Which Justice Does One Follow?

Government Laws Legitimized by Justice

Conservative Americans See Justice as Government;
Liberal Americans see Government as Justice Agent

In order to answer the question in our title, “Which Justice Dose One Follow?“, one must first define justice less we also violate the Law of Identity and conflate justice with whatever goal is desired; a common and often intentional error of politicians, reporters and so-called change agents. Merriam-Webster defines justice as, “…maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” As impressive sounding as it appears this definition does not define justice; it simply kicks the can down the road by using the word, just. The reader still must read his, or her, own meaning into the definition. America’s Department of Justice (DOJ) defines its mission, “…enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and…” blah, blah, and blah. Again, this is not a definition of justice, only rhetoric about enforcing government’s laws in a just manner. My son had the clearest definition, “To retaliate against those who break the laws of government equally;” or Lex Talionis, law of retaliation or claw though most often known as, “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.” Often quoted from the Bible (Ex 21:23–27) though no examples of its implementation are found; yet, it is a prominent feature in Hammurabi’s Law Codex.

Social Justice Demands Government

Social Justice Warriors (SJW) Hate Government;
Yet claims that only Government Insures Equality

In fact, I have yet to receive a coherent definition of social justice (SJ) from any of its advocates. Human Rights Careers writes on its website, “Justice is the concept of fairness. Social justice is fairness as it manifests in society.” Hence, SJ is about fairness, another concept not defined, like just. I have written that fair, and thus fairness, does not exist in the Bible; thus it is not a quality of God. If God were both fair and just, no sinner would receive salvation. This was the underlying philosophy behind Pharisaism which Christ soundly condemned as did Paul (Mt 23:1-36; Ro 4:3-5, 15-16). SJ is a directly result of the Frankfurt’s School’s Critical Theory philosophy which basically legitimizes criticism against all that disagrees with its international socialism (Critical Theory: The Dismantling of Western Society. Christian Observer.)! Its major weapon is scoffing, or in modern parlance, sarcasm. What does the Bible write about scoffers: (1) “How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?” (Pr 1:22); (2) “Condemnation is ready for scoffers…(Pr 19:29); and (3) “Scoffers set a city aflame, but the wise turn away wrath.” (Pr 29:8).

Scoffing, or sarcasm, is purposely taught at a very young age not only at home but also through a variety of entertainment medias, usually in form of comedy. Children are taught that it is OK to scoffer at those who are different and then condemned for this same behavior when it disrupts public educational indoctrination; err, schooling. Scoffing is a logical fallacy, often ad hominem (attack the man), when the opposing argument cannot be refuted on its merits. Socialism cannot defeat free markets economics and industrialization (Austrian Economics) so it attacks on real and imagined faults; even those faults that have been present throughout history but were being addressed by increasing prosperity! Scoffing is irresistible to one’s sin nature which cannot refute and will not submit to God (Ro 1:18-28). It infiltrates every aspect of behavior including science (2Pe 3:3-7). Sinners cannot refute God’s creation; therefore they scoff and substitute, often by law, their own failed philosophy of evolution as fact. SJ and its SJW claim to want to redress the wrongs ignored by national governments. Have governments ignored justice? Yes.

Idealized God on Earth

Progressivism, National Socialism, Promised:
Equality, Liberty & Fraternity But Gave Death

The era of free markets was like a drop of water on a hot griddle; a bit of sizzle and then gone! After Lincoln’s War which secured the power of the central government over states, this same government entered into partnership with compliance businesses to increase its taxes and power. At the same time international corporations were entering into relationships with financiers to increase their power over national governments. Most governments, including America’s, became national socialists in the 20th century; even if not as blatant as Chancellor Hitler’s Germany. Government sought to maintain its control over business using citizen’s income as its basis for power; i.e., personal income taxes. But, just as Mr. Hitler’s national socialism was antithetical to international socialism forcing its removal from Germany; international socialism was seeking the overthrow of all forms of national socialism by working from within: like a virus!

National socialistic governments were no more willing to do justice than international socialism; even though that is their God-ordained purpose (Ro 13:1-7). Citizens are to live under these self-same governments submissively because God hates rebellion (1Sa 15:23). Sinners are by nature rebellious and are easily whipped up into rebellion by Satan their father (Jn 8:44). Since governments are ruled primarily by sinners, governments often refuse to implement God’s righteous laws correctly. They are easily swayed by lures of power, control, wealth and fleshly pleasures and comforts. Citizens often tolerate this if they get their share of the booty. Thus, all are complicit in subverting God’s justice. Are the SJW any different? No, they seek to rebellion against national governments to erect their own international government. they have begun with the various nations and are endeavoring to join themselves into an international governing framework as a type of populist movement. Since they are not agitating for actual justice they must use the term and leave it undefined except as a means to condemn the injustice of national socialisms. They offer a shiny city of peace, Dorothy’s Emerald City; however, they lead you through a field of poppies, narcotic and mind altering drugs that lull you into insensibleness so you will accept their dystopian future of degradation, violence and death; not unlike the book, Animal Farm.

God's Justice based on His Righteousness

God’s Justice is Intimately Linked to Righteousness
Without God there is no Justice nor Righteousness

This reminds me, I have not defined justice either. Justice is understanding how you violated God’s righteous and holy relationship; this guidance is the basis for the Ten Words (Ex 20:1-17). One has a duty to discern how one sinned against God, how this expresses sin against others and seek how to make peace with God and man. This was the purpose of the Sabbath, to reflect on God’s word and understand one’s totally hopeless position as exemplified in the Ascending Offering. There is only one solution; God had to send Himself as the propitiation, satisfaction, for sin (Ro 3:19-26; 5:1-11). One must repent and receive a new nature (2Co 5:17). Thus, justice is satisfied; retaliation or punish for being against God which could only be provided by God: Jesus’ death on the stauros (Ge 22:6-14; He 7:26-28). True justice as can only be provided by God is laced with mercy, love and compassion for those who judge themselves and come to Christ for life. He met the justice we could not which makes human sacrifice ludicrous.

Lost people reject this gospel, the only gospel God offers. They will build their own system but though they use the words love, mercy and compassion they mean something different; degradation, lies, deceit, and death. Those who expect anything different from socialism: national or international, will find themselves crushed underfoot without mercy. Christians who expect God’s grace from government ignore the biblical truth that governments come from Satan (Da 2; Mt 4:8-10). Justice, accountability before God, drives one to mercy; justice misapplied leads one to Lake of Fire (Re 20:10-15). Which justice will you follow?

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