Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real:
Demanding the Lie over the Truth (2Th 2:3-12)

This post builds immediately on two previous posts {Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect. How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security}. Whereas these posts looked at specific techniques used to undermine true faith in Christ, this post analyzes the overall plan of deception at work since Garden of Eden and Original Sin (Ge 3:1-8). Simulacrum simply means a copy of the original; however, Satan’s copy distorts God’s original Truth-Reality because sin (Ro 3:10-18). This is the Principle of Contrasting Dualities throughout the Bible highlighting the differences between Faith in Christ and Faith apart from Christ. I derived my current understanding from Sovereign Nations Mere Simulacrity Conference and Dr. Lindsay’s presentation, The Negation of the Real.

There are only two faiths in the World: Faith in Christ and faith in not or antichrist (1Jo 2:18-23; 4:1-6; 2Jo 7-9). Every faith or belief system that does not teach Christ is from Satan; i.e., Lost. But, are there not different Christian faiths? No, there is only One God, One Christ, One Spirit, One Faith, One Baptism and One Body-Church (Ep 4:4-6; Col 1:15-20).

Denominations arose because False Teachers/Prophets sought to disrupt churches through infiltration and negation or denial of the real faith; purpose of Revelation Church Letters. Their successes resulted in several different denominations that remain true to some aspect of the true faith in Christ as well as many churches and denominations becoming apostate or teaching an antichrist, anti-biblical religion. This is possible because we remain in our fleshly bodies that yearn to remain in sin so we perceive the One True Faith {Christ alone, faith alone, scripture alone, grace alone and God’s glory alone} dimly as through an enigma ( Ro 7:14-20; 1Co 13:12).

Satan’s faith requires works to prove one is adequate or good enough to not be judged; however, since it does not change one’s sin nature God’s judgment remains. Satan uses people to promote his simulacrum and then discards them when they are no longer effective or necessary. The majority of faith’s throughout history and today are of Satan including atheism which claims to not be a faith; however, since it determines right and wrong it most definitely is a faith, just a faith in man which it deifies.

Thus, throughout Scripture and history there are two threads of contrasting duality: Red (Blood) thread of Christ who alone paid for sin on the stauros and Black thread of Satan who demands that YOU pay homage to him to enter his simulacrum reality with the promise to escape judgment; which is a lie, a delusion (Mt 6:22-24). This is the heart of our post.

Ouroboros of Luciferianism

Ouroboros {Circular} Reasoning Devours Self;
Man-Woman Copied Satan’s Example Embracing Sin

We will discuss Satan’s Simulacrum through the lens of today’s Critical Theory machinations which claims to be new but in fact is very ancient reaching back to The Fall in the Garden (Ecc 1:9-11; 1Co 10:13). The foundation of Satan’s Simulacrum is the Logical Fallacy of Circular Reasoning enshrined in the ouroboros. Satan, as the Dragon depicted in the Bible, is swallowing his own tail devouring himself. Man and Woman whom he enticed to follow him are devouring each other; again as depicted in The Fall. This is the self-defeating truth of sin; choice that destroys self and each other. One only maintains the illusion of autonomy by circular reasoning; i.e., I am free to choose because I choose to sin even those this ignores the Law of Excluded Middle which states that one is either Saved or Lost. There is no middle or neutral choice in the Bible (Ro 3:10-18, 23; 6:15-19).

Critical Theory and the historical philosophies upon which it is built {Marx, Hegel, Marcuse, etc.} clearly identify with their major weapon: critique. In a nut shell, Critical Theory criticizes everything that it disagrees with; which is everything non-socialist. It views non-socialist reality, including Christ, as artificial constructs designed to keep power concentrated in the minority who benefit from these constructs which it labels as abstracts and calls them positives. For example, free market economy is a positive abstract (artificial) construct benefiting a minority at the expense of the majority. It critiques or criticizes  free market economy as oppressive as evidenced by the Great Depression and subsequent recessions. In other words, it negatively negates the positive abstract in order to advance its Concrete, though non-specific and thus not-positive, agenda which usually has two main pillars: give me more Control to induce more Change though an increasingly centralized system (not necessarily governmental).

