America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord

CIA Dir Casey Admits CIA Lies

America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord;
Not First Time America has denied Acts of War

American history is replete with disinformation, lies by morally informed consciences, at least since President Lincoln whose Gettysburg Address rewrote history stating that the people founded the Constitution when clearly it was the sovereign States that agreed to bring the federal government into existence in a limited capacity. Lincoln changed that relationship at the point of bayonet, rifle, canon and blood, lots and lots of blood. He celebrated the blood lost at Gettysburg in a moralizing speech that left everyone stunned at his brazen hypocrisy. Future generations would come to worship this change in American government as it was the lynchpin that made America what is has become today. As one-time Central Intelligence Agency Director, Wm Casey, once observed in the above graphic; the role of American intelligence is not to warn Americans of danger but to dupe Americans into believing their government’s lies!

America's Act of War is Not Unique

President Biden Blamed Russia for Nord Stream Disaster
When He Knew He Ordered the Disaster

Seymour Hersch, experienced investigative reporter now writing on Substack, wrote an article based on confidential sources, journalists have a legal right to protect their sources under American jurisprudence, entitled: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline. The graphic above is a synopsis of his article from the British Daily Mail entitled: Did Biden give the order to destroy Putin’s Nord Stream pipeline after Ukraine invasion? There are several problems with America interjecting itself into affairs between two other sovereign nations that will also affect other nations as a direct result of their unilateral action. First, it is a direct act of war undertaken by the Executive Branch without informing the Legislative Branch which has the exclusive Constitutional responsibility for deciding whether Americans should be at war! Make no mistake, this is an act of war as  pointed out in his article, US bombed Nord Stream gas pipelines, claims investigative journalist Seymour Hersh.

As our president, Biden’s decisions implicate every American in his questionable decision; this is especially true in a representative democracy which America has devolved into since President Lincoln broke the back of representative republicanism government which this country originally established. He turned government into a centralized tyranny with the appearance of democracy; but as Plato rightly observed, democracies only give way to oligarchies which eventually become tyrannies. President Eisenhower observed as he left office that America was already ruled by an oligarch: the Industrial-Military Complex; he should have also added a facet to that oligarchy: Intelligence-Industrial-Military Complex. For as President Kennedy discovered too late, threatening the Intelligence arm will surely bring down the whirlwind of wrath on one’s head. Even President Nixon tried to toy with the Intelligence arm and quickly found himself vilified and run out of the presidency to be replaced by one who had already shown himself loyal to the Intelligence arm through his participation on the Warren Commission covering up the true participants of President Kennedy’s assassination. Every successful president since has played ball with this Complex and remained in power regardless of their personal moral turpitudes.

President Biden is no exception. Despite his obvious mental impairments, he remains in office precisely because he is a loyal Quisling to this Complex. His family have apparently profited greatly in questionable political-business relationships with both Communist China but more so with Ukraine. His son’s indiscretions, recorded on his own carelessly guarded laptop computer, implicate his family who have been carefully guarded from scrutiny and accountability by the Intelligence facet through its control of America’s obvious fifth column Information {News} services. This was begun through the Frankfurt School using Gramsci’s methodologies which grew into today’s Critical Theory Wokeness. He clearly sided with Ukraine while claiming to be neutral which America violated by sending arms to one side while sabotaging the other side; trick the Democrats learned from FDR as he clearly sided with Britain against Germany’s Herr Hitler which violated International Law.

After World War II (WWII) America frequently violated International Law while clothing herself in a cloak of self-righteousness. The CIA under President Eisenhower helped to topple Iran’s government and install the Shah which eventually led to radical Islamic elements toppling him and spilling out into Western nations to conduct their own acts of terrorism. This led directly to America invading Iraq under false pretenses. As Marine General Smedley reported early in the 20th century, the military is simply a gangster organization working for Industry; the beginnings of the Industrial-Military Complex. It was America who precipitated the Cuban Missile Crisis by first placing nuclear missiles near the USSR’s {Russia’s} border. Premier Khrushchev simply responded in kind by placing his nuclear missiles near America’s border as a counter move. America acted with self-righteous indignation threatening nuclear war without disclosing to her own citizens why they were in peril. The crisis was adverted when President Kennedy agreed to remove America’s missiles from Turkey but only in secret. Premier Khrushchev was forced to agree since the USSR did not have a blue water navy strong enough to challenge the U.S. Navy. Soon thereafter Premier Khrushchev was ousted and his successor began building a stronger navy.

