CBDC: Inclusion of Control

Unity-Inclusion joined not by Religion but by Currency

CBDC: Inclusion of Control {Fascism}
Unity a Rubric for Control of YOU

CBDC {Central Bank Digital Currency} is slowly coming into the public’s consciousness, be design, as a replace for current legal tender. Central Banks play to your ignorance of their industry encouraging you to assume certain concepts that have no legal basis. You believe having silver or gold will protect you but these commodities are not legal tender. They will be of little value except for local bartering which is exactly what the Central Banks want to eliminate via CBDC. What you think you know will hurt you.

Only Forms of US Legal Tender

Legal Tender Defined by Law
Cannot be Refused for Payment

What is the definition of legal tender? “Legal tender is a mode of payment that a country legalizes for its citizens and businesses to use for making any transactions within the jurisdiction” {WallStreetMojo.}. Lenders cannot refuse legal tender for debt payments; for release of loan collateral. U.S. Treasury mints coins. U.S. authorizes Federal Reserve to print notes backed by tax receipts {expected}. Any other forms of payment may be accepted as payment such as PayPal, Venmo, checks, credit cards, cashier checks, wire transfers, electronic bank drafts, etc. However, these can be refused; even though that rarely occurs currently. Notice since 2000 the increasing pressure to use credit-debit cards training people to not use cash or even think in terms of cash. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, coins were hoarded by the Federal Reserve to boost reliance on note while simultaneously discouraging the use of notes as vectors for spreading diseases. This pressure encouraged wide spread use of credit-debit cards. Government payment recipients, including welfare, have long become reliant on electronic funds transfers like EBT {Electronic Benefits Transfer} cards.

Deception: Keeping your Eye off the Truth

Central Banks Promoting CBDC:
Central Bank Domineering Control

Western Central Banks with other Central Banks following suit under the guidance of the Bank for International Settlements {BIS}, the Central Bank over all central banks, focuses attention of the masses on the perceived benefits of CBDC. The 20th century taught that direct force cannot insure obedience or longevity no matter how many millions are murdered. Financiers have focused on training populations to willingly demand and accept approved changes via propaganda. At the same time, detractors are tarred with the pejorative of conspiracy theorist(s). As the above graphic illustrates, people focus on convenience and ignore the real dangers of CBDC. Those dangers are promulgated by dangerous conspiracy theorists who specialize in misinformation. But, maybe the labeling of conspiracy theorist is simply a moniker for hiding the truth from you.

Ugly Truth of All Central Banks

Central Banks Weave their Tentacles into
EVERY Aspect of Life: Essence of Control

The book, U.S. Money Vs. Corporation Currency, “Aldrich Plan”, by Alfred Owen Crozier. He self-published this book in 1912, warning Americans of what the proposed Federal Reserve System would accomplish: Control of every aspect of American life. He would be considered a conspiracy theorist today and a peddler of misinformation. He would be banned from many electronic forms of social communication. Yet, the Federal Reserve has slowly advanced its insidious tentacles of Control into every aspect of daily life. The CBDC will be the final nail securing its goal. What holds the Federal Reserve back? Hmm, the label of legal tender.

Central Banks Promise Reward but Deliver Destruction

Central Banks, under the BIS
Guiding Governments into Chaos

Central Banks have recently devalued their greatest competitor, unregulated crypto-currencies. With the dramatic failure of the FTX Exchange, governments, Central Banks’ bulldogs, mounting investigation covering for regulatory measures {FTX’s Failure Is Sparking a Massive Regulatory Response. News Analysis. CoinDesk.}. The Central Bank’s position as the spigot for favored lawmakers campaign support will enhance the likelihood governments throttling crypto-currencies in favor of their own highly regulation, read Controlled, CBDC. I would suspect countries moving to make CBDC legal tender. When this occurs the availability and use of coins and notes will dramatically decrease until extinction. This will result in the Great Reset or Fourth Industrial Revolution in which, “you will own nothing and be happy…” or else!

BIS Quote of CBDC's Purpose: Control

Do Not Take My Word as Truth;
Their Writings and Interviews

The latest Best Evidence video, CBDC and the Fed’s Plan to Weaponize Moneyhas fancier major players discussing their actual intentions {Youtube.}. They are sitting on stage obviously reading from prepared scripts telling knowledgeable people what is to come. They know that John and Jane Doe will ignore them because they instinctively know what is right. In fact, they know almost nothing because they have been educated to operate from feelings rather than knowledge. They reject fact for experience. They obediently reject conspiracy theorists as misinformationalists while blindly accepting their favorite talking head propagandists as factual. They have been conditioned to embrace trigger words such as unity, inclusivity, and equality while branding opposing views as hateful, intolerant and fascist. Yet, when pressed people can rarely define their terms let alone defend their views with reasoned logic free from logical fallacies. How does this impact Christians?

True Nature of Financier Oligarchy

Goal is not Wealth but Control over
Truth and Death to Avoid Accountability

As the Bible records, “…scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own lusts” (2Pe 3:3). They scoff or rebel against the Truth, seeking to build a world without God; and, God allows them to do so (Ro 1:18-28). It is built on deception, think lies, in which they say one thing while actually doing its opposite (2Th 2:3-12). Since they reject God’s Truth, they must pass their lies as truth via delusion by appealing to people to embrace their own slavery as desirable; or at the very least by just going along to get along! The legalization of CBDC will force all transactions along controlled digital lines of communication leading through Central Bank controllers. Unapproved actions will not be financed and persistent attempts will result in confiscation of bank accounts. Conversion of electronic funds into coins and notes will not occur, or if they do they will no longer be accepted as they will be considered dirty or contaminated.

Anyone who teaches a different Truth will find themselves labeled as conspiracy theorists, propagators of misinformation and impoverished as their funds disappear. Christians who cling to the Bible and historic salvation will be prime targets. Those who dissent against CBDC will be examples of how inclusion and equity must be accepted as they define for exclusion means poverty and starvation! Pockets of resistance will be eliminated via force which is always the last resort for those who refuse to submit. The question every should be pondering now it, “What do you believe?” And, “Are you willing to die for your beliefs?”

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