Reason and Science Without God: Nightmarish

Beam in Your Eye; Your Sin

Reason and Science Without God: Nightmarish;
Actually, Accepted Science that Continues Today

Every school child since the end of World War II (WWII) has been indoctrinated with the evil horror of Nazi Germany’s horrendous experiments on its own citizens and Jewish concentration camp prisoners. These horrors are trotted out periodically to refresh our memories so modern governments can demonstrate how humane and reasonable science has become under their benevolent guidance. If this sounds like propaganda; it is. Its design is to deflect your attention away from the ongoing evils of government experimentation that America’s government continued to do even after WWII! What was evil for Germany is good for America and for you. Since it is your representative government, you are also responsible and thus equally guilty of these experiments and their results (Mt 7:1-5; 1Ti 5:19-22).

According to modern government propagandistic education, the Enlightenment freed Man from the bondage of superstitious religious morality; it began what has become celebrated as the Age of Reason. Unfortunately, the Enlightenment culminated in the French Revolution which changed medieval religious-bound France into a country guided by Reason and Science. This is to be celebrated as long as you ignore the tens of thousands of state-sponsored murders and the ushering in of Napoleon’s tyranny that embroiled Europe in war for a decade and became the springboard of Socialism flowing from Rousseau’s Social Contract idiocy.

The guiding lights of Reason and Science , when coupled with Charles Darwin’s declaration of a superior racism, also ushered in the nightmarish pursuit of producing a superior race which would rule of others under the maxim: Survival of the Fittest! Germany, under Herr Hitler, took this to its ultimate conclusion and became the poster child for evil incarnate; however, his government was not the only offender. Japan also conducted questionable experiments on those considered subhuman: conquered peoples and prisoners of war. Several of its persons were tried but never received quite the same notoriety as Germany. In fact, the conquering nations {Western Allies including USSR} raced each other to capture the results of these experiments. Not to expose and decry them, but to horde and use them for their own nefarious uses.

America had already conducted eugenic focused experiments before WWII such as the forced sterilization of those deemed inferior {American Eugenics Society (1926-1972). The Embryo Project Encyclopedia.}. This was upheld by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Buck v. Bell. Not the first time the Supreme Court failed to follow our Constitution. But, I want today’s Americans to understand just how our country does not practice what it preaches. I want Christians to focus on living and exemplifying Christ’s Gospel over Americanism which has nothing to do with promoting Good while rejecting Evil; in fact, it is just the opposite (He 5:11-14).

After the trials at Nuremberg, the presiding Allies drew up the Nuremberg Code. The first element of this Code states, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” It also states that experiments must pursue legitimate, positive results without undue suffering, disabling injury or death. From this laudable springboard comes today’s Ethics Committees in Healthcare Institutions. America even enacted laws especially with respect to biological weapons, “…the term “for use as a weapon” includes the development, production, transfer, acquisition, retention, or possession of any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system…” {Title 18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons. LII. Cornell Law School.}. Now, let us look at open easily obtainable articles detailing how well our American government obeyed its own standards {15 Illegal Experiments The US Government Has Done On Its Own Citizens. The Clever. The Premium Network.}. This list is not exhaustive but merely a sampling from open, non-secret or hidden, sources.

I will not bore you by detailing what you can easily read for yourself if you care to know but I will list a few of the experiments: MENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN WERE FED INFECTED FECES; US GOVERNMENT USED AFRICAN-AMERICANS IN EXPERIMENTS – WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE; THE US MILITARY SPREAD DEADLY CHEMICALS IN FOG; A PRISON DOCTOR IMPLANTED ANIMAL T*STICLES INTO SAN QUENTIN INMATES; THE US GOVERNMENT INTENTIONALLY POISONED ALCOHOL – KILLING 10,000 CITIZENS and the list goes on. Each of these violate the Nuremberg Code and those that use substances either violate known criminal codes or the use of biological agents code as given above. In other words, our Intelligence-Industrial-Military-Complex, run by self-selected Oligarchs, who use you as guinea pigs for their own purposes {See: America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord.}.

