Luciferianism the Great Deceiver

Luciferianism Underlies All But Jesus

Luciferianism Undergirds ALL Faiths
Except Biblical Gospel of God’s Grace

Luciferianism the Great Deceiver is the basis of all religions of works including atheism. It is the religion all peoples are born into regardless of their ethnicity or cultural beliefs. Luciferianism is the basis of all governments, wars and deaths (Ge 2:16-17). There are only two belief systems in the world: God’s, as revealed in His Bible, and Luciferianism, flows from the Accuser and the heart of all lost people (Je 17:9; Ro 1:18-25; 3:23; 6:23). Luciferianism comes in many forms but its object of worship is always the same: worship of Satan and his demons, the fallen angels (De 32:15-18; 1Co 10:20).

Unity of Lies

Luciferianism Work-Based Faiths:
Establishing Fleshly Immortality Now

Lucifer, luminous one, was Satan’s, Accuser, title before he rebelled wanting to replace God as ruler of you (Is 14:12-14)! It was the lie by which he tempted Woman and Man to sin; to be as God knowing good from evil (Ge 3:5). But, they were all of them deceived! Satan, father of liars and murderers, was under a sentence of death and after their sin, all people share this same sentence unless saved by the atoning death of Christ which is not shared with Satan (Jn 8:44; Re 20:7-15). Luciferianism is not about actively worshiping Lucifer, or Satan as Satanism. He, the great deceiver, is content for you to worship anything except the true Gospel (Ga 2:20). Paganism, idolatry, began with Cain, as did government, and surfaced again after the Cataclysm under Nimrod until God scattered mankind by dividing them into ethnicities. Each group and resulting subgroups morphed their understanding according to their desired cultural beliefs. However, they all had commonalities because they came from the same source. Christianity changed this until it became diluted with Gnosticism, a return to Luciferianism. From this flowed Christendom in its various forms leading people away from Christ. Today, modern people are embracing their return to paganistic gnosticism which is Luciferianism.

Deceptive Scientism

Scientism Justifies Luciferianism
Ludicrous Analysis Hides Sinfulness

Lucifer, “…the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ…” (2Co 4:4). The 21st century mind is being actively led to pantheism to gnosticism and thus to Luciferianism. Pantheism flowed from ancient paganism and captivated Western thought through the Jewish atheistic philosopher, Baruch Spinoza {Pantheism. Wikipedia.}. It may have been Spinoza’s revival of pantheism as a religion that paved the way for the Enlightenment resulting in modern philosophy and thought known today as secular humanism {Collins, PD. LUCIFERIANISM: THE RELIGION OF APOTHEOSIS. NewsWithViews.}. Mr. Collins also writes, “While Luciferianism has no sacred texts, Humanist Manifesto I and II succinctly delineate its central tenets”; these are enshrined in the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights. Luciferianism weaves a fabric of lies from many sources to keep captive peoples from all ethnicities; the very definition of worldly inclusiveness resulting in eternal destruction.

Beyonce Merges IFA Pantheism into Luciferianism

Beyonce’s Black is King is Pantheism
Blacks Re-Enslaved to Satan’s Death

Disney+ is the sole outlet for Beyonce’s Black is King music video {movie} that legitimizes the IFA, Yoruba religion, pantheistic beliefs in music and practice. This was not Disney’s first attempt to promote paganistic gnosticism; Black Panther Marvel movie was replete with IFA paganism. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) social movement founders practice IFA gnosticism under the guise of promoting social equality when in fact their sole aim is to replace American republicanism, such as it is, with open socialism based on gnosticism {Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion.} . Several generations of Western peoples have been indoctrinated with pantheism/gnosticism via the arts: television, movies, music and literature. The demand of inclusiveness includes all practices except biblical Christianity, and its prohibitions, which is labeled as a hate faith.

Scientism, masquerading as science, has also dangled the promise of immortality via scientific technology to augment or replace one’s body of flesh; this is Transhumanism {Superheroes: Eugenical New Norm. Evolution of Prometheus. and Pandora’s Lie of Pleasure.}. Ethan Richardson {The New Gnosticism of the Transhumanists. Mockingbird} describes Transhumanism as Gnosticism via Enlightenment using technology to transcend one’s physical limitations; lie of Satan to Woman and Man {Frankenstein to Transhumanism to Posthumanism.}. This is the essence of Gnosticism, to transcend the physical by the spiritual. However, this has failed using religion, force, drugs because these require the consent of the individual sinner who is in rebellion against all authority, even Satan. Transhumanism coupled with ethnic Gnosticism, promises to bypass volition via the implantation of cerebral nanochips subject to central control.

Imagine a redefined eugenics using nanochips. Those not considered fit for reproduction, evolution controlled by man, would experience frequent orgasmic pleasure impulses negating the desire for sexual coupling {true goal of LGBTQA+ which prevents reproduction – abortion eliminates those who persist in old style sexual activity}. These people would feel blessed to have the pleasure without the birthing; as would the elitists. Right thinking would be rewarded and wrong thinking as quickly and severely punished {The Menagerie. Star Trek.}. Mr. Roddenberry’s vision for our future would be benevolent mind control allowing each person to be happy within their delusion by their own consent. Luciferianism seeks this outcome whether it be via paganism, Gnosticism or scientism, atheism or Christendom.

Sinner on the Cross

Luciferianism is Not Worship of Satan
Luciferianism Hides Truth of Christ

Luciferianism is not about worshiping Satan, Satanic rituals, non-existent magic or any such machinations that people conjure up as an ad absurdism logical fallacy so you will reject Luciferianism. Satan does not need your belief; you are already dead in your sins (Ep 2:1-3). Satan just needs to keep you bound to your delusion so you ignore or reject the gospel of life based solely on Christ’s death on the cross (2Th 2:3-12). There are many who claim true Christianity and use the Bible but twist the meaning, like a snake, to support their goal of ecumenism all religions {About the Hypocrisy of Fellow Christians and Making Demons of Other Faiths. Awesomely Luvvie.}. Whereas God lets those who practice error go their way until the day of their accountability; these condemn all who do not agree with them while claiming non-judgmentalism (Ro 1:18-28).

There was an old say, “All roads lead to Rome!” All religions, all work-based faiths lead to Luciferianism which leads to the Second Death in the Lake of Fire. Satan seeks to keep you on that road as he desires to prove God is unjust and therefore biased which would render His judgment of sinners also unjust. Satan’s goal is not your betterment; it is to escape the coming Lake of Fire for himself and to establish his eternal tyranny over mankind which he desired from the beginning (1Co 6:3; He 1:14; 2:5-8). Satan rebelled because he could not humble himself to serve man; yet, Christ who is God’s Son humbled Himself to become man to die for man so that we who believe will reign with Him in spite of our beginning life as enemies of God (He 2:9-18). That is true grace which eludes the world and Satan.

Ouroboros of Luciferianism

Luciferianism: Lie Leading
People to Devour Each Other to Death

Luciferianism utters “Peace!” “Peace!” It is a lie! There is no peace because violence and death is the trade craft of Lucifer (Je 6:10-14; Ez 28:11-16). Governments and their religions cry for peace; propagandists cry for peace; religious ecumenicalism cries for peace but they will have no peace with God or His believers for our very existence refutes and exposes their lies. This is the methodology and fruit of Luciferianism. But, like Christ, we are to return hate with good; we are to turn the other cheek until we also suffer death at their hands while they rejoice in establishing their peace in blood (Mt 5:11-12, 43-48).

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