Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Three

International Financiers Hierarchy

Love of Money: Root of ALL Evil
Permeates ALL Governments

Christ’s warning does not apply simply those who want money, it is most applicable to those who desire power (Lk 16:13; 1Ti 6:9-10). Money is the measure of invisible power. The ultimate source of all rebellious, sinful power is Satan who became the father of all people when Adam and Eve sinned (Jn 8:44). These posts designed to illuminate Satan at work, not that man can change the events but so man can realize the truth of Scripture leading to salvation. Most tragic of all people are those who have access to the truth but choose to believe the delusion (2Th 2:3-12).  They literally throw away their lives, salvation, to survive in this life. They willingly forget that everyone dies; then the judgment (He 9:27).

In between the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Bretton Woods Agreement System were two so-called World Wars for freedom; in fact these were two parts of one struggle to prevent Germany from dominating the financiers. Great Britain, a willing accomplice, led the movement in order to maintain its privilege position with the financiers. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was established, 1930, ostensibly to handle Germany’s war reparations (The World Central Bank: The Bank for International Settlements.(Ignore security warnings)). Its only members are national central banks; in fact, due to a an international treaty signed at the Hague, 1930, BIS is virtually untouchable by national, sovereign countries. America’s Federal Reserve (Fed) is a prominent member of BIS. It is the power behind the banks behind the United Nations behind the move toward globalization. Bretton Woods Agreement, near the end of World War Part Two, established the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to rebuild the world after this world. Though the World Bank is associated with the later created United Nations, it is not beholden to either the General Assembly nor the Security Council (World Bank. Encyclopedia Britannica.). Both the BIS and the World Bank system have no oversight in establishing a world of their own design; sovereign nations are part of the problem, not the solution.

The BIS has monthly meetings to set exchange rates, international monetary policies and oversee problems. The BIS is a system with several layers. One of the inner layers is publicly known as the Group of 20 (G20) nations that set policy for all the world’s nations. Representatives of G20 also network with supposedly independent groups such as the Club of Rome (Club of Rome Declaration) and World Economic Forum (WEF). Predating these supposedly independent organizations is the Fabian Society which established the London School of Economics to create financial leaders enhancing globalization. George Soros, a graduate of LSE, learned from Karl Popper his vision of globalization and established the Open Societies Foundations. These so-called independent groups are interlinked via economics back to BIS. Today the WEF has taken center stage; become the point for the coming Great Reset: remaking of social structures internationally in their image.

What does any of this have to do with money? These are the organizations that not only determine what is money but also the projects which can be financed with their money. Money is no longer fixed to a measure of wealth; it has become an intangible measure of debt behind the scenes. The money of the BIS and World Bank system does not mingle with your money; its money remains in the central bank system. The Fed’s money is isolated to its member banks which in turn support, loan, funds to local banks, credit unions, etc. This pyramid scheme gives those at the top tremendous power to control how money is spent; key word is control. The national central bank is actually an agent of BIS rather than the sovereign nation in which it operates. It has a great deal of control over monetary policies, money supplies and the projects that receive these funds; however, it has very little control over people who keep disrupting its plans for total global control. However, the digital age will change everything!

Digital ID Controls Everyone

Digital Currency Demands
Digital Control for Security

Problem with physical representations of wealth, what most people conceive as money, is anonymity. There is no record of what YOU bought. Except for receipts, there is no record of what is bought by whom. It is impossible to trace who is compliant and who is not. Credit cards were the first instruments of control; however, until recently they were used by a minority, the wealthy and middle classes. The digital age began to change everything. The world wide web, touted as a pathway to freedom, is actually being changed into a broad road to slavery. Technology has reached the point where it is more efficient and economical to use cards, phones, watches, etc. to transfer funds than actual tangible cash. The Fed is hoarding coins, produced by U. S. Mint, to more quickly make the transition to more trackable means of transactions. The Covid-19 so-called crisis has been used to indoctrinate people that cash carries diseases and must not be used. People are ready for the transition to a total digital currency.

The WEF has been the point agency in announcing the coming Great Reset. One of the linchpins in this Reset is the transition to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This will be implemented by each national central bank. These central banks will be using an international form of digital currency between themselves with the BIS overseeing the entire apparatus. The national CBDC will work out the bugs until each nation is using only CBDC. This means that just as everyone has an account with the government for taxes, each person will be required to have an account with the Fed for money. CBDC demands a robust and tightly controlled digital system (Internet); to prevent theft of course. There must also be a means of determining who is associated with each account. This means must be unique to each person, nontransferable and easily scanned. The Great Reset will thus implement not only a CBDC but also tighter internet control and ironclad individual identity device permanently tied to each person. Bill Gates has worked with the Indian government to experiment with a national ID system based on retina scans and fingerprints. He fostered the use of vaccines as the means to encourage voluntary compliance and acceptance.

Imagine a world where YOU are the ID device and every transaction must go through a central bank system. Imagine how easy it is to set up rules to disallow non-approved transactions as determined by the financiers. Those above groups all speak the same language of inclusiveness and equality. They literally mean everyone person in the world must be included in this fiscal system. Then everyone will be equally controlled by the financiers to achieve the world they envision. Those individuals, groups or nations that refuse to adhere to their reasonable dictates will simply have their digital funds removed and no transactions allowed. Those who are compliant will be rewarded with access to their new world order, 4th revision. This is the Great Reset the WEF, headed by Klaus Schwab, envisions for YOU.

Covid-19 misdefined pandemic has been the latest in a series of outbreaks to convince you to want centralized healthcare and acceptance of the centralized controlled ID. Every show, every information channel and every influential figure is being used to push this message onto a compliant population internationally. All are being united in this delusion behind which is the master of delusionists: Satan. This is the world system people are demanding. When given the choice, vote, they select those who promise inclusiveness under the banner of free. Free is simply another word for slavery since everything has a cost. Farm animals eat for free until it is time to pay with their lives. As the trap draws every tighter I still encounter people who would rather remain blind, trapped in the delusion. Salvation is the only hope for anyone; not in this life but in the life to come. Once the people are controlled, they will have the means to eliminate the truth of Christ.

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