Quisling elected officials cannot or will not protect those they sworn to protect; some who have tried have been persecuted, imprisoned or eliminated. The quislings have become enriched  with wealth, Control or both to secure their own well being (until they die). America’s inherent fifth-column apparatus, Academic-Information-News-Entertainment-Complex works through music, books, magazines, television, movies, computer games and digital internet-social media access to promote the approved educational talking points while suppressing or fact-checking unapproved elements that occasionally leak from conspiracy theorists counter-information outlets. The goal is not to promote or convince you of Truth; the goal is to create so much noise that you simply refuse to care as long as you can do your personal trivial pursuits; i.e., pay your bills, watch television, etc.

Americans embrace Reason and Science as the very pillars of modern enlightenment when in fact they provide no protection against the darkness of the sinful mind. Man’s Reason is fallen and biased rejecting God, Christ and the Gospel which defines true Goodness (Lk 16:14-17; 18:19-20; Ro 1:18-28). Science is simply measurability and repeatability; it the responsibility of the researcher to put the obtained measurements into a context to obtain information. If one uses a false context then one’s conclusions will support the false context; the same for the a biblical context. Except: the false context cannot provide a consistent logical explanation but must rely on logical fallacies or illogic to justify its conclusions. Thus, Science becomes Scientism or simply another works-based religion demanding that it be the only religion taught in public government-controlled schools. God calls out for people to come and reason with Him based on the Scriptures (Is 1:18). Reason and Scientism resort to lies and violence to overcome their inherent and obvious logical fallacies (Mt 5:10-12; 11:11-17).

The recent Covid-19 Plandemic began because once again our government (NIAID) violated its own laws to develop a viral biological weapon so it could advance new biotechnology with little if any actual research proving safety and efficacy which is required under the Nuremberg Code. Billions around the world were given unknown material into their body under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA); thus, they could not give informed consent, another violation. Medical establishments were the major arm giving these unknown substances by violating their own professional code of ethics since they themselves did not know what they were injecting. The NIAID suppressed known treatment options to advance drugs known to cause significant harm and death by their own previous research. The NIAID has also been implicated in other unethical and probably illegal research according to Robert Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

This proves that Reason coupled with its partner in crime, Science, knows no limits on corruptibility unless governed by true biblical Goodness. Not the relative goodness popularized by feelings or self-righteous, self-deluding rescuing stratagems usually prefaced with, “I think,” “I believe” and other nonsense but the absolute right and wrong contained in the Bible (Ex 20:1-17). Knowledge of God, as listed in the first four Ten Words, is the basis for all knowing from which flows all thoughts, words and deeds. Reason and Science as two of the major pillars of Delusion in which Man is Good and making a better World; as long as one ignores the increasing degradation, violence and death (Jn 8:44). Do not be deceived. Accepting or even ignoring the evil does not mean you will not reap the whirlwind; it will come (How 8:7; Ga 6:7-8).

As I wrote previously, “Remember the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Re 6:1-8)? They were: Conqueror; Peacemaker who stole Peace; Famine; and Pestilence. These were not from God but from the very elements that seek to build a society without God. They build on lies and violence while promising peace and prosperity under the guise of equality.” We have seen these effects multiply exponentially with the growing reliance on Reason and Science without Morality as they have no constraints. They have only one rule: To Win! What will they win? Death for in the end everyone dies and then the judgment (Lk 16:19-31; 2Co 5:10; He 9:27; Re 20:11-15). Where will you stand? Every decision you make determines what you truly believe. “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins…” (He 10:26). There is always fear in sin (judgment) but only in Christ’s Gospel is there Peace (Ro 5:1-8; 1Jo 4:18). Do you have fear or peace? That is your answer as to what you actually believe.

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