Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future

How God Designed Marital Relationship

Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future:
Developing People Longing for Slavery

In a time long, long ago, in a land far, far away peoples struggled for dominance. Major empires were decimated and small kingdoms sought to fill the power vacuum with their meager forces. A new people with a new hope promised to bring Light into the chaos. But, swirling Dark forces plotted against them. The light could not be removed by direct combat. However, they could be defeated from within. Dark forces developed the Balaam Effect. An insidious infiltration of Darkness into the very fabric of Light society, even into its very bedrooms. We still live with the Balaam Effect today as it continues to ruin families and thus nations. This is their story: the Balaam Effect.

Let us go back over three thousand years ago to the Levant. Through combined natural catastrophes and the inability of centralized, primitive socialism, governments to adapt, the Bronze Age civilizations collapsed. Major empires simply disappeared and those few that survived were greatly weakened. An insignificant people had previously migrated into Egypt and assisted it in becoming a strong, centralized government; however, with the Bronze Age collapse Egypt ignored their previous contributions and enslaved this people for its very survival (Ge 41:25-40; Ex 1:8-14). God developed Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt in what has become known as the Exodus. God developed the Hebrews in the Wilderness for nearly 40 years before leading them toward Canaan, the land He had promised to their original patriarch, Abraham (Ge 15:12-21).

The Hebrews had just defeated the Amorites who had previously defeated the Moabites. The Hebrews were camped on Moab’s borders asking for passage through the land toward Canaan. Barak, Moabite king refused. He joined with the Midianites and sent for a mighty priest to come curse the people. In return Balaam would receive reputation and money; lots of money (Nu 22-24). Balaam claimed to be a priest of God; however, he was willing to take the commission to curse God’s people. Through a series of events, Balaam was allowed to go; but, instead of cursing the people, he was compelled to bless them three times. However, to earn his fee and increase his reputation he instructed Balak how to defeat the Hebrews without combat; i.e., with their own consent: the Balaam Effect (2Pe 2:15; Re 2:14).

To understand this phenomenon we must first understand how God developed the marital, husband-wife, male-female, relationship. God made Man {Hebrew: Adam} and from Man God brought forth Woman (Ge 2:7, 21-24). When Man was presented with Woman, he proclaimed that their union, marriage, made them one flesh. Today we would call this an interdependent relationship. The above diagram depicts the distilled essence, and purpose, of this relationship (Ge 2:20). Notice the two essential elements of this relationship: Security and Sex. Each had a different set of responsibilities: Man was the authority and Woman was his counselor (1Co 14:33b-35; Ep 5:22-6:4).

Man was the Provider, Protector and final authority setting the moral guidance for the relationship; i.e., Man looked outward. Think Janus but rather than time substitute family as the Man both looked outside and inside the family. Woman set the tone for the home. While Man was securing the family’s place in the world, Woman was guardian and perpetuator of the family’s values and she would be the primary influence on the children and thus the family’s future. The Man received his guidance from God and would lead by serving the needs of the family. Sex for progeny was deferred in this first relationship; but, it was always the purpose of God that this relationship be the foundational unit of society (Mal 2:15; Mt 19:4-8; Mk 10:2-9). Both gained security: Soul and Flesh.

Christ Promotes Soul Sec over Flesh Sec

Each Person is Soul-Spirit and Flesh-Body;
Struggles to Balance Soul and Flesh Security

Each person is both soul and flesh in this Creation. Each person seeks to find balance between Soul Security (Soul Sec) and Flesh Security (Flesh Sec) (He 4:12). Originally Man and Woman mutually worked together to balance the needs of Soul Sec and Flesh Sec. This provided for a stable, mutually beneficial relationship for each person and the marriage which had its own identity; i.e., one flesh.

Sin Promotes Flesh Sec over Soul Sec

Sin Disrupts Unity of Soul-Spirit and Flesh-Body;
Flesh Sec Needs 
Justified by Soul Sec Philosophies

However, sin disrupts everything! Satan deceived  Woman who sinned and excused Man’s sin who was not deceived (Ge 3:1-7; 1Ti 2:14). Woman did not seek confirmation nor protection from Man, depriving him of his role as protector of her and God’s truth. She failed by following her own understanding (Pr 21:2). However, Man deliberately failed to protect Woman allowing her to sin and therefore carried the greater burden of guilt. Sin begets fear of judgment, accountability (Ge 3:8-10; 1Jo 4:18). When God confronted them, Man blamed God and Woman for his sin; the not my fault defense. The interdependence was broken! The result of Man’s abrogation of his responsibility was perpetual insecurity in the Woman evidenced by her struggling against Man’s leadership (Ge 3:12, 16).

