Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice

Every Decision Reveals What One Worships

Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice
Choice is Not Choice But it Does Define You

When is choice not a choice but an inevitable conclusion based on Controlled propagandistic Information? Every time it is not based on Scripture (Pr 2). Every choice is a moral crisis between good and evil; right and wrong revealing what you actually believe and worship. There are no small and large decisions; just consequences that flow from the plethora of choices often made without thought of the consequences. This haphazard approach defines the Masses from the Elites; the Sheep from the Wolves who plan every move. The Dialectic is how they manipulate your choices so you choose self-enslavement: “You will own nothing and be happy!”

Dialectic in Practice

Dialectic: Fancy Word of Controlled Choice
Democracy Gives You the Illusion of Choice

The Dialectic, from Hegel, is the Controlled presentation of Information {Propaganda} such that one’s choice is already predetermined though it appears spontaneous. This is how the financial elites expect you to accept their Great Reset {Fourth Industrial Revolution}; their new Simulacrum or illusion of liberty that is in fact serfdom behind the label of Equality. Though this appears new, it is actual very ancient being used of Satan in Eden against Woman who was deceived into accepting her own death under the guise of being able to define her own morality (1Ti 2:14) {Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real}. Since the Enlightenment the Dialectic masquerades under the trichotomy of Reason-Faith-Special Knowledge to the Initiates or Gnosis. The latter is generally advertised to the Masses who willingly accept the illusion of reason-faith basis for modern society for self-serving inducements such as government payments, more comfort and a certain smugness of superiority over others, though this is decried at every opportunity. Let us discover this pattern since the Enlightenment after we define our foundational belief of sin.

Sin distorts all Reason (Ro 1:18-28). The Bible is the basis for True knowing (Ro 3:10-18, 23; 2T 3:16-17). There is no special knowing of Scripture; i.e., Bible defines Bible as taught by the Holy Spirit to the Saved in Christ (1Co 2:14; He 1:1-; 2Pe 1:20-21). Since the Fall, Christ has been calling people to be saved, to enter His Tent of eternal life which He secured Himself by His death on the stauros; we do nothing for salvation (Ro 6:23; 10:9-13). All who come must come through Him, the Gate; all who come except via the Gate are imposters (Jn 10:1-18). Hence, Christ guards the door to His Tent to keep out imposters who would sneak in based on outward works; i.e., they embrace their sin nature refusing to become new creations in Christ (Mt 7:21-23; 22:1-14; 2Co 5:17). His call goes out into the World, “Come!” But you can only come through Him and all become part of His body (Jn 3:16-21; Col 1:15-20).

Satan also has a Tent of belief, a works-based system that promises freedom from God but in fact enslaves believers to face Christ’s judgment alone when their works, in which they trusted, condemn them so they face the Second Death eternally apart from Christ; as they wanted (Ro 6:16-21; Re 20:11-15). Satan also has guards at his Tent but for a very different purpose; to keep people from escaping, being Saved! His path and subsequent Tent promising freedom is actually filled with degradation and violence for he is the father of lies and murder (Ez 28:16-18; Jn 8:44; Ro 1:24-32).

Thus, the Dialectic requires Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies, lies by any other name, to support change based not on fact but on lying purposes flying under the modern label of alchemy {Change based on reflexive purpose). This is the heart of Critical Theory, criticize everything that disagrees with your goal regardless of truth. Together these are the heart of modern Gnosticism. Proponents criticize current structures, institutions, practices and/or beliefs that do not confirm with their goal of global socialism {globalization by the Elites using governments and corporatisms to bend Masses to their will} {Problem or Thesis}. Once the government educated {trained} citizens accept the critical analysis {Antithesis or Reaction}, they will be funneled to demand the desired outcome {Synthesis or Solution} as the only acceptable option even if it means breaking the law!

Every Decision Reveals What One Worships

Look at our first graphic, an illusion to the biblical parable of the Two Paths metaphor implied by the Two Gate parable (Mt 7:13-14). The broad path is the obvious path seen by the Lost, those who reject Christ and commonly labeled as the World. Their road is bordered by Reason and Experience; both of which are relative concepts springing from the mind of Man which is corrupted by Original Sin. Reason begins with an anti-christ position (1Jo 2:4-6, 22-23; 4:2-3; 2Jo 7). Every choice that appears reasonable to the Lost is antithetical to Scripture so that to them everything concerning absolute Truth is foolishness (1Co 1:18-25). Their wisdom, so-called gained ascendency in the Enlightenment and ended with the first socialist revolution; French Revolution. This degenerated into degradation, violence and state-sponsored murder which ultimately brought Napoleon to power. The other border is experience; more definitively: Your experience! You judge everything by your understanding such that it exonerates you from wrong (Ro 2:1-5). The 20th century became the century of experience even in religions with emotional, experience determining truth over reason in some faiths. The essence of this path is: You are as gods determining your own right and wrong (Ge 3:1-5).

