Pandora’s Lie of Pleasure

Pandora's Promise of Pleasure a Lie

Prometheus Gave Man Knowledge
Pandora Promised Man Pleasure: Lies

Pandora’s Lie of Pleasure was a ruse of Greek mythology to explain why the promise of knowledge never brought hope. Pandora, name literally means all gifts, was given to man with the promise of hope, love and pleasantries. However, she brought with her the lie of pain which she unleashed due to insatiable curiosity. Our last post, Evolution of Prometheus, discussed the lie of evolution. Modern evolution focused people’s attention on the past; however, its major focus was always on the future. Only in the past few decades has man discovered the true evolution: Transhumanism; merging of man and machine into an Übermensch, Superman.

Aldous Huxley grandson of T.H. Huxley, Darwin’s Bulldog, gave a speech speech at U.C.’s Berkeley campus entitled, The Ultimate Revolution (1962). He detailed how the elite sought to use technology to control the masses; indeed, his book, Brave New World, was about the chemical control of society. In essence, he detailed how the lie of new technology was hidden by its promise. Force and religions were the constants used throughout history to enslave those deemed lesser {Third Person: Them} by those deemed better {First Person: Us}. The problem with force is that any group can access the tools of force to turn the tables. This has been man’s history with one empire being defeated by another empire being defeated by another empire ad nauseam. What differentiate one era from another was its war making technology: Iron Age, Stone Age; or its underlying philosophical justifications of why it was better and others were lessor: Proletariat, Worker, Capitalist, Democracy, Socialist, Communist; again, ad nauseam. Brutal force was a poor, and expensive, means of control prone to failure. Modern man turned to drugs, legal and illegal, to exert control. Drugs held the allure of pleasure for the individual but delivered only the reality of broken mind and body. For a society basing its strength on organized industrialism this was a disaster; hence, drugs began to be illegal to keep people at their occupations keeping their society healthy. Certain drugs were necessary for some health benefits and complete abolition caused greater societal harm. Better to have a balance between some easily obtained drugs, alcohol, than an all out societal war. Problem was the definition of acceptable drugs; those deemed unacceptable were labeled illegal and the world’s war on these drugs was also a failure {Business Insider. 16 Maps of Drug Flow Into the United States. 2012.}. One reason for failure was lack of control. The individual retained control over usage patterns, moral choices and degrees of violence. Often users of illegal drugs were destructive to self and society with the unleashing of rebellious tendencies {sin}. A better way was needed; a way to control the mind, or at least the brain.

Merging of Man and Machine

Sci-Fi: Promise of Technology with
Struggle of Control of the Mind

Pavlov’s conditioning experiments with animals and people carried the promise of control. Voluntary control was developed by Edward Bernays as detailed in his book, Propaganda. Bernays was very successful in gaining control but it required the consent of the individual; no everyone could be so influenced.  Sigmund Freud and his ilk explored control externally; those who could not be controlled were deemed mentally ill and brought under behavioral and later chemical control, legal drugs. Eventually, large segments of Western populations were deemed mentally unhealthy and prescribed various drugs for control. However, the removal of these drugs proved disastrous, resulting in mass shootings by those who could not control their rebellious, violent impulses apart from drugs. And, as with most fleshly addictions, more powerful drugs were necessary to maintain control. Clearly, chemical control was not reliable for long-term control. Nor was it acceptable to the elites who did not wish to deal with the side effects that would impair their ability to control the majority. In the afore-mentioned speech, Mr. Huxley discussed the implantation of brain electrodes in mice near their pleasure centers. These mice were addicted to pleasure but to the determent of all other activity; clearly non-productive. But technology was being developed, slowly, to facilitate internal control by external means beyond the self-control of the individual.

Transhumanism's Myth

Modern Propagandic Transhumanism
Technologic Ironman Above Everyone

Ironman embodies the promise of merging humanism with technology creating a person with advanced abilities willing to save the masses. Yet, even in the movies, the character was unwilling to share his advancements with his greatest competitor, the government. The human Avengers were nearly all superhuman, Übermensch, due to technology. A more realistic view of merging human and technology was depicted in Star Trek, The Next Generation, I refer to the Borg.

Transhumanism's Reality

Truer Depiction of Technology
Creating the Better Human

Though Star Trek began with the Borg as villain because of their technology and imperative to make all people transhuman; some Borg eventually became good. Propaganda urging people, especially, children, to accept and even desire technologic implants to create a better you. But, what is the implication inherent in the Borg collective and even depicted in The Matrix? Control! Control emanating outside of but assimilating the individual into the peaceable, productive activity of society as determined by the elites. The propagandic promise of merging technology with humans was pleasure as defined by YOU because it came from YOU though stimulated from without. Imagine a life of pure pleasure anytime, every time you desired; you would do nothing else! That is the problem! You have to be productive to keep the necessities flowing for the elites and the few allowable items for your consumption. After all, the human portion must eat, be healed and eventually eliminated. The promise of pleasure is a lie in that it must be balanced with pain in a type of Pavlovian hell to keep YOU productive.

Humanism Equated with Transhumanism

Lie of Transhumanism Gnosticism
All Are Gods; Some Will be More Gods

Everyone will be transhuman for to be not transhuman is to reject control and thus hate the brave new world free of pain, suffering and death. These people will be deemed not worthy of life. Those who reject transhumanism because of the Bible will be especially hated, and tortured, as examples of true hatred. God created man in the flesh and the flesh is weak, limited and dies; ergo, God hates people. Transhumanism holds out the promise of overriding the flesh and rewarding those who accept the implants with pleasure {love}, peace {acceptance} and knowledge {instant learning} according to their station in life. If they show promise, they can upgrade; however, they can never become one of the elites who have their own layers of inner circles.

Goal to Avoid Sin's Punishment

The Lie: Transhumanism Defeats God
Truth: Transhumanism Magnifies Sin

The Lie of Satan is that sin does not exist; it is a lie of God to keep you from pleasure and eternal life (2Th 2:3-12). Bible clearly shows that sin does exist and it exists in the flesh (Ro 3:23; 8:3-5). The old man or sin nature is replaced at salvation with a new man or new nature; it cannot continue to exist as it hates God (Ro 6:5-6; 2Co 5:17; Ep 4:22-24). Transhumanism strengthens the flesh, and the sin nature, intensifying its rebellion and its subsequent violence. Sin expresses itself via degradation and violence (Jn 8:44; Ro 1:18-32). If the implants of pleasure do not offer true control, what is their value? The goal of eugenics or reproductive control: control of lesser peoples by better people to create their brave new world.

Bill Gates, Elon Musk and others are developing competing technologies to achieve their new world. Elon Musk will be giving a live tech demonstration, 28 Aug 2020. This is the first step. And as Aldous Huxley concluded in his speech, “…to use our imagination to see what might happen, how this might be abused, and then if possible to see that the enormous powers which we now possess thanks to these scientific and technological advances to be used for the benefit of human beings and not for their degradation.” Interesting that benefit and degradation were not defined as Mr. Huxley was an avowed socialist. The lost’s definitions will be vastly different than the Bible’s, and I hope, the Christians’.

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