of the Force itself begging the question as to why there is any war at all?!

There can be only One in Control

Meaningless War of Attrition
Pitting the Old Against New for Enslavement

Satan pits one government against another refining his technique preparing for Control of this World. His goal is not world domination but avoidance of the sentence already pronounced against him. Eternity in the Fires of God’s Wrath (Re 20:7-10). He remains behind the scenes as much as possible while people waste themselves battling each other impotently (Ep 6:12). This has always been Satan’s tactic;Persians battle the Greeks who then battle the Romans who in turn pass into impotence for two millennium only to reemerge against Gog and Magog and continue the refining process.

Today, Satan uses Race Marxism, Socialism, to enflame the passions keeping people fighting among themselves oblivious to the real danger behind the scenes. Incipient Financiers working through their Central Banking system control governments and businesses. They ferment discontent and race hatred while they continue economic slavery of nearly every Third World country; especially those south of the equator.

The Old Marxists battle the New Marxists for who will lead Socialism while the Financiers’ Fascism controls everyone behind the scenes. It matters not who wins, what matters is the attrition of both sides. Once everyone is sufficiently weakened they will implement their Great Reset covering the world in a digital net allowing them nearly total Control over everyone. These are the tools through which Satan will Control the world to eliminate the Truth of Christ’s Gospel so none may be saved!

You thought Harry Potter won the war and forsook power by snapping the Elder Wand. Harry was no more in Control than Voldemort. They were dancing figures designed to keep you mesmerized so you would not recognize the danger being set up right before you. The World Economic Forum (WEF), front organization for the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), proudly announces that the world is ready for The Great Reset of society in which, “You will own nothing and be happy;” or dead.

Essence of Spying is Being a Law unto Oneself

Essence of Socialism-Fascism is Control;
Digitization Gives Them that Control

People can rarely be captured by the danger they see; they are captured by the danger they ignore. Digitization gives Financial Fascism the ability to see every transaction from every location and approve or disapprove it instantly based on criteria of their choosing. They swear they are up to no good for your own good. The mischief cannot be managed as recent events have shown; they Control the very elements of government that are supposed to Control them! They act with impunity while majority of people do not act at all; blindly remaining unaware of their coming enslavement that has already begun economically.

What are Christians to do? Stand (Ep 6:10-20)! We are to grow in wisdom based on truth of God resisting the slings and arrows of Satan which have no power over our saved souls. We are not to rebel for God hates rebellion (1Sa 15:23; Ro 13:1-7). Christ, as our example, was quiet before His accusers speaking but once, “…to bear witness to the truth” (Jn 18:37). Pilate and the Lost do not have the Truth demonstrated by their question, “What is Truth?” (Jn 18:38). They have only their incoherent myths; no, they do not know Truth (Ro 1:18-28; 2Ti 4:3-4). But, when Truth comes they will ask for the rocks to hide them from Truth and Judgment (Re 6:12-17). Will you?

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