Superheroes: Eugenical New Norm

Meme from The Incredibles describes
Why Eugenics will be Rationed for YOU

Recurring theme in the movie, The Incredibles, was the difference between normal people, those without super powers, and those special people who had super powers; or, more bluntly, Superheroes: Eugenical New Norm. The superhero genres began during the Progressive Era and vacillated between fantasy and rationalism. The one constant was the absence of unique power(s) to normal people. They were powerless in a world of powerful people and governments without a champion(s) to plead their cause. The superhero(s) would defend the little people because of…goodness: with great power comes great responsibility; or so the myth explains. But, what is the reality?

While this sounds like science fiction it is actually being trialed today. Elon Musk’s Neuralink just demonstrated feasibility of microchip interface to an actual brain; pig’s brain in this experiment (Elon Musk shows Neuralink brain implant working in a pig. CNET.). Though still in its infancy, it is a proof of concept of Transhumanism; without calling it Transhumanism. But, Neuralink is simply one line of development. Another line of development toward Transhumanism is the injection of nanotech bots that can be guided to perform whatever function that is  required or possible (Nanorobots trial to begin in humans: Microscopic DNA devices could be injected into a leukaemia patient in a bid to destroy abnormal cells. Daily Mail.). This article discusses the vision of using these nanobots to carry RNA strands and reassemble these strands into working RNA molecules to ostensibly eradicate cancer as an example. Though currently limited by solar power energy, work moves ahead to free the nanobots from this limitation (These injectable nanobots can walk around inside a human body. Slash-Gear.). The troubling aspect is that this latter technology relies on injectable flying under the guise of vaccine administration; you know, the ubiquitous flu shot.

Vaccine Nanobots

Widely Available Cheap Tech
Injecting RNA Nanobots to Fix You

This article, The New Science Being Used to Fast-Track a Coronavirus Vaccine (Daily Beast), aptly describes how RNA technology will be used to protect humanity against the dreaded coronavirus. The article conflates the coronavirus with the 1918 polio epidemic, both are viruses, rather than the more widely known Flu Pandemic because polio was controlled via successful vaccines; right? Well, vaccines were developed but their significant side effects were suppressed by your government and healthcare organizations. Modern polio vaccines, rather than getting better, are being associated with more polio cases than the wild polio virus according to the World Health Organization (More Polio Caused by Vaccine Than Wild Virus – WHO Confirms. The Truth About Vaccines.). The Daily Beast article continues by touting the purity and safety of RNA vaccines but modern research challenges this assumption. Yet, Dr. Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, testified before a Senate subcommittee that “all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine” (The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax. The Truth About Vaccines.). So much for conflating polio vaccines with developing a coronavirus vaccine. A list of ingredients in vaccines would question the wisdom of injecting heavy metals into infants who neural systems are still undergoing development.  Though the FDA and other government agencies tout the safety of vaccines, the nasty truth remains that the government has given immunity against being sued to vaccine manufacturers. If vaccines are so safe, why do these billion dollar big pharma entities need liability protection? But, I digress; the internet propaganda touting the safety of vaccines is conflated with the supposed ability to use RNA to target the body’s immune system like a smart bomb!

Man-made Virus

RNA Tech is really Man-Made Viruses
Injected into YOU: Feel Safe?

RNA technology is nothing more than man creating RNA viruses to target one’s immune system to supposedly target a wild virus and safe you. Anyone remember when  the coronavirus, a RNA man-modified virus, escaped and created this supposed pandemic? Rather than learn from one’s mistakes, man doubles down on his errors claiming to be able to have a safe and reliable viral weapon in the near future with untried technology. Since vaccine pharmas cannot produce safe vaccine using conventional technology, we are to believe that their new efforts will be safe? Since governments, their health agencies and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations (UN) have been caught in contradictory reassurances, how can anyone believe that what is being injected into one’s body will effectively modify one’s immune system? Will you even have a choice?

ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

Vaccine Safety Linked to Digital Identity
Reliable Digital Identity Will be Required

A Microsoft initiative, ID2020, advocates requiring everyone to register a digital identity (ID2020). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in association with MIT, advocates an artificial digital identity injected into the skin of each person receiving vaccines (Storing medical information below the skin’s surface. MIT News). Previous efforts to use biometric ID, finger prints or retinal scans, are not very effective (ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines. Biometric Fingerprints can be damaged and personnel must be trained to reliably read the scans. Retinal scans also require specialized gear and a person’s cooperation to obtain. But, an encoded dye that can be scanned with a smartphone will instantly confirm your identity, your vaccination status, health records, ability to conduct financial transactions solely using approved digital currencies and the list goes on. Under the guise of health the WHO advocates world-wide vaccination programs using digital ID technology.

Transhumanism requires everyone to be branded, ID’ed, to fit them within the approved social structure to determine who is to receive health, food, and currency as opposed to those who are not worthy to receive these staples. Those deemed worthy will be allowed to upgrade themselves via proven technologies; proven on those who are considered lessor in importance. The unrelenting emphasis on vaccine importance in this current non-pandemic pandemic has this agenda in mind. Many will be required to receive the RNA vaccines simple to keep their jobs: government workers, police, military, healthcare workers, etc. Those seeking government benefits will be required to receive vaccines, and their new ID impregnated into their bodies. This is nearly half the population in America alone!

I do not make a claim as to what is good or bad. I am not linking these unveiled trends as heralding in the Antichrist. I am showing that the propaganda being used to advance these agendas are dishonest in themselves and where dishonesty prevails, sinister motives must follow. Since the inception of the UN its true motives have been hidden in plain sight. The UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights promises equality, health and dignity for all until one reads Article 29 (3): These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. None of the earlier Articles shall interfere with any purposes the UN decides to undertake so all talk of equality, dignity, etc. are contingent solely on its goals. The UN makes itself above the law, any law other than its own prerogatives.

If people were saints I would have few qualms; however, all people are sinners whose minds are asebeia, ungodly or against God (Ro 1:18-28). UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, founding document written by Julius Huxley states that UNESCO, and thus WHO, would be free from confounding spiritual religions and government philosophies. What governs WHO? Their own desires clothed in the garb of science which is scientism: not science. They are an arm of the UN and thus are also free of any fetters on their goals such as equality, dignity or even health concerns. The purpose of the UN and its myriad of non-governmental arms, Fabian Society, Club of Rome, Open Society Foundation, etc, are to make the world suitable for the elites. People will be allowed as they are useful to the elites. Read the Georgia Guidestones and learn. Thus, no one will ever be equal to the elites; everyone else will be in shackles or dead.

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