How Sin Distorts Marital Relationship

Change from Mutual Security Interdependence
Each Competes for Security at Expense of Family

Genesis highlights this interdependence disruption in the lives of Sarah-Abraham; Rebekah-Isaac and Leah-Rachel-Jacob (Ge 20:1-13; 26:6-11; 29:15-30). Of course, this affect the children which began after the sin. Man named Woman, Eve, who took the lead in raising the children. It was she who named them and thus set Cain on his path of murder; Man, Adam, faded into the background (Ge 4:1). Isaac and Rebekah set Esau and Jacob against each other playing favorites which tore the family apart (Ge 25:27-28). With polygamy, we discover mothers, primary educators of the children, seek security by developing loyalty with their children (Ge 29:31-30:24). Fathers became outsiders in their own families (Ge 34). This was especially true if the husband did not father the children; they had no loyalty to this outsider. They were bound to their mother who taught them from birth.

This caused men to seek security outside the home fracturing marriages. Women became so insecure of being divorced that they carried their money on their persons lest they be thrown from the home without funds; parable of the Lost Coin (Lk 15:8-9).

Genesis also reveals at least two early attempts to disrupt families who handed down God’s Truth of Salvation. First, when the sons of God, Seth and those who believed, married the daughters of Man, descendants of Lost Cain (Ge 6:1-7). This nearly eradicated the Truth. God rebooted mankind through Noah to preserve the Truth (Ge 6:8). Second, the small principality of Shechem offered to intermarry with Jacob’s sons and daughters which would have destroyed the Truth (Ge 34:1-12). Third time will be the charm that works, even in our time.

Function of Marital Relationship: Progeny

Purpose of Marriage is to Secure the Future
Mothers Passing Culture to Children Perpetually

Now we can discuss Balaam’s egregious advice to Balak. Balaam told Balak to have the idolatrous Moabite women intermarry with weak Hebrew men. The Moabite women would teach their children Baal worship. The weak men would acquiesce to stay with the wife, wives, allowing their culture to fade away. The effects were almost immediately effective on the weak Hebrew men (Nu 25:1-8). These marriages would produce not only more idolatrous but also weaker men who would succumb to their lusts rather than cling to the Truth (1Jo 2:15-17). This is the Balaam Effect.

Maslow's Delusion Enslaved to Death

Philosophies  Coupled with Scientisms
Reinforced Balaam Effect in Western Societies

Fast-forward into the Enlightenment with the burst of reinterpretations of Neo-Platonism’s One and Aristotelianism’s Many into modern nation-states dependent on financiers. The Industrial Age brought unprecedented financial security raising nearly entire populations out of poverty by creating the Middle Class that wanted a say in government. Early Republicanism soon gave way to ancient Democracy with each self-proclaim group agitating for equality. The 20th century saw the rise of Woman’s Liberation which harkened back to struggle for Control begun with Man and Woman after sinning. Woman slowly became the driving force in modern societies empowered by Bernays’ propaganda efforts {Freedom Torches or Cigarettes}, coopting the woman’s suffrage movement which grew into the Woman’s Liberation movement. This usurped God’s family design.

Women are more spiritual and thus more easily deceived. The Freedom Torches opened women to wide spread tobacco usage and their diseases such as cancer, obstructive lung disease, peripheral vascular disease, etc. Their voting influence the liberalization of laws increasing their Control over divorce which created more single-parent homes. Science became scientisms primarily advocated by women as it justified their Balaam Effect. Psychology, educational philosophy, sociology, nursing philosophy, to name a few, legitimized and then legalized the supposed liberalization of women. For their reward, just as with the Freedom Torches, a competing movement arose to render women superfluous;. the LGBTQAI+ movement with the influx of weak men into woman’s roles such as in sports.

This ongoing attack on the family which seeks to live and transmit Christ’s Gospel truth is finally bearing fruit again. Dramatic rise in single-parent homes coupled with soaring divorce rates which are often instigated by women. With the removal of husbands and fathers from the homes, women and children turn to governments to fill that role. Governments have eagerly rushed into this void promoting socialism as the best form. While it promises equality, it actually seeks to achieve inequality through oligarchy as predicted by Plato in the form of financiers. This is becoming a distinct reality due to centralized digitization and the cooperation of people trained via the Balaam Effect.

Many run to and fro claiming to have truth when they deliver a delusion of false promises that will enslave people to their sin and Satan (Da 12:4; 2Th 2:3-12). The more they proclaim peace the more they deliver violence and lies for they are of their father the Devil who was a liar and murder from the beginning (Is 6:13-14; Jn 8:44). People run to be enslaved, they run to do evil in their survival of the fittest pragmatic justification of their sin. They clamor for Flesh Sec at the expense of true Soul Sec (Mk 8:35-37).

Christians who should be aware of these dangers have been lulled into somnolence because of the deluge of propaganda via music, movies, television and even from the pulpits. They also look outside the family and Bible for leadership and direction. The disruption of the family means the disruption of godly culture leading to the substitution of ungodly culture that teaches evil as good and good as evil making Christians the enemy of societal good (Is 5:20-21). How can we doubt the Bible’s truth when we literally see the Bible being fulfilled before our very eyes? We who are children of the Light succumb to the Darkness; how can we claim to be lights in the world like Christ (Ge 1:3-5; Mt 5:14-16; Jn 1:1-18)? What will we answer Christ at His judgment seat (2Co 5:10)? The Darkness did not overcome Him; why is it overcoming us?

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