Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion

IFA BLM Lyami Aje

Patrisse Cullors’ Ceremonial Prayer
Demonstrates Connection of BLM to IFA

Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion is the Nigerian IFA religion as practiced by at least one of its founders, Patrisse Cullors. Since its inception in 2016, Black Lives Matter (BLM) has masqueraded strictly as a political movement ostensibly against racism. This is laudable; however, it is also laughable since it relies primarily on its own racism favoring its group against those it considers the current power brokers; those of northern European descent. However, it conflates politics and religion to achieve its hidden agenda: replacement of biblical Christianity with Nigerian Gnosticism known as IFA.

IFA BLM Theology

IFA Originates from Yoruba People
Today Known Primarily as Nigeria

IFA was one of a series of paganistic religions, notably Santería, Umbanda, Trinidad Orisha, Haitian Vodou, and Candomblé, brought to the New World via the slave trade. Gnosticism gained a resurgence since the 1960s and IFA also slowly grew among the black population. Three women founded the Black Lives Matter political movement: Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza. They gained popularity both with the  police slaying of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, which sparked riots. Though the Wikipedia page, Black Lives Matter, describes the group as a decentralized movement one gains a different impression when listening to Patrisse Cullors. This is the usual socialistic, we are a people’s movement, misdirection. Patrisse Cullors has stated that BLM is led by trained Marxists; a fact conveniently ignored by their political and media-based supporters {Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Admits What the Group’s Ultimate Goal Really Is. TownHall}. Since a lie of omission is as much a lie as a lie of commission; I went to their web site to learn more about BLM. Also kept silent is the strong LGBTQA+ platform since at least two of the founders express same-sex preferences {From the start, Black Lives Matter has been about LGBTQ lives. ABC News.}. Co-opting this stance not only legitimized the founders sexual preferences, it also gained rapid support among the LGBTQA+ community giving it an immediate large social base but endearing it to the media who ardently support the movement. I wondered what else BLM may not be forthright in discussing. I was not shocked to learn Patrisse Cullors, who knows how many others, not only practice the IFA religion, they want you to embrace it also.

Unity of Lies

IFA in the Pantheon of Gnostic Religions
 Teach Unity of Faiths: Except Christianity

Discernment is the rejection of evil and the practice of good as defined by and based on the normative hermeneutical interpretation of the Bible (He 5:11-14). Biblical salvation is based on Christ alone, Bible alone, grace alone via Christ’s death on the stauros; in fact, Bible writes that Christ died to save those already dead in sin while they, we, were still enemies (Ro 3:23; 5:7-11). Any other Gospel is of Satan and those who worship in any form other than Christ alone worships demons; i.e., Satan and the fallen angels (De 32:15-18; 1Co 10:20-21). Bible makes this distinction of truth so people can be saved from wrath to come (Re 20:11-15). God takes no pleasure in the eternal death of sinners (Ez 33:10-11). All other religions, even Christendom that claim to be of Christ and the Bible but are not, come together in unity except for true biblical Christianity. Satan is a liar and murderer, even from the beginning, and the father of all sinners (Jn 8:44). Gnosticism is the lie that binds all false religions together to suppress the truth of God so the lost may die in their sins. These false religions throw the burden of salvation on YOU; Christ took the burden of sin on Himself for YOU since your death is worthless to pay for sin. IFA is no different; yet, Patrisse Cullors discusses the demonistic aspects of her practices within the BLM movement.

IFA Gnosticism

“Say the Name!” “Say the Name!”
Necromancy: Calling Forth Demons

I first became aware of the IFA connection watching a presentation by Spenser Smith, missionary to Africa, entitled: Beyonce, Black is King, BLM, and Black Magic…. His information was corroborated by Abraham Hamilton III {The BLM Connection to Witchcraft. The Hamilton Corner}. If you want to hear from their own mouths without the Christian commentary, though that misses the reason for learning the truth, watch this YouTube video, Is Black Lives Matter Run by Witches?. Dr. Melina Abdullah, founder of the Los Angeles chapter of BLM, discusses with Patrisse Cullors their practice of necromancy during their protests. The entire reason of the phrase, “Say Their Name!” is the practice of calling forth the spirits of the dead. Repeating this over and over initiates a semi-hypnotic state by which one communicates with the dead spirit. Bible is clear that the dead do not rise unless by Christ. What occurs is communication with demonic spirits masquerading as the dead individuals. These people also practice libation offerings to demons. The opening graphic is Patrisse Cullors practicing a prayer ritual to Lyami Aje, the Mysterious Mother. This ceremony was to call forth her powers to end the oppression of her people; I guess by oppressing other people. When Christ gives freedom from sin all become equal in Him (Ga 3:27-28). Satan never sets anyone free. He is as much a slave to sin as every person ever born. It is Christ alone who sets one free from sin (Ro 6:20-23). Like every other false teacher, these women would lead you farther from Christ who could save you. They make merchandise of you for their own gain (2Pe 2:17-22; Jude 16-19).