Biden Lives in Fear of Discovery of His Lies

Fear of Always Being Caught in Lies
Bothers Normal People; Not Protected Elites

Shall we discuss the latest stampeding crisis to ignite American indignation? The Communist Chinese intelligence balloon publicly brought to light, not by the vaunted American military, but by a local Montana reporter! American’s were outraged that our airspace was violated without retaliation! Yet, America routinely violated the USSR’s airspace using balloons, which were ineffective, and later with both the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes. America committed an obvious act of war many times with near impunity, at least until the USSR managed to shoot down one U-2 and produced a live pilot for trial. America’s denials were seen as lies. No, America is not innocent and both parties have been partners in deceiving its citizens while supporting unnamed behind-the-scenes oligarchs whose self-interests were not for peace or world prosperity. It is simply for their own selfish interests at the expense of billions inhabiting the nations who are considered insignificant.

At the recent WEF Davos Conference (2023) world leaders and their fawning elites pontificated about coming climate emergency. Yet, America’s destruction of Nord Stream pipelines released tons of methane into the ocean which entered the atmosphere creating history’s greatest ecological catastrophes. Yet, not one news story reported on this except to blame Russia who had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Since Mr. Hersch published his expose, the fifth-column informational services have either ignored the story or attacked the author; except Tucker Carlson {We were attacked for asking questions about this. Youtube.}. Not one Davos talking head bemoaned this ecological disaster. No one has criticized America’s unilateral action that crippled Europe’s economy or precipitated deaths from the winter due to energy supplies dwindling. Why? Because they are protecting our quisling president fronting for whomever uses the Intelligence-Industrial-Military Complex for their own ends.

Remember the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Re 6:1-8)? They were: Conqueror; Peacemaker who stole Peace; Famine; and Pestilence. These were not from God but from the very elements that seek to build a society without God. They build on lies and violence while promising peace and prosperity under the guise of equality (Ro 1:18-28; Jn 8:44). These are the very same one’s in power today because people would rather reject Christ as evil while embracing the Delusion that they are Good when in fact they seek redefine their sin as good and God’s holiness as Evil (2Th 2:3-12). The Industrial facet that genetically alters our foodstuffs and seeks to limit what foods people should eat. These same oligarchs are now introducing insects into the food chain in Europe while slowly removing wholesome animal protein from markets claiming husbandry contributes to the coming climate catastrophe! Your eating beef, pork or lamb is more destructive to the climate than America’s destruction of Nord Stream pipelines that released literally tons of methane into the atmosphere that by their own beliefs should accelerate climate deaths immeasurably.

Another Industrial facet, big Pharma, has been engineering pestilences throughout the 21st century including the recent Covid Plandemic that shutdown industrialized economies by force while pushing untried, barely tested and certainly unknown injections that have resulted in massive total death rates across the globe!

Indeed, Critical Theory Wokeness has resulted in tremendous surges in societal violence on a scale unacceptable and unheard of except in time of war. Yet, politicians who embrace this evil philosophy speak as if rising crime was a function of embracing God’s goodness rather than their own evil laws and rules. Those who oppose them suffer at the hands of government even when it violates that laws of said government! America leads the way in this evil with impunity.

Christians, you need to concentrate on living and presenting the Gospel (Mt 28:18-20). People may hope things get better but Christ promised that they would not (Mt 24:4-12). There will be ebbs and flows as the oligarchs manipulate economies to break those nations that still oppose them and discredit those Christians who refuse to bow to lies. Many will go along to get along. None will be spared unless they actively acquiesce to their master’s dictates. We must keep our hope in Christ and look in hope for that city to come as Abraham (He 11:8-10). These times will test our faith. In whom do we truly believe: Mammon {World} or Christ (Mt 6:24). One may lead to death now; the other will certainly lead to eternal death later (Re 20:11-15). Only in Christ can Christians walk in His strength (Ps 23; Ga 2:20). You will choose; every small decision you make demonstrates in whom you believe…

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