Critical Theory’s emphasis is on change and process to move you from your current position to accept their position. You cannot discuss facts and history as these are denigrated as secondary to alchemy or the process of change as they define by conflating terms which we have already encountered: Abstract in their vocabulary is concrete while their Concrete is actually abstract! Their reasoning is circular because it relies on how they define it at the moment which changes with the situation. Thus, the process is always as they define but it changes as the situation requires because they say it does. They live in this unreality that appears real because they have the organs of society that support its alchemy; i.e., education teaches children that socialism is good and free markets are bad; psychology teaches that questioning their established norm is a sign of unbalanced mental health and dangerous and the information/new/entertainment systems all present this changing simulacrum as the new normal.

 God told Man to not eat of the Tree of Knowledge; i.e., to not seek knowledge apart from God. God had provided everything Man, and later Woman, needed to include purpose. Man and Woman were content with their interdependence with each other and Christ (Ge 2:17, 21-24). Satan as the Dragon begins by critiquing God’s positive abstract with Woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’ (Ge 3:1)? He misquotes God by expanding it to every tree. Woman becomes ensnared by entering the discussion and also adds to God’s word with the phrase, “…neither shall you touch it, lest you die (Ge 3:3). Satan then continues his deception denying that she will die and adding that God is withholding knowledge which would allow her to gain knowledge to determine her own morality (Ge 3:4-5). She live in God’s complete reality without need; but, she accepted Satan’s critique that God was not benevolent which could only be corrected with her own reordering of morality. Satan focused her on physical death, which she accepted, and ignored spiritual death which would occur immediately. She was deceived, she sinned. Man was not deceived but sin anyway making his sin greater, more deliberate. Later, when confronted by God, Man blamed Woman who blamed Satan who remained quiet (Ge 3:7-13). He accomplished his purpose of transitioning Man and Woman from God’s Reality through negation to accepting his Simulacrum Reality which he never specified as to its elements. God clarified its elements to Man and Woman; degradation, conflict and violence (Ge 3:16-19; Ro 1:18-28). This is the pattern: Positive abstract critiqued negatively {scoffing or sarcasm} to accept unspecified Concrete based solely on Purpose and Change rather than results; i.e., slavery to sin and judgment (Re 20:11-15).

All faiths whether they be called religions or philosophies work by the same underlying methodology and circular reasoning so one may justify one’s wrong as right and God’s right as wrong (Ja 1:13-17). Their thoughts are based on, “I believe” or “I feel” or even “I think” when they are not using the Laws of Logic but rely on logical fallacies the chief of which is Circular Reasoning followed closely by Conflation, Equivocation and Reification heavily sprinkled with Lies (Jn 8:44). The coming advertised Great Reset is simply another reiteration of their remaking society away from God’s reality into a bizarre caricature of socialism in which the few elites Control the vast masses allowed to exist.

Today's Satanic Simulacrum

Digitalization Promises New Simulacrum
Humanity Without Death or Judgment

And, like Woman who was deceived into accepting the new reality, people demand Purposeful Change toward overarching Control whether by government, 20th century stand-in, or global financiers (21st century stand-ins) because they have been trained to do so. But reality is not easily manipulated as people. Reality is recalcitrant to propaganda. Satan and Mankind cannot control physical forces at work. When Satan had nearly eliminated God’s Truth during the First Age, God interrupted progress via Noah’s Cataclysm. When Satan had nearly achieved Control over all people after Noah’s Cataclysm at Babel, God interfered with Man’s unified worldview causing worldwide separation. Finally, Satan through the use of industrial innovations and digitalization of systems worldwide is close to accomplishing his goal of global Control. However, whenever it occurs he will again be thwarted this time by the Great Tribulation; Recalcitrant Reality beyond his Control.

Christians should not be deceived. Neither should they leave their Rock who is Christ. We have the only Truth having been saved from Satan’s Simulacrum and brought to God’s Truth via His Son taught by the Spirit from the Bible. Our empirical reason compares God’s words to Recalcitrant Reality keeping us grounded while our faith fixed firmly in Scripture keeps us from deviating into Satan’s fantastical deceptions. But, if we compromise our stance to “get along” then we are in danger of returning to our sin like a pig to mud or a dog to vomit (2Pe 2:19-22). Do we really want to return to that from which we we

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