The fruit of Christ’s gospel is peace (Mt 5:9, 43-48). BLM promises peace but night after night one sees only rioting, looting, violence, destruction and underlying it all is the anger of everyone who is different (He 12:14). They do not understand, or reject if they do understand, Christ’s message: Christians do not war against flesh and blood but against Satan and his demons who cruelly use people for their own purposes (Ep 6:12).

Ouroboros of Satan and Knowledge

Orborous Symbol of Totality of Evil
Evil Devouring Itself Leaving Barren Tree

Satan, demons, unrepentant sinners are symbolized by the orborous. Satan  the dragon {big snake} and people the worms encircle a barren tree depicting the result of their philosophies. Seeking knowledge apart from God, they are ensconced in a self-destructive circle of sin that only ends in despair and death. BLM cares nothing for any lives; its inner circle seeks only its own power. It cares nothing for the suffering of those it elevates for its own purposes nor of the nightly suffering and death it has wrought on innocent communities. In the end they will find that they also are being deceived by their masters, those who fund them. They are simply a cog to be used until used up. This religious-political movement replaced Islam, another religious political movement when it was no longer useful. Muslims murder Muslims every month in a self-destructive devouring also represented by the orborous. Behind everyone is the Accuser, Satan. He wants to reign over the destruction he has wrought; yet, in the end he too will find himself in the Lake of Fire. He will not be king, he will be tormented for all the death he fathered for that is his only true legacy. BLM, as offspring of Satan, are fathering destruction and death based on lies every night on television. They are slaves to the media who feed on them for its own purposes. There is no hope. This is the legacy enshrined in the orborous symbol. This is the legacy of IFA paganistic necromancy. This is the legacy of Gnosticism as it prepares the way for religious unity celebrating the arrival of its supposed savior: Antichrist. He will promise peace, prosperity, equality; but, his legacy will be only death, destruction and an eternity of suffering because of lies.

2 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion

  1. This isn’t accurate saying this is demon worship. Do you know Catholics were killed by Christians along with The Jews of the Bible because even the same as the very things you’ve written called what they couldn’t comprehend “heretical” and blasphemy. Killed I mean hung and more for practicing the truth of nature. Funny thing is these people and their religion came first way before Christianity which took ALL of its doctrine from the African people & land. Research for yourself. England didnt write the first scriptures what they did was corrupt it. As stated in the book of Baruch – oh yea the books they chose to leave out of the “reformation bibles” – why?! Because it would have taken their profits

    Funny Jesus speaks of the meek. And the Christian church & todays Pope are very different than the Old Catholic religion of The Blood Kings they killed.

    Sorry to send this, but please rethink about what you’ve written. Have you ever spoken with someone in IFA? Maybe start there and compare notes.

    Before posting on something that again is the reason many of our ancestors where killed.

    Thank you.

    1. Unfortunately the internet has become filled with vitriolic illogic with little to no support for counter arguments other than ad hominem, false dilemmas and other logical fallacies. Counter comments usually produce increased vitriol. References to Jesus, or any other points, are not referenced and normative hermeneutical practice are not developed.

      When Jesus said to not judge, it means to not pass sentence as that purview belongs to Him alone. However, Bible demands that those maturing in Christ learn discernment and writer of Hebrews and Jude write to warn each other of errors that capture the imagination but run counter to the Gospel which runs throughout the Bible. (He 3:12-15; 5:11-14; 10:30 Jude 18-21).

      Each person is allowed their own belief system (Ro 1:17-28). Each belief system defines what it believes is right and wrong; hence, every belief system is mutually exclusive. I do not defend that Christendom belief systems that violated Scripture to impose their works-based beliefs via violence; again something Christ opposed even to His death for you (Mt 5:38-47; Ph 2:5-8). Every time you are exposed to the Gospel it is “This Day” for you to have the opportunity to form a personal, unique relationship with Christ; not with a denomination. One must be aware that every physical church that follows the Bible is composed of fallible people in various stages of biblical maturity as well as the Lost who oppose the Gospel. Every sinner is a hypocrite; Christians no less and no more so as they remain in the flesh.

      Violence has occurred against all groups throughout history; such is the nature of sin. In our time Christianity is the most persecuted group in the world though most media outlets downplay the horrific violence that is daily occurring in Africa against them: usually black on black. This is not racial, an artificial evolution construct by Darwin, but opposing beliefs systems which is at the heart of all violence since Abel and Cain (Ge 4).


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