America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord

CIA Dir Casey Admits CIA Lies

America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord;
Not First Time America has denied Acts of War

American history is replete with disinformation, lies by morally informed consciences, at least since President Lincoln whose Gettysburg Address rewrote history stating that the people founded the Constitution when clearly it was the sovereign States that agreed to bring the federal government into existence in a limited capacity. Lincoln changed that relationship at the point of bayonet, rifle, canon and blood, lots and lots of blood. He celebrated the blood lost at Gettysburg in a moralizing speech that left everyone stunned at his brazen hypocrisy. Future generations would come to worship this change in American government as it was the lynchpin that made America what is has become today. As one-time Central Intelligence Agency Director, Wm Casey, once observed in the above graphic; the role of American intelligence is not to warn Americans of danger but to dupe Americans into believing their government’s lies! Continue reading “America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord”