Great Reset: Ouroboros of Destructive Ignorance

Specter's Fictional Evil World Order

Great Reset Presents Itself as Inevitable,
Unstoppable and even Desirable Slavery

Fictional James Bond’s nemesis was SPECTER {Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion}. Depicted as an evil organization with tentacles everywhere; even in Bond’s MI6. This apolitical organization sought to control all nations for its own ends. The latest movie iteration depicted domination via control of information. This propaganda slant was true but misdirected attention away from the true would-be masters: financiers behind all globalization {international socialism} efforts. Yet, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum {WEF} is far from smoothly tyrannical and the Great Reset will not be as smooth nor as seamless as he and his cohorts present {Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Parts One, Two and Three. Next Virus Pandemic: Digital Viruses.}.

Satan's Presentation of His Overpowering Presence Fiction

Satan’s Globalization Efforts Appear
All-Encompassing: Unstoppable

Satan has been hard at work since he lured Adam into sinning for control of Earth apart from God (Ge 3:5-6; 1Ti 2:13-14). His efforts really hit high gear during the Jewish Babylonian captivity, extending down to our time and beyond (Da 2:31-45; 7:15-27). Satan, through his leaders, present themselves as invincible, knowledgeable and even desirable when compared to God the Tyrant. The Great Reset described by WEF, Kristalina Georgieva of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) members will reverse the predatory faults of Free Market Industrialization such as discrimination, exclusion from wealth {1%} and grinding poverty. They promise inclusion, unprecedented access to monies and equal access to education, healthcare against the backdrop of a healthier, greener new earth. They offer a Paradise on earth in the form of international socialism based on Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society and even the Club of Rome non-Marxist socialism. When viewed only through their eyes it not only sounds wonderful, it also presents itself as inevitable. The absolute control of finances via CBDC and associated digital ID’s will become an immediate reality due to their absolute control of information and the Internet. Like the all seeing eye of Sauron they will bring all under their control through the use of the Ring of Power (Finances and Information). Their fiery gaze threatens to remove all who oppose them; all who wish to keep mankind enslaved in grinding poverty so they can have their elitist lifestyle. They have the righteous cause of equality to vanquish their foes.

Just as each fictional villain, Sauron and Specter, depict themselves via a ring, self-reinforcing completeness, so do our group of master resetters. But, just as each of these fictional master minds suffer defeat from the heroes, these imaginers of the Great Reset will not find their plan implemented as quickly nor as completely as they self-describe. Their circle of logic appears invincible but they will suffer from the same foibles as their true master, Satan (Jn 8:44).

Corporatism's Media and Great Reset

As a Work in Progress, Great Reset
Will Be more Difficult to Realize Control

Let us look at Satan’s track record using the four empires depicted in Daniel. Babylon’s Nebuchadnezzar was depicted as over-arching in his control; yet, his constant threats of death to his needed advisors brought him under their control (Da 3:8-12, 19-25). His later successor, Nabonidus, had to go into self-imposed exile for trying to change the culture’s religion requiring him to leave Belshazzar in charge. He strategy when threatened by Persia was to hold a worship feast rather than consider a survivable plan in face of overwhelming force. Persia’s kings fared little better. They squandered their communication, literary and monetary advantages by engaging in a war of pride against insignificant Hellen {Greece}. This resulted in their undoing at the hands of Alexander, the Great. However, while Alexander was a brilliant tactician and strategian; he was a terrible political leader. Rome’s emperors fared little better during the latter four centuries of their rule. All these appeared invincible but showed that their ignorance of their weaknesses resulted in their destruction. Satan struggles to implement his plan to be god of the earth because he is a created being and thus not omniscient; nor is he human {made in God’s image}. Satan believes himself greater than man because he is ignorant. He forgets that he has a different nature; the nature of a slave, though he seeks to be a master (He 1:14).

Ouroboros of Luciferianism

Ouroboros Depicts Sin’s Self-Destructive Ignorance: Satan and People

The Great Reset will not go as smoothly nor as completely as planned because Satan and man function within boundaries set by God. Man, made in God’s image, is not as controllable as Satan’s fallen angels, demons; and even they get out of control and must be restrained by God lest they destroy the world prematurely (Lk 8:25-31; 2Pe 2:4). These great, prideful elite men and women fail to appreciate their own ignorance and God’s restraining influence (Job 1:9-12; 2:4-6; 2Th 2:3-8). Even Satan’s Antichrist, most obedient of all his leaders, fails to obtain world dominance and meets his other rivals for battle (Re 16:12-16; 19:17-21). It is here when Christ returns to conquer all the armies to establish His Millennial Kingdom. God through Isaiah informs the reader that when Satan is seen without his deceptions, he will be revealed as essentially powerless (Is 14:16-17). Ezekiel details how Satan’s, and all sinner’s, pride blinds them as to their true condition (Ez 28:17-19). These workers of iniquity will strive to realize their plan but it will take longer and be more violent and involve the unmaking of their lies of inclusiveness and equality of prosperity. It will become a time of oppression, false peace, disease, famine and death (Re 6:1-11). Majority of those who reject their lies for God’s truth will die; yet, they obtain the victory of eternal life.

God's Circle of Control Everywhere

Look Up and Know I Am God;
Universe Filled with Circles of Restraint

From the beginning of Creation, God has used circles as the primary design depicting His control of both the visible and the invisible (Ps 19:1-6; 46:10; Pr 8:22-31; Ro 1:18-20; He 11:3). God depicts His control over the raging seas by encircling them with land boundaries; this refers not just to physical seas but also to the raging out of control sinful desires of Satan, demons and people. Planets are circles, stars are circles and galaxies are circular. The orbits of all bodies are circular in nature. Everywhere in all the universe God announces His control of all forces. There is the occasional asteroid-meteor in their eccentric orbits but God remains in command as everything accomplishes His will.

These ignorant, willful elites seek to work their power upon a small speck of dust in the expanse of God’s universe. They speak of their great power even while they face death as all people do (He 9:27). Their dominion of death only sends believers into Christ’s arms for eternity. Their death requires them to give a defense to Him at the White Throne Judgment before going into the Lake of Fire (Re 20:11-15). In the end, their NWO will be revealed as the old, tired order of fruitless sin while Christ’s NWO will be all saved in New Heaven and Earth with His New Jerusalem (Re 21:1-8). They will have an eternity of facing God’s holiness, Lake of Fire, without Christ’s covering of holiness, New Covenant. We will have an eternity with Christ’s peace and access to both the River of Life and the Trees of Life that were forbidden to lost man (Ge 3:22-24; Re 22:1-5).

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