Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two

Money a Roll of the Die for Most People

People’s Perception of Money Resembles Chance;
Money is Careful Manipulation to Achieve the Goal

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two continues from, Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One, which discussed how government relinquished its major claim to sovereignty by giving private corporations, today’s parlance, the right to coinage. This was accomplished using bribes and lies appealing to sinners’ love of money. These tools have not changed; however, corporatism successfully uses people’s ignorance, willful or otherwise, to continue its march toward its ultimate goal: Control {Socialism}.

Confusion Between Commodity and Fiat Money

Term “Real Money” is a Misnomer;
Correct Terminology is “Commodity Money

Leaving behind the myth of evolution, this is a Bible-based post teaching discernment, we learned that early societies weighed certain commodities deemed valuable such as gold, copper, iron, silver, etc. These met the requirements Aristotle identified as discussed in, Part One. But money is not things but values balancing time against goods and services in contractual relationships. Government does not assign value, the contractual parties assign value (Mar, Alexander del. History of Monetary Systems. p. 7-8.). Government determines how the value is to be measured and exchanged; i.e., legal tender. When Abraham bought a field from Ephron, they agreed as to price and exchanged ownership based on legal tender, weighing of certain amount of silver (Ge 23:10-20). Silver was not the value, it was the commodity that represented the agreed on value. Down through history many different items have stood for value, money, based on what the government defined as legal tender. People mistakenly confuse commodities items which are symbols for value;  i.e., money. For example: in early Rome their early symbol for value was the ace grave, heavy copper brick, held as a “reserve,” but “represented” in the circulation by leather notes” (Mar, Alexander del. History of Monetary Systems. p.  18.). America used a similar system using paper money in lieu of carrying gold, gold certificates, until President F. Roosevelt outlawed gold ownership by citizens with a stroke of the pen in 1933 (FDR’s Tyrannical Gold Confiscation. The Future of Freedom Foundation.). The march was on toward fiat money; money based on how the issuing authority, read central bank, defined its value since it is based on debt. In America this has been the Federal Reserve since 1913. It was brought into existence during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Two international banking interests also attended the meeting, overseeing the results. Three financial hegemonies were represented: Rockefeller; J.P. Morgan and the Rothschild’s (representing Anglo-European interests).

The meeting was held in 1910. Wilson was put forward as the Democratic candidate, as he was induced to sign such a bill; however, he could not capture enough votes. Financial backers induced President T. Roosevelt to run as a third-party candidate, opposing Mr. Taft to split the Republican vote. It worked and compliant, racist (truly), and socialist Mr. Wilson became president. People clamored for banking reform after a devastating financial disaster of 1907 but the financial sector would not tolerate government control. They copied the methods of the East India Trading Company; they bribed and lied. They also copied another method we did not discuss in the previous post: they labeled the legislation in such a manner as to hide its true purpose! Compliant legislators waited until a Christmas recess and introduced the bill which was passed and immediately signed into law by President Wilson as a reform bill to fix the issues and prevent further financial catastrophes (Missler, C. The Federal Reserve: The Engine of Power. The Millennium Report.).

Notice the precedent that was exploited: a crisis caused by financial greed and mismanagement was used to initiate legislation that would protect the very interests that caused the crisis insuring it would occur repeatedly. The new element added was due to the open nature of modern, Western societies: the addition of the intelligentsia and information guilds, interests, to legitimize and garner support from the populace. These elements would be used repeatedly throughout the 20th and into the 21st centuries to advance power to the two major competing interest: government and corportisms. America’s central, private, bank came into being under the misnomer of the Federal Reserve system; it was not a part of government, federal, nor were there any reserves to prevent future bank runs. In fact, this private banking system was given control over all banks and has been at the heart of every financial crisis by their own admission. Coincidently, the passage of the personal income tax amendment, Sixteenth Amendment (1913), made every citizen a slave to the government which would dictate how much money YOU could keep from your labor! Yet, in turn, the Fed itself became a slave.

Grow Government to Grow Own Power

As Charles II gave Sovereignty to a Corporation;
Congress created a Corporation and ceded Liberty

As America grew in power it also became enslaved to the Fed upon which it depended to finance its wars of liberation; World War I & II, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. But, behind the scenes, the Fed was becoming enslaved to an international banking put in place after World War I. This system was modified near the end of World War II at Bretton Woods, NH, when an international consortium agreed to expand the international banking system. It also agreed to make the American dollar the currency of international exchange based on an artificially fixed price of gold as its value-based commodity. President Nixon removed this restriction (1971). His artful dodger, Mr. Kissinger, who was actually President Nixon’s guide and handler, linked America’s dollar to oil as Petro Dollars to maintain America’s international hegemony facade.

National Banking Goes International

Bretton Woods Accords Linked National Banks
International Banking Behind United Nations

The 20th century demonstrated governmental wars had become too destructive, disrupting fiscal wealth and power. I believe the newly formed united Germany was alarming Anglo-fiscal private fiscal power centers. This initiated World War I; however, American intervention and the unbridled greed for power and German fiscal assets failed to subdue Germany. World War II was required to not only fully subdue German hegemony but also Japanese hegemony in the Orient. An overarching governmental structure was needed to prevent the disruption of selfish regional conflicts that has threatened world order since World War II such as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait showed the continued ineffectiveness of voluntary governmental associations.

International banking backed the creation of the United Nations as its governmental front organization to bring national governments under its umbrella. the behind the scenes banking concerns put into place since the Bretton Woods accords. Slowly, rouge governments have been eliminated, Soviet Union, or brought into dependency through international welfare schemes masquerading as foreign aid. With patience the transfer of power from governments to corporatism as again moved to the behind-the-scenes financiers; however, the methodology has remained the same: bribes, lies, informational propaganda and occasional application of military means has further its goal of globalization. But, there is another behind-the-scenes power at work: Satan (Ep 6:12; Re 12:9, 17; Isa 27:1; Da 7:1-8).

Cognitive Dissonance is the Goal

Conspiracy Theory Ad Hominem Attack;
Hiding Truth so You Accept the Delusion
(2 Thessalonians 2:3-12)

Money as government controlled legal tender to support value, goods and services, moved from commodities to fiat (debt) when governments gave up their sovereign prerogative to corporatism. Corporatism yielded control to financiers who, though historically anonymous, are today letting themselves become known which is ominous. These financiers are preparing for another fundamental shift of money to another form even more insidious and again removed from both value and government meddling: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Our next post, Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Three, will briefly show the multiple financier layers that were behind the scenes. Their tendrils have penetrated into nearly every major government with some governments more favored, compliant, than others. Pockets of individual rejection are being rendered ineffective via informational and intelligentsia mechanisms along with political controls. The world you thought you knew does not exist and has not existed in your lifetime. It should alert people that propaganda is still necessary to justify World War II; especially as some governments have made it illegal to even discuss certain issues.

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