Normalization of Opposites of Change

Schematic of Hermetic's Dialectic Both-And Illogic

Normalization of Opposites of Change;
Alchemy: Turning Good into Evil

This post seeks to illustrate the various abstract concepts of the past several hermeticism posts using modern events. One cannot persuade others simply by abstract deduction since most people do not think in such terms and few are able to see how their own actions and thoughts have incorporated Dialectic Hermeticism altering their worldviews. People follow information conduits that support what they already accept as true; i.e., confirmation bias logical fallacy. So let us examine several current events to identify how the Dialectic Both-And illogic changed society’s view on several major trends. Continue reading “Normalization of Opposites of Change”

As Above So Below Satan’s Lie

All Philosophy is Antichrist Religion

As Above So Below Satan’s Lie:
Christ’s Gospel Plan-Progressive Change

Hermetics ancient dictum, As Above So Below, encapsulates the Lie, the Delusion of Luciferianism or to put it more simply, Hermeticism (2Th 2:3-12). The above schematic describes how the Above, the spiritual is different in degree but the same in essence meaning the Below, physical, reflects in some inferior degree and follows spiritual changes. Also, under Hermetic doctrine, changes in the physical can influence changes in the spiritual. Together these produce the Ouroboros, Snake grasping its tail in a circle depicting the interdependence of Change. God knowing His godliness depends on Man progressively realizing God’s godliness; hence, when Man has attained the Self-Begotten plane through complete knowing of God then God will also attain complete knowing of Himself which He lost when Man created in the physical plane. If this sounds like Circular Reasoning then welcome to the logical fallacies of Satan’s Delusion. Continue reading “As Above So Below Satan’s Lie”

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real:
Demanding the Lie over the Truth (2Th 2:3-12)

This post builds immediately on two previous posts {Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect. How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security}. Whereas these posts looked at specific techniques used to undermine true faith in Christ, this post analyzes the overall plan of deception at work since Garden of Eden and Original Sin (Ge 3:1-8). Simulacrum simply means a copy of the original; however, Satan’s copy distorts God’s original Truth-Reality because sin (Ro 3:10-18). This is the Principle of Contrasting Dualities throughout the Bible highlighting the differences between Faith in Christ and Faith apart from Christ. I derived my current understanding from Sovereign Nations Mere Simulacrity Conference and Dr. Lindsay’s presentation, The Negation of the Real. Continue reading “Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real”

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World

Many heads of the Great Reset Hydra

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World;
Cut Off One Head, Two More Appear-But Which One?

I bet dollars to donuts many of you have not heard about the FTX cryptocurrency scandal; and why should you? Most people either have not heard of cryptocurrency or have any inkling of what it is or of what value is it? Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is for the fringe conspiracy-freedom element or the ultra rich who have money to burn. Who cares if they get taken; they probably deserve it being so rich and all. And off you go about your daily business of watching your favorite propaganda show, keeping up with your favorite social media app or even watching the government approved news show. All of these are designed to keep you complacent while the Great Reset occurs around you. This innocuous scandal surrounds you with its spy-like plots guiding you into the great eugenics future of Effective Altruism (EA). Continue reading “FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World”

Great Reset: Ouroboros of Destructive Ignorance

Specter's Fictional Evil World Order

Great Reset Presents Itself as Inevitable,
Unstoppable and even Desirable Slavery

Fictional James Bond’s nemesis was SPECTER {Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion}. Depicted as an evil organization with tentacles everywhere; even in Bond’s MI6. This apolitical organization sought to control all nations for its own ends. The latest movie iteration depicted domination via control of information. This propaganda slant was true but misdirected attention away from the true would-be masters: financiers behind all globalization {international socialism} efforts. Yet, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum {WEF} is far from smoothly tyrannical and the Great Reset will not be as smooth nor as seamless as he and his cohorts present {Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Parts One, Two and Three. Next Virus Pandemic: Digital Viruses.}. Continue reading “Great Reset: Ouroboros of Destructive Ignorance”

Ouroboros: Truth of Gnosticism

Ouroboros: Ancient Symbol of Truth
Unifying Mankind into one Body of Believers

The ouroboros is the ancient symbol of a snake, dragon, forming a circle by clasping its tail in its mouth. As the above graphic depicts, this symbol depicts all mankind unifying into a single body of belief through the commonalities of the various world religions that rely on works of the flesh for proof of man’s goodness and righteousness. It is the symbol of Gnosticism, the new faith of the coming False Prophet that will unite all mankind into receiving the prophet of the dragon, the Antichrist. Continue reading “Ouroboros: Truth of Gnosticism”

Tree of Knowledge, Death, Life

Ouroboros Triad
Dragon – Satan

Snake – Man
Tree of Knowledge

As I sat to write this final post of the Ouroboros Triad I had to step away for some reflection. The focus of many is on the tree. Was it an apple, a pomegranate, or was it something that had nothing to do with the type of tree at all?  The issue is not the tree, the issue was, and is, the knowledge of good and evil. Continue reading “Tree of Knowledge, Death, Life”

Ouroboros – Circle of Life or Death

Ouroboros Satan Antichrist Tree Knowledge

Dragon – Satan

Snake – Man (Antichrist)
Tree – Life & Knowledge

The ouroboros is an ancient symbol usually expressing what today would be considered the “circle of life”. The depiction expresses the concept that nothing more is needed other than one’s self. The dragon needs nothing other than itself and all within the circle it created it unified with it’s completeness. Continue reading “Ouroboros – Circle of Life or Death”

Truth of Life or Death

Orvieto, Exterior of the Duomo
The Bible Relief: Original Sin

The snake, or dragon for the Hebrew word does not differentiate between the two, are iconic in ancient and modern cultures. From the very ancient kingdoms to today’s Gnosticism, snakes present as symbols of power, life and spiritual attainment, usually. What does this mean to those who believe they live in a modern (without God) culture free from the superstitions of the past? Continue reading “Truth of Life or Death”