Out of Reason, which the French elites worshiped in the form of the Greco-Roman goddesses of Wisdom and Liberty, grew the cult of Science separating itself from Natural Philosophy. By the beginning of the 20th century this gave birth to more socialism in the form of Communism, a gnostic-Marxist interpretation of Hegelian gnosticism. We know it as the Soviet Revolution which spread to other countries resulting in the cold, calculating wholesale murder of millions of its own citizens in these countries! Man’s Reason and Experience unbounded by the absolutes of Scripture justified the murder of billions. Even the so-called democracies, another Marxian term, embraced national socialism in various flavors to join into legal wars that contributed to this wholesale slaughter to eliminate evil; as each defined it apart from themselves {It is evil in the third-person; not in the first-person}. This revolution also ended in failure; but, Satan’s dream did not die!

Resetting the World according to Satan's Image
World Economic Forum’s Great Reset;
Gnostic {Hidden} Knowing New Revolution

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF: Front organization of the Bank of International Settlements or BIS) agitation for a Great Reset to inaugurate the Fourth Industrial Revolution according to their special knowledge and under their tutelage smacks of gnosticism. Critical Theory’s mantra: Strength Through Diversity, means the Elites will strengthen their hold over Change {Alchemy} to usher in a new era of Liberty {Actualization or Realization of their Goals over the Masses} when the Masses accept their Equality {Socialism in which everyone, except those rewarded for their usefulness by the Elites, demands the same outcomes for everyone which means when, “When everyone is equal then no one will own anything.”}. Thus, the Fraternity (Family) of Man will begin; i.e., absolute Truth will be eliminated. In fact, this is the true definition of Racism: Being different from the Masses; which the Elites to not apply to themselves {Animal Farm}.

How will they keep the Masses complacent; approved religion of Theosophy which will bring all works-based belief systems under its umbrella (Re 13:11-17). This will be reinforced by the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The CBDC will grow to monitor every transaction by every person in every nation so that only approved transactions will be allowed and only approved persons will have digital funds allowed in their CBDC accounts. Those who are different, Christians, will be deemed Racists and stripped of funds, ability to conduct any transactions and thus starved out of existence with the approval of the Masses.

What is the Dialectic Trichotomy? Reason, spring from the mind of sinful Man rejecting Christ’s Truth; Faith, in the goodness of sinful Man though daily and historical events prove all are sold under sin evidenced by love of degradation and violence; and Gnosis, the love of hidden knowing apart from God which was the cause of Original sin enslaving Man to Satan and Sin. This is Satan’s Path.

Notice that the narrow Road of Christ is also bounded by two concepts. Wisdom is the implementation of knowledge in Christ’s biblical context revealing His Truth which the World desires to hide from itself (Pr 1:20-32; 2Th 2:3-12). Faith is the substance of things Christ promised (hoped for) and the evidence of that which is hidden, from the World (He 11:1-3). Faith does not flow from within just as wisdom does not spring from within; both come from Christ and are gifts freely given at salvation and refined through the practice of discernment; distinguishing good from evil, right from wrong as defined by Christ (He 5:11-14). It is taught to the Saved by the Sprit given and guided by Christ (Jn 14:15-17, 23-24; 16:7-15; 1Co 2:14).

Satan, and the Lost World, will be allowed to, Build, Back, Better, their world without Christ but it will be a world of increasing violence and degradation racked by pestilence and challenged by Recalcitrant Reality; the physical reality they cannot Control because they have not Christ’s understanding nor power (Job 38). They will remain unbowed and undaunted seeking to murder all who believe in Christ as Racists (Re 6:12-17). These are our times. I do not mean that the end of the World is at hand since no one can know this (Mk 13:32-37). But we see people reject the use of true Reason based on Laws of Logic guided by the Bible while embracing Logical Fallacies, especially circular reasoning and false dilemmas, in support of gnostic scientisms that promote their hidden knowledge {very definition of Gnosticism} (Col 2:1-4). Even the so-called secular philosophers are actually religionist False Teachers seeking to confuse you with ever changing winds of doctrine so you abandon Christ to embrace Satan (Ep 4:11-14). But, Christ will not let you go even though you beg to return to the degradation of the World (Jn 10:27-30; 2Pe 2:19-22). Reject those that would call us to moralizing alternatives that cause us to abandon the teaching of the only Gospel and mission Christ gave us: making disciples for Him (Mt 28:18